Monday, November 4, 2013


Rigging the Vote

Much furore in the press and Media recently all accusing the UNITE UNION of ‘rigging the vote’ in the Falkirk by-election. Members of Parliament and the leaders of the political parties scream the loudest complaining of the abuse.

Yet, they are more guilty of ‘rigging the vote’ than anyone else. They, ‘rig the vote’ in Parliament, all of the time. Every week of the year, when Parliament is sitting, the political party WHIPS, issue political party ‘diktat’ and instructions to Members of Parliament instructing them on how they must behave in Parliament and on how they must vote.

This political party activity, ‘prejudice the people’; and, this flouts and breaches the ‘precedent of law’ set out in the “Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed”.

The WHIPS ‘prejudice the people’ because this political party activity overrules and supplants all ‘rightful influence’ placed upon ‘elected’ Members of Parliament, by the Constituent. Constituents can influence their Member of Parliament upon any issue they like until they are ‘blue in the face’; but, their rightful influence is overruled by the instructions issued to Members of Parliament, by the WHIPS. This, ‘rigging of the vote’, in parliament’ is both unlawful and corrupt.

Parliament claims its legal right to its “Supremacy” by relying upon “Article 9” of the “Bill of Rights 1689”. This reads as follows:

That the Freedome of Speech Debates and Proceedings of Parlyament ought not to be Impeached or Questioned in any Court or Place out of Parlyament”.

But, for Parliament to ‘enact’ or apply “Article 9” or. any of the other “Premises”, of the entire, “Bill of Rights 1689”; Parliament must comply with the ‘conditions’ that are set out in the paragraph of the Bill, known as, “The Said Rights Claimed”.

This paragraph within the Bill; set out directly below the thirteen “Articles”, that parliament claimed as its ‘protection’ from the King; specifically instructs parliament that in the ‘enactment’ or application of any of the ‘Premises’ of the Bill; that nothing should prejudice the people. Here is the actual wording of that paragraph:

The, “Said Rights Claimed”:
“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”

Now, whereas, the ‘rigging of the vote’ in parliament, is both unlawful and corrupt; that very same activity is ‘lawful’ in any political election, in respect to the UNITE UNION. Because, the union has every legal right to try and influence any election, in order to get their own Members, or supporters elected; in order to promote the Union’s policies, in parliament.

The UNITE UNION had every right to try and get their own people elected to parliament, by using and utilizing every resource and tactic that they may care to use.

Ed Milliband may court TORY and Media favour, by condemning such tactics; but, he should be reminded that it was the UNIONS that created the Labour Party in the first place. UNITE wanted to protect its, ‘socialist’ principles. The Labour Party betrayed SOCIALISM, and, those principles years ago; the very day it abandoned, “Clause Four”.

Before any Member of Parliament condemns or criticizes the UNITE UNION and accuses it of rigging the vote; they should be fully aware, that every time they comply with the ‘diktat’ of the WHIPS; they, actually, break the LAW. Because, the political party WHIPS in Parliament, has no ‘legality’ at all.

The interesting thing is this: that every time ELIZABETH THE SECOND grants the “Royal Assent” to any ‘Act’ or ‘Bill’ passed by parliament, yet was created, under the influence of the WHIPS; she actually gives her consent to, illegal and unlawful, legislation.

The very last time a ‘Reigning Monarch’ of England actually refused the “Royal Assent” was 11th March in 1784, when Queen Anne refused to grant the “Settlement of the Militia in Scotland” Bill.

Ever since then, the British Monarchy has abandoned its proper role of ‘Absolute Monarchy”, protecting its Subjects; and, it has settled for the far lesser role of, CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY; abandoning the honouring of the “Original Contract”; and, it has given up, the protection of the people. Today, the “Reigning Monarch” of England, merely acts like a village sub-postmistress, franking and stamping, every piece of legislation placed before her, as created by the WHIPS. Whereby, today, the British People have no protection of law at all.

Sign this petition to end this travesty:
