Monday, September 6, 2010

Parliament Whips, Infringements of Human Rights Act.

Article 2

“Everyone’s right to life shall be protected in law”.
The Offices, procedures and practises of the Whips in parliament infringes Article 2 by denying and overruling the constituent’s right to life and living, and supplants that rightful freedom of action, to influence a Member of Parliament; by supplanting that right, with the dictat of the political parties.

Article 3

“No one shall be subjected to inhuman treatment.”
What could be more inhuman than denying the right of ‘freedom of action’ to participate unhindered in the democratic processes of elected government.
The Offices, procedures and Practises of the Whips in parliament infringes Article 3 by supplanting and over-ruling ‘the constituents rightful influence’ upon their Member of Parliament’, countermanding that influence, and instructing the Member of Parliament upon how they should vote; thus introducing the intervention of the dictat of the political parties; is inhuman treatment indeed.

Article 5

“Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person”
The Offices, procedures and Practises of the Whips in parliament infringes Article 8 by demolishing the security of person and right to self determination in the manner in which the constituent rightfully influences his or her Member of Parliament; and, supplants all of that right; with the dictat of a political party. Under such an arrangement constituents have no security of person at all.

Article 8

“Everyone has the right for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence”
The Offices of the Whips in parliament and their procedures and practises involved in the democratic processes of parliament, infringes Article 8, because it interferes in the constituents right of correspondence. The right to influence a Member of Parliament, and the manner in which the constituent applies that influence, which can rightfully be determined as ‘correspondence’; within the meaning and intent of Article 8.

Article 9

“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion”
The Offices of the Whips in parliament and their procedures and practices involved in the democratic processes of parliament, infringes Article 9, because it intervenes and over-rules the constituents right to influence their Member of Parliament unhindered; and supplants that right of influence, with the dictat of a political party.
It infringes the right to impart to a Member of Parliament ‘freedom of thought’ and ‘conscience’ in respect to political matters, and law making.

Article 10

“Everyone has the right of freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without inference by public authority “
The Offices of the Whips in parliament and their procedures and practices involved in the democratic processes of parliament, infringes Article 10, because it interferes with the constituents right of ‘freedom of expression’, and their ‘right to receive and impart information and ideas’ to a Member of Parliament in order to influence, without interference from any source. The Whips do interfere in that process. The Whips supplant all the constituents’ right of influence, with the dictat of a political party.

Article 14

“The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.
The key criterion here in understanding how the Offices of the Whips in parliament and their procedures and practices involved in the democratic processes of parliament infringes Article 14; is in the true examination, of the influence of the political parties in respect of the manner in which the British People are governed and the political process. And, the ‘discrimination’ involved.

There are 61.2 Million People in the United Kingdom today.
There are 40.88 Million People who are classified as adult.

As of 15 March 2010 the Electoral Commission's Register of Political Parties shows the number of registered political parties as 367 in Great Britain, and 46 in Northern Ireland; they are listed as follows,
174 parties have their name registered for use only in England
1 party has its name registered for use in England and Scotland.
9 parties have their name registered for use in England and Wales.
156 parties have their name registered for use in England, Scotland and Wales.
17 parties have their name registered for use only in Scotland.
10 parties have their name registered for use only in Wales.
46 parties are on the register in Northern Ireland, including the Conservative Party who will fight elections in the province under a new joint-ticket agreement with the Ulster Unionist party.
6 parties are registered as "Minor Parties", who stand for elections to community councils (in Wales) or parish councils (in England) under slightly modified electoral legislation.


Conservatives retained the largest individual membership of any British political party until the 1990s, with membership peaking at nearly 3 million in the early 1950s. By the mid-1990s, membership had substantially declined and stabilised at around 400,000. The Daily Telegraph report in July 2008 that the last official party estimate registered 290,000 members in 2006.13 A subsequent News Of The World report in December 2008 claimed to have uncovered Conservative Party documents showing that membership had fallen to 250,000 – if correct, this would imply a 40,000 drop over the duration of David Cameron’s leadership.

Labour Party membership remained relatively constant through the 1980s and early 1990s, before experiencing a rise as Tony Blair led a major membership drive in the mid-1990s. Having reached 405,000 in 1997, membership has since steadily declined every year to reach 166,000 in 2008.

Liberal Party membership peaked in the 1980s – reaching approximately 183,000 in 1983 and 138,000 in 1987.17 However, doubt over the accuracy over their figures arises from the sudden reduction that appears to occur once membership figures provided by the party became available in 1988. Alternatively, this departure in the series could be explained by a reduction in membership resulting from the merging of the two parties to form the Liberal Democrat Party in 1988. Shortly following the inception of the Liberal Democrat Party, membership increased from around 80,000 to 100,000 – where it remained until 1996. However, between 1997 and 2001 membership fell steadily to reach approximately 70,000. Individual membership then remained fairly constant until 2006, where after it fell away to 60,000 in 2008.

Individual party membership for the year 2008: Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat /000s

Conservative Labour Liberal
250,000 ? 166,000 60,000

Therefore; of the approximate total of the three most prominent political parties in the country and parliament, political party members only number, 476,000. Yet, the total adults in the country number 40.88 Million.
Yet, this total of only 476,000 Members of the three most prominent political parties involved in parliament and our legislation and law making; are provided by parliament with an unfair advantage; they are allowed to discriminate against, and, to the disadvantage of, a total of 40,404,000 adults in the country, who are not members of political parties at all. That ‘unlawful’ advantageous obscenity in favour of the political party members in parliament is ‘discrimination’ in parliament, on the widest possible scale.

The mere fact that the WHIPS in parliament can over-ride, over-rule, and supplant any right of the constituent influencing a Member of Parliament, with the instruction and the dictat of a political party, that has such little Membership representation in parliament and the country; is wholly obscene.
The ‘discrimination’, as illustrated, in all vivid clarity here, infringes Article 14; and it is proven here without a shadow of doubt.

The illegality of the WHIPS;
The ‘Offices’ procedures and practises of the WHIPS in Parliament profoundly 'prejudices' The People. The WHIPS were created and brought about by Parliament, and, by the leaders of the political parties in Parliament, on their assumption, that Parliament, may do anything it pleases in everything, without any challenge in law. For, this 'assumption', held by Parliament for the last 322 years, Parliament has always relied upon the "Supremacy of Parliament"; which Parliament has always believed, is afforded to Parliament, by "Article 9" of the "Bill of Rights 1689".

Article 9
“That the Freedome of Speech Debates and Proceedings of Parlyament ought not to be Impeached or Questioned in any Court or Place out of Parlyament.”
Yet, for 322 years both Parliament and the Courts have 'interpreted' Article 9 and, the 'Bill of Rights', incorrectly.

Parliament has always acted upon, and, has always believed that, "Article 9" permits Parliament to do as it pleases in everything, with The People having no right of challenge from within law.
The British Judiciary, in all of this time, has prevented The Peoples examination, questioning, and challenging of Parliament in the Courts, always relying on the wording of "Article 9" to deny that challenge.

Both, Parliament and the Courts, have always 'interpreted' "Article 9" as though it is a 'stand alone' piece of legislation, requiring no other 'considerations' at all.
But, "Article 9" does not stand on its own. It is not, and, it never has been, a 'stand alone' piece of legislation at all. "Article 9" of the "Bill of Rights 1689" (as all the other 'Premises' of that Bill) is entirely ‘conditional’ upon the requirements of another paragraph in the same Bill: The Said Rights Claimed.

“The Said Rights Claimed”:

“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”

Thus: Everyone has the right to challenge or question Parliament, from within law, whenever any action of Parliament, 'prejudices' the People.

Note: The very learned Gentlemen of the "Rights Committee" of the "Convention" (Parliament) of 1688, many of them lawyers, who created the "Bill of Rights"; were fearful that there could be 'misinterpretation' of their true intent in the Bill, so they made provision, within the Bill, making it absolutely clear, of their true intent. After listing all the "Articles" (Premises) of the Bill that sets out the 'Rights' that Parliament claimed from the King; they inserted the paragraph, "The Said Rights Claimed". In order, that there could be no 'misinterpretation' at all. By, ensuring, that in applying all the 'Premises' of the Bill; nothing should 'prejudice' "The People".

The Offices Procedures and Practises of the WHIPS in Parliament does ‘prejudice’ the People. And, thereby, those ‘offices’ and, those ‘procedures’; has no legality at all.