Stopping Radicalization at British Universities
An Islamic
Fundamentalist freak by the name of 'Emwazi' who once lived in Great Britain,
chops off the heads of some his victims, and immediately, there has to be a
'scapegoat' to blame.
British Media immediately launches a campaign of vilification distortion and
deceit blaming the 'Security Services' for letting him leave the UK; and, then,
both, Press and Media, promotes the ludicrous idea, that he was actually
radicalised and recruited as a terrorist, whilst he was studying at University.
Thereby, blaming the University. Then, to compound lunacy upon lunacy virtually
every newspaper and every TV News program, declares, "We must stop
radicalisation at Universities."
This is as ludicrous and futile as 'King Canute' trying to turn back the waves
of the sea. Universities are the hotbed of the creation and the free
dissemination of ideas. And, In the, "Realm of Ideas", all ideas are
Peace is as valid as War,
Communism is as valid as Capitalism,
Co-operation is as valid as competition,
State control is as valid as privatisation,
Atheism and, the, 'non believer', is as valid as Christianity, or any other
Pornography and Eroticism, is as valid as the Bible,
Black is as valid as White, and,
Anti is as valid as Pro.
Totalitarian States and the 'Church' will always attempt to censor or destroy
the creation and free dissemination of 'IDEAS'; in order to ensure and secure
that they have maximum domination and control.
The very first tool of the 'totalitarian regime' is to censor, SEX.
Controlling, the sexual activities of the masses, dominates all.
A, sexually 'free' population, will not tolerate the 'subjugation of the self'.
So, the censorship of Sex, and, 'sexual freedom', becomes the absolute necessity
of the totalitarian state; in order to exercise that control.
Both Church and State, and, compliant, Media, (for its own vested interests),
indoctrinates, that, 'sex is dirty', and, that, copulation between man and
woman, is only to be within marriage, and, for procreation. THE LIE AND,
If, both Church and State insist that 'sex' is only intended to be for a man
and a woman within marriage and, to be only for 'procreation'; then ask both
Church and State to give their, explanation, of the function of the 'female
clitoris'. Because, this, wonderful provision, within the anatomy of every
female, has nothing to do with, 'procreation', at all. Whoever or whatever
created Humankind; equipped every female with the 'clitoris', and, it is
designed for one purpose alone: the provision, when stimulated, of sheer,
SEXUAL PLEASURE. Proving beyond any doubt that the 'clitoris’ is solely for
pleasure; and, not for procreation at all. Thereby proving that both Church and
the State, lie.
Totalitarian Regimes, in order to secure draconian control of the masses,
always has to destroy or censor the creation and 'free' dissemination of IDEAS.
Just look at history,
The Nazi Totalitarian Regime in Germany did its utmost to destroy Jewish ideas.
In, Nuremberg, in the 1930's, they built a huge bonfire and they burnt hundreds
of books featuring Jewish authors and Jewish ideas. But, as you can never
destroy an, 'IDEA'', they miserably failed. Those Jewish authors ‘ideas ‘survived;
and, Jewish 'ideas' are just as prolific in the World, today.
So, obsessed, with this destruction of the Jew; the Nazis ended up having to
burn the Jew. They slaughtered millions of Jews gassing and burning them during
the, "Holocaust".
In any country claiming to be a "DEMOCRACY", Government, Parliament,
the, Judiciary, and, all of the People, must recognise,
TO OVERTHROW IT." (President Abraham Lincoln, 1st Inaugural Address.)
Totalitarian Regimes treat 'LAW' as being something that only the common people
must obey. Whereas, dissidence and revolution; is the sacred right in any,