response to the vicious attack upon Tony Blair by STEPHEN GLOVER of the ‘Daily
Mail’ in respect to the ‘Iraq’ affair; I wrote to him as shown below. All,
that repeatedly condemn TONY BLAIR in respect to the invasion of Iraq, ought to
read this:
January, 2011
Derry Street
W8 5TT
Re. Your feature: “At last, the damning evidence
that should bury Blair for his lies over Iraq.”
Sir, with respect,
Read the Attorney General’s advice.
Lawyers never instruct their clients on how they should act. They merely
provide for their clients the contingencies that may arise and suggest ways of
dealing with them. The Attorney General’s advice given to Government; is
exactly the same.
Read it carefully, Sir; Attorney General Lord Goldsmith merely sets
out the contingencies that may arise:
In (A) circumstance; (B) might be the
circumstance that might follow. But if you do (C) that circumstance might not
arise. And, so on throughout the entire advice given. At no stage does he
commit himself to determine whether war against Iraq is illegal. Furthermore,
Lord Goldsmith does not provide all his advice in one session. There is a break
between. In the second session Lord Goldsmith clearly indicates a change of mind.
What actually influenced him to change his mind hasn’t actually been made
clear; but one of things, that I believe might have done, was the report of UNMOVIC
(Hans Blix) to the UN. Precisely at that time. Hans Blix in a worldwide televised report to the UN said
“The Iraqi has given some
compliance with Resolution 1441 but they have still not provided any material
or information in respect to the weapons of mass destruction that we know that
they have.”
This was the clear breach of
Resolution 1441. I believe that statement by Hans Blix might well have
influenced the Attorney General. This statement is actually very interesting
indeed: pay particular attention to the words: “that we know that they have.”.
Here is the clear emphatic indication that, at that time, prior to the invasion
of Iraq “WE” indicates not only
UNMOVIC, but all Western Intelligence, at that time, fully believed Iraq did
possess ‘weapons of mass destruction’:
have still not provided any material or information in respect of the weapons
of mass destruction that we know that
they have. “
From the
intelligence available at that time both Bush and Blair had every right to
believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Sadaam Hussein, though
provided with every opportunity by the UN, failed to take that opportunity to
properly prove to the UN; that he did not have them. Sadaam Hussein was one of
the world’s greatest propagandists; he beat the Nazi Joseph Goebels, in spades.
Strategically and militarily it was in Sadaam’s interests to have the nations
in the region of Iraq, and the rest of the World, to believe that he did have
weapons of mass destruction. And, in that deceit he fooled everybody.
is one other thing that also ought to be made clear about the “45 minute” claim.
Tony Blair in his speech given to
parliament mentioned that Iraq could launch a weapon of mass destruction in 45
minutes. The words, “45 minutes” being mentioned only once by Tony Blair
throughout his long speech. Furthermore, throughout the rest of the debate in
parliament, that night, not one other Member of Parliament referred to those
words; nor was it mentioned in any other speech. Parliament barely paid heed to
it at all. Yet the very next day the filthy right wing press made a song and
dance about it asserting that Tony Blair had informed Parliament that Iraq
could attack Britain with weapons of mass destruction and those weapons could
be launched against us in 45 minutes. The entire “45 minute claim” is the
fiction and manipulation of Media. Tony Blair made no such claim.
Interestingly, at that time, DR. David Kelly, also supported
that claim. That, Iraq could launch such a weapon in 45 minutes. Interviewed by
a BBC lady reporter, she specifically asked him about this. She asserts that
Dr. Kelly replied:
“Of course Iraq could
launch within 45 minutes. If the weapons had been pre-armed and if the
trajectories had been pre-programed”
Mr. Glover, your hatred for Tony Blair; and the right wing’s
hatred of Tony Blair; can be seen for what it is.
You, Sir; aspire to and represent
TORY rotten concepts and ideas, unbridled Capitalism, the pursuit of individual self aspiration
and greed. Whereas, Blair, represents myself and all socialists; believing in
the subjugation of the selfish self for the common good. You and your kind are
rabidly anti-State. Whereas, we, believe in the “State”; where “The State”, is
all of “The People”. You hate me and my political aspirations; and I, forever,
hate and detest yours.
It is that ‘hatred’ between us that
motivates your writing every day.
I buy the ‘Mail’ every day in order to get my daily dose of
It’s wholly biased contributors, never ever let me down
Gordon J Sheppard