Contempt and arrogance of Parliament
This is the email message sent to my MP.
Helen Hayes MP
MP's CODE OF BEHAVIOUR (You can see it in full here),
MP's CODE OF BEHAVIOUR (You can see it in full here),
Holders of public office
should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they
take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information
only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
Then why has it taken me having to seek
the info I require well over a full week making phone calls repeatedly yet
getting no information at all.
House of Commons INFO. could not tell me. They said they did not know. Did not offer any advice.
House of Commons INFO. could not tell me. They said they did not know. Did not offer any advice.
Conservative WHIPS office, on being told what info I wanted, rudely
terminated the call.
Labour WHIPS office, likewise wholly useless.
The Speakers office, arrogant, and offering no advice at all. Insisting, that only
my own MP can provide info required.
The Attorney General's office: Insisted I send full details to and,
as yet, no acknowledgment or reply. Phoning that office again today, (26.7.2016), I am
informed that they did receive my email; but, in sheer arrogance I am advised,
they never acknowledge receipt.
I sent an email including full details to YOU; Helen Hayes; But, so far, have not received the reply.
I want to know how and why the "Bill" and "Motion" procedures, differ in Parliament?
A, 'BILL', before parliament, is subject to the full 'scrutiny' of parliament and, the 'Royal Assent', before it can become LAW.
But, a "MOTION" passed by parliament, is not protected by the 'scrutiny' of parliament; and, it does not require the "Royal Assent" before Government may act upon it.
I want to know precisely the differences of the two 'parliamentary procedures; and, I want to know, the true 'legality' thereof?
I want to know precisely where that 'legality' for that 'travesty' lies?
The TRIDENT 'Motion' passed by parliament 472 votes for Yes, and only 117 votes for No, was a "WHIPPED" vote; the Labour Members were provided with a FREE VOTE; but, the Conservative Members were 'Whipped'. And, therefore, in truth, reality, and, by 'precedent of law'; this, 'Motion', has no true legality at all.
The Government is now wholly FREE to spend "30 Billion Pounds" plus; in order to build four new nuclear submarines. And, in all of this, WE, THE COMMON PEOPLE, will have had no say in the matter at all.
Gordon J Sheppard
Note: Do you know how and why
parliament can treat us like this?
Although, in truth and in reality, we
LAW, in Great Britain, merely classifies
Where we have no ‘protection of law’ at
REVOLUTION, (By, ‘Precedent of Law’),
is the only REMEDY.