Monday, September 19, 2016


It should be borne in mind that this Bill has not even become legitimate 'LAW' as yet; the House of Lords has not yet approved it; the Queen has not yet granted it the "Royal Assent"; and, the 'second reading' in the House of Commons was voted on under the unlawful influence of the political party WHIPS; which has no true legality at all. So where does the government get the true legality for spending and wasting all this money?

Especially when considering that, the Dept of Health organisation, 'NICE' the "National Institute for Health and Care Excellence" spends virtually every hour of each day determining 'who shall live' and 'who must die' ? Entirely due to lack of NHS funding. Read this report by, ANDREW GILLIGAN, most carefully; and, your 'blood' should boil,

£2bn spent and not an inch of HS2 track

The high-speed railway known as HS2 has cost more than £2bn of public money even before the legislation to build it has been passed by parliament.
New figures obtained by The Sunday Times show that spending on the troubled project is approaching the cost of building the M25 — without an inch of track being laid.
The London orbital motorway, which opened in 1986, cost £1bn to build, equivalent to £2.7bn at 2016 prices.
Opponents of HS2 said the project — which lost its chief executive, Simon Kirby, last week — was “out of control” and accused the government of “deliberately wasting money” to make it harder to cancel.
“The view seems to be that the more they spend now, the more difficult it is to stop,” said Hilary Wharf, director of the HS2 Action Alliance.
HS2 is spending as much as £35m a month on buying properties, many of them in Yorkshire and the East Midlands, where the line is not due to open for at least 17 years. Many homes, some worth up to £3m, have been left empty and boarded up, with no effort made to let them, and thousands of pounds more have been spent on security.
The company is also conducting “ridiculous” numbers of ecology and wildlife surveys, according to landowners and residents along the proposed route.
The view seems to be that the more that HS2 spends now, the more difficult it is to stop
One farmer, Robert Brown, of Hunts Green Farm, near Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, said he had had 46 visits from HS2 since January to survey bats, owls, reptiles and trees. For each visit, the company pays a “facility fee” of between £200 and £300, shared by him, his landlords and his agents, he said.
“Before, they were just coming now and again, but this year it’s got ridiculous. I just can’t believe they come back week after week doing the same things,” Brown said. “The bat survey people, there’s eight of them sit in a circle round the farm buildings like little gnomes, and two more sitting in a car. They come between 8pm and 10pm, then they come back at 3am and sit around until 5.30 . . . And I’m just one farm — God knows how many others they’re paying.”
The view seems to be that the more that HS2 speends now, the more difficult it is to stop Brown and other landowners are also paid for allowing ground surveys on their land. Offered £1,000 for allowing one survey, one farmer near Wendover asked HS2 to “add a nought” and was given it, Wharf said.
Even householders with little or no land have had up to 17 visits at up to £1,000 a time, she said. Payments are sometimes made even when land is not used. Twenty householders in the villages of Upper and Lower Boddington were paid by HS2 to place listening devices on their land, but only four devices were placed.
HS2 Ltd, the holding company for the project, had spent a total of £1.4bn by the end of March 2016, according to its most recent annual report. However, a further £442m was spent “off the books” on property, which was paid for by the Department for Transport.
This spending has accelerated since March, with property purchases of almost £18m in April alone, according to freedom of information requests.
The most expensive property purchased was the former National
Temperance Hospital, near Euston, north London, bought for £28.5m. The most expensive residential property was Springfield Farm, near Great Missenden, which cost taxpayers £5.5m.
HS2 also faces a huge bill for buying property at Granby Terrace, also near Euston. The company ignored an offer from the owners to sell them the site before it was developed. A new block of flats and offices has now been built there. Buying it, demolishing it and evicting the tenants is expected to cost £4.4m more than if it had been bought as a vacant lot.
Since March, HS2 has also spent millions of pounds on moving its headquarters from London to showpiece offices in Birmingham, at a rent of at least £2.8m a year. Between 200 and 300 staff will qualify for relocation allowances of up to £12,000 each. Many who move house will also have their stamp duty, conveyancing charges and estate agents’ fees paid.
Including spending since March, and the costs of HS2-related work by other public bodies, such as councils, the total amount spent on HS2 is conservatively estimated at £2.1bn.
HS2 says the total project, from London to Birmingham,
Manchester and Leeds, will cost £55.7bn; that makes it about nine times per mile more expensive than the French TGV network.
MPs on the public accounts committee warned last week that urgent clarity was needed on the budget and timetable. They said the timetable for opening phase one, to Birmingham, by 2026 was overambitious and cost estimates for phase two, to Manchester and Leeds, exceeded available funding by £7bn.
A spokesman for HS2 said: “Parliament recognises the value of advance planning for the long-term success of major infrastructure projects, which is why it voted to allow HS2 to begin detailed planning and industry engagement prior to royal assent.
“We take our responsibility to the taxpayer extremely seriously and ensure value for money as we prepare to deliver Britain’s new high-speed rail network.”

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Provoking and Promoting, WAR…

The corrupt and rotten bastard, GENERAL SIR RICHARD BARRONS, declares on SKY NEWS this morning that,

"The UK would not be able to protect against a full scale attack by Russia"

Bastards like this continually provoke and promote "WAR". Essentially, for their own vested interests. Here, he specifically ‘names’ RUSSIA as the enemy of the UK.

In the whole of my lifetime RUSSIA has never threatened to wage WAR against the UK. Nor, has RUSSIA ever attacked the UK.

RUSSIA, throughout all the years, of this ‘Anti-Russian’ conflict, has merely been forced to take every precaution to, ‘DEFEND RUSSIA’. Defend, itself, from the threatened attacks of the West. NATO, the, United States of America, and. the British, have constantly been planning and threatening a 'WAR' against RUSSIA, all of the time.

America and NATO, has completely 'surrounded' RUSSIA with nuclear missile delivery systems installed throughout selected European countries; with, those nuclear missiles being already pre-programmed, so when fired,
they hit, various cities within RUSSIA.

Evidence is available of this clear, 'INTENT'. Evidence showing where AMERICAN STRATEGIC AIR FORCE pilots were being trained almost daily, on how they should drop nuclear bombs on RUSSIA. Daily, the 'Flying Fortress' bombers would depart from airfields in the UK, on training 'bombing missions' against RUSSIA.

Wholly corrupt and insane scientists like, EDWARD TELLER, were not content with just the ATOM BOMB to drop on RUSSIA; he wanted a much 'BIGGER BANG', he wanted the 'HYDROGEN BOMB'; he wanted, and, specifically calculated, to kill many more RUSSIANS, and, destroy much more territory, than the ATOM BOMB ever could.

AMERICA absolutely hates any threat to its long established policy of 'unbridled capitalism' and 'greed', likely to be threatened, by, SOCIALISM or COMMUNISM. That's why AMERICA hates RUSSIA. Just look at the evidence: America virtually tore itself apart in the "Communist Witch-Hunts" of Senator McCarthy. And, the actual, 'President of the United States', actually participated in the murder, of two wholly innocent people, putting them to death in the electric chair; as part of that, FEAR; and, that, HATE.

What was it that, 'Secretary of State, HENRY KISSINGER, repeatedly proclaimed:

"We will not tolerate Communism in our Hemisphere"

 The sheer arrogance of this; America determining that, it exclusively owns, 'Half of Planet Earth.'  Where, all 'The People' living in that, 'Hemisphere', have no right, to elect or choose, a Government of their own.

And, now, even the British Government in sheer ‘ANTI-RUSSIAN’ corruption; proposes to spend the outrageous massive expenditure of 167 BILLION POUNDS in order to build four new nuclear submarines and the complete renewal of the 'Trident Nuclear Missile System'. Where, 'The People', will have had no 'participation' or any 'input' at all. Based wholly on the sheer invented notion; that, RUSSIA and the RUSSIAN PEOPLE, are the enemy of the UK.

The rotten corrupt Military; and, the rotten and corrupt 'Anti-Russian' Government and politicians; PROVOKING and PROMOTING, more, WAR all the time.

 Great Britain, my country, has now become a wholly 'TOTALITARIAN REGIME' - See the evidence here:

 Read my book "DEMOCRACY" - Get it here:



Friday, September 16, 2016


How times have changed…..

The computer activist Lauri Love has now been told that he is to be sent to the United States to face charges of hacking into the US military agencies, in the first test case since the extradition law was tightened by Theresa May.

The 31-year-old, who has Asperger’s syndrome, told Westminster magistrates court this summer that he may take his own life if he is forcibly removed to an American prison for trial.

The decision will be the first substantive test of the “forum bar”, introduced by May when she was home secretary. This allows courts to block extradition if it is in the interests of justice to have a person tried in Britain instead.

May’s reforms also narrowed the home secretary’s discretion to intervene in such highly charged cases. Introduced after a protracted political row over the case of the British hacker Gary McKinnon, the measures leave it up to the courts to decide whether risks to a suspect’s health should prevent extradition.



THERESA MAY (As the 'Minister of the Home Office' responsible for law and order; corruptly refused the extradition of GARY McKINNON; and, she refused to punish him in any way; even though he too hacked into the American "National Defence Computers" at the Pentagon in Washington and during that hacking caused great harm. She, let McKINNON go free; in order to enhance her own political career. The 'Daily Mail' newspaper at the time together with corrupt, Anti-American politicians and corrupt lawyers, mounted a highly successful "FREE McKINNON" campaign. THERESA MAY witnessing the massive appeal generated in this campaign, she instantly saw and recognized, her own opportunity, to greatly improve her own political career. So, she just 'cashed in' and let McKINNON go free.


How times have changed; the wholly corrupt woman is now the nations PRIME MINISTER; so she now must absolutely demonstrate that she, UPHOLDS THE LAW; and this time, courting the American's who she so desperately needs now for 'TRADE'; with her eye on her own 'popularity'; she makes sure LAURI LOVE will be extradited to America for trial.


This raises two important questions:


Fact: Both McKinnon and Lauri Love committed the very same crime. There was no difference between the 'hacking' that Lauri Love carried out, to that carried out by McKinnon;

1.     So why has Lauri Loves extradition, been determined by a court?

2.     Why has he been treated differently to the way McKinnon was treated,   by THERESA MAY?
3.     The courts never even had the opportunity to judge or determine whether McKinnon should be extradited.
4.     THERESA MAY let him go free, without even putting the case to a court.


LAURI LOVE should be freed at once. The American's must be told that the reason for this is, that our PRIME MINISTER, THERESA MAY, is wholly corrupt.

What is also so very interesting in this whole stinking affair is the corruption of the 'Daily Mail'. This, newspaper, which mounted a massive "SAVE McKINNON" campaign; to prevent him from being extradited to the United States; because, they alleged, that he suffered from Asperger's disease and that the American extradition law was corrupt;  Yet, in respect to, LAURI LOVE, who committed precisely the same crime, suffers also from Aspergers disease, but now has actually been ordered to be extradited to America; the rotten and corrupt Daily Mail, HAS NOT SAID OR PUBLISHED ONE WORD.. Why?
Why hasn't the 'Mail' mounted a campaign for him? Because, "Times have Changed" - the Daily Mail supports THERESA MAY; and, she is now the Prime Minister.