years research into the period of the “Glorious Revolution” researching, both history and past and present, LAW;
verifies that the mere presence of the Political Party Whips, (and, their political activities), In Parliament; has no
legality whatsoever.
The 'WHIPS' both flout and breach the ‘precedent of law’
provided by the ‘protection of the people’ as determined by the, “BILL
OF RIGHTS 1689”.
all legislation passed in parliament under the ‘diktat’ domination and
control of the Whips, has no legality at all.
the present, BREXIT; the, “Triggering of Article 50 EU (Withdrawal) Bill”, is wholly,
UNLAWFUL. It was passed in parliament under the influence and the ‘diktat’ of the Whips. Therefore, if the 'Whips' are unlawful; and, they are; then all or any 'legislation' passed in parliament 'under the influence and diktat' of the 'Whips'; must be UNLAWFUL as well.
“Article 50” to be lawful; would have to be presented to parliament
again; but, then, this time; unlike last time; only by the FREE VOTE of every Member of
the legality of the present, “Triggering
of Article 50 (Withdrawal) Bill”, in the “Supreme Court”, irrefutably, stops
BREXIT at once. The JUDICIARY would be powerless to even try to refute the 'precedent of law' providing the, “protection of the people”, provided by
the, “BILL OF RIGHTS 1689”.
Members of Parliament, therefore, have no need to extend “Article 50” - It is already wholly unlawful
and has no LEGALITY at all.
Parliament has never, and, cannot ever approve, the presence and political activities of the Political Party Whips in Parliament. Because, ever since the "BILL OF RIGHTS 1689" was first created and granted the 'Royal Assent' in December 1689; the mere placing of the 'proposition' before parliament for a vote; flouts and breaches the 'protection of the people', provided by that Bill.
Available in two formats, Kindle download £1.19; Paperback £3.50. Purchase it here:
Parliament has never, and, cannot ever approve, the presence and political activities of the Political Party Whips in Parliament. Because, ever since the "BILL OF RIGHTS 1689" was first created and granted the 'Royal Assent' in December 1689; the mere placing of the 'proposition' before parliament for a vote; flouts and breaches the 'protection of the people', provided by that Bill.