Tuesday, February 26, 2008

CENSORSHIP - Whatever your God?

Whatever your God? Or whoever or whatever you believe created humankind; there is one irrefutable fact about our creation that applies to all. Barring the unfortunate handicapped; whatever created humankind, provided for all of humankind extraordinary and wonderful gifts.

The Gifts of the Senses.

All of humankind is equipped with eyes to see, ears to hear, a tongue to speak, and hands to communicate with. And with, a 'brain', for analysis, in order that we may determine what we might do or think.

Thus; It was the intention of the CREATOR that we should be able to receive and transmit, All Ideas.


In the “Realm of Ideas” everything is valid:

Peace is as valid as War.

Pornography is as valid as the Bible.

Communism is as valid as Capitalism.

Black is as valid as White.

Anti is as valid as Pro.

If it was the intention of the CREATOR that all humankind should be free to receive and transmit All Ideas. How dare any of humankind, have the arrogance, to 'attempt to intervene' in the intent of the creator.

Those that are of religion (whatever their religion) should ask themselves:

If, God has so made me so that I am able to receive and transmit All Ideas.

What right do I have to interfere or challenge God’s intent and purpose?

Were humankind not designed to receive and transmit All Ideas, then surely God would not have created humankind, as we are.

If God gave me eyes to see, I should see everything.

If God gave me ears to hear, I should hear everything.

If God gave me a tongue to speak, I should speak anything.

If God gave me hands to write, I should write anything.

If God gave me a brain to use, I should use it.

And, determine every thing for myself.

CENSORSHIP has nothing whatsoever to do with God; Or with, “The Creator”.

CENSORSHIP is solely the obscene and arrogant intervention of MAN. (Humankind as a species)

CENSORSHIP is always activated by those that are intent on CONTROL.

There isn't the slightest justification for it, in the intent of God.

Censorship, and the role of the Censor, is so very futile. Because as soon as any of humankind know that they, or anything, is censored; they will do their utmost to find out what has been denied. And ‘truth’ will always emerge in due course.

Throughout the entire history of humankind this has always been so. These three instances serve as demonstration:

Akhenaten(or rarely: Ikhnaton) meaning Effective spirit of Aten first known as Amenhotep IV (sometimes read as Amenophis IV and meaning Amun is Satisfied), Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, is especially noted for attempting to compel the Egyptian population in the monotheistic worship of Aten. He ordered the defacing of Amun's (the previous rulers) temples throughout Egypt. He sent his army to destroy all trace of the previous religion, and its God. Akhenaten's reign (subject to the debates surrounding Egyptian chronology) are from 1353 BC-1336 BC or 1351 BC–1334 BC.

In Soviet Russia under the savage dictatorship and tyranny of Joseph Stalin Members of the Ruling Council (The Politburo) that fell out of favor with Stalin, were frequently subjected to ‘trumped up’ treason trials and were executed. After execution Stalin ordered the removal of their image from all official photographs. Their names faces and their very lives excised from all view.

In the United Kingdom the British Government censored the book “Spycatcher”.

It banned the distribution and sale of the book throughout the UK despite its open sale overseas. Mr. Peter Wright, the author, wrote Spycatcher upon retiring from MI5 and while residing in Australia; he attempted publication in 1985. The Government also attempted the banning of the book's publication in Australia as well, but lost that action in 1987; it appealed against that decision, but lost again in June 1988

British newspapers attempting proper reportage of Spycatcher's principal allegations were served gag orders; and on persisting, they were tried for contempt of court. The charges later dropped. Throughout all this, quantities of the book were smuggled for secret sale in the U.K. In summer of 1987, a high court judge lifted the ban on newspaper reportage on the book, but, in late July, the Law Lords, again barred reportage of Wright's allegations. Eventually, in 1988, the book was cleared for legitimate sale when the Law Lords acknowledged that the overseas publication meant; it contained no secrets. Additionally, in November 1991, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the British Government had breached the European Convention of Human Rights in gagging its own newspapers. The British Government’s legal cost estimated was £250,000.

Censorship is always Futile: “Truth will out in the End”

Today, more than 4000 plus years later we know exactly what Pharoh Akenaten did. We know of all the ‘insignia’ that he had removed from the temples, we know all about the previous religion and its God, worshipped by Egyptian’s at that time. Everything that Akenaten tried to censor has subsequently been revealed.

Today, also, we know all that Joseph Stalin did. We know the names, and faces, of all that he tried to eradicate from ‘Soviet History’. That history, and all of those events, live on.

We can also see and ‘appreciate’ the utter foolishness of a ‘British Government’ that at exorbitant costs, attempted to censor a book.

Censorship is Futile: because it always fails.

However, there are grave dangers in censorship; and in tolerating censorship as well. As the history of Nazi Germany has shown:

The Nazi concept of a ‘pure German race’ as expounded by Adolf Hitler in his book “Mein Kampf” and, as carried out by his henchman Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Luitpold Himmler; brought about in Nazi Germany hatred of the Jew. Intent on the destruction of everything both Jew and ‘Jewish’, the Nazi’s burnt the books of Jewish writers and authors on huge bonfires throughout Germany. The famed picture of the ‘burning of the books at Nuremberg’, in order to eradicate the Jew, Was the very catalyst of the Holocaust.

Burning books to destroy Ideas, inevitably, ends up, in the burning of Man.

Ideas of humankind can never be destroyed. It is possible to destroy the human being; but never the Idea. Ideas always live on. Transmitted, one to the other, throughout the whole of humankind.

The Nazis tried their best to eradicate the Jew and ‘Jewish’ from Germany. But today both Jew and ‘Jewish’ lives on. And, thrives. We know all that the Nazis did in that terrible time. The censorship of Ideas; failed yet again.

Gordon J

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