Monday, December 3, 2012

LEVESON INQUIRY REPORT, and, "Freedom of the Press"

Let's have a good look at this, "Freedom of the Press"....

Is it 'freedom of the press' and 'free speech' when a female journalist of a national newspaper publishes a photograph of a woman on holiday with her husband and children, wearing a bathing costume; and, where this journalist draws the attention of the reader to the,
'flesh protruding from the top of that bathing costume'; and, then, publishes, a 'CLOSE UP PICTURE', of that condition of skin? Writing, the polemic, that this woman ‘Judy’ needs to watch her weight.

This is not 'Freedom on the Press' this is the sole intent to hurt, wound, demean, vilify, and defame.

Is it 'Freedom of the Press' when the Daily Mail publishes a photograph of a woman's legs, and, in an additional 'CLOSE UP PICTURE,' also published
the author of the feature particularly writes the words drawing the reader’s attention to, the 'skin blemishes' on those legs?

This is not "Freedom of the Press"; this is the sole intent to hurt, would, demean, vilify, and defame.

The Daily Mail female journalists, commentators, and contributors, do this in every issue published.

And, as the excuse, they liken this, to the publication of 'polemic' in the pamphleteering of a bye gone age.

I welcome the LEVESON proposals for some form of 'Statute’ control.

When the 'Press' talk about 'free speech', they, essentially talk only of their own freedom to repeatedly and constantly publish, hurt, wounding, demeaning, vilification, and, defamation.

I want to see an end to all of this.

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