Sunday, February 3, 2013


To all those who oppose Gay Marriage:
With respect, and, with the attitude you take, in respect to redefining marriage; providing, in law, the right of GAY PEOPLE to marry; you fully demonstrate; as, do all others, that support this point of view; that you have no respect for, or, any true comprehension of, LAW.
What is this thing we call, LAW ?
The entire 'establishment' of Monarchy, Judiciary, Parliament, Politician, and, Government; who have now hijacked "LAW" as their own; fully believes that "LAW" is something that must be obeyed. Yet, that is not "LAW" at all.
"LAW" is best described by the words of an ex-Lord Chancellor of England, LORD HAILSHAM, who frequently said this:
"LAW is a Myth without the consent of the People there is no LAW"
I personally heard him say that many times.
Thus, "LAW" is naught but the voluntary consent of the People agreeing to live by "The Rule of Law".
Therefore, all that give that, 'voluntary consent'; are entitled to three things:
1. Firstly, they are entitled to fully 'participate' in the framing of LAW; and, in the creation of all LAWS.
2. Secondly, that, they are entitled to the 'protection' of LAW.
THOUGH THE BRITISH TODAY HAVE NO PROTECTION OF LAW AT ALL: They, have no access to a 'Written Constitution' or, a 'Bill of Rights' or, a 'Supreme Court of Law' where it is possible to test, question, or challenge the 'abuses' and the 'prejudice' of Parliament from within LAW. Furthermore, although there is a 'Reigning Monarch' sitting on the British throne charged with the responsibility of honouring the "ORIGINAL CONTRACT" requiring the protection of Subjects; ELIZABETH THE SECOND, provides no 'protection' at all. She has not honoured the "ORIGINAL CONTRACT", all of the time she has occupied the British throne. In consequence, and, by precedent of "LAW" she abdicates the throne. THE BRITISH THRONE IS AS VACANT TODAY AS IT WAS IN 1688 WHEN KING JAMES THE SECOND WAS REMOVED FROM THE THRONE. He had, "Broken the 'Original Contract' betwixt King and People" and, the CONVENTION (Parliament) determined, that, thereby, he had abdicated the throne. But, the CONVENTION went even further in respect to the "Lineal Descent" by ruling thus;
"The Contract is as binding upon the Successor as well as it was on the Deposed, if the Successor breaks the Contract, he too can be Deposed"
ELIZABETH THE SECOND in, "Breaking this Contract", can also be, Deposed.
3. Thirdly, all that give consent to live by "The Rule of Law", are entitled to EQUALITY in Law,
And, by that criterion, ALL HUMANKIND ARE EQUAL IN LAW; thus proving that GAY MARRIAGE is lawful. All that deny GAY PEOPLE that 'equal right' in LAW; demonstrate in stark vivid clarity that they have no respect for "LAW";  and, that, they, in truth, are merely bigots.

Friday, February 1, 2013


David Cameron in Libya...
He should be comfortably at home there. He’s just, one more 'gangster' with all the other 'gangsters', who now control the Libyan state. These Libyan 'gangsters' murdered PRESIDENT GADDAFI and seized the country by force; and, Cameron, through, sheer illegality, seized the governing of Britain; the present coalition administration not being 'elected' by the people at all.
 The voting results of the General Election of 2010 provided for a "Conservative led 'Minority Government'. But, just like, MAFIA GANGSTERS, Cameron, and, other political party leaders, who had been elected to parliament in that election, did not like that result; so they decided to 'ignore' the people's vote, and conspired with each other to create a coalition administration entirely on their own. In 'ignoring' the people's vote in this way; they brought about the "Prejudice of the People" and, thereby, breached and flouted the 'precedent’ of law set out in the,
"Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed".  
This present coalition administration masquerading as government, was not chosen or elected by the people; and, thereby, it has no true legality at all.
The very interesting thing about all this, is, the role of the 'Reigning Monarch' of England, ELIZABETH THE SECOND; "When the wishes of the people are directly in conflict with the actions of the legislators", the 'Reigning Monarch' of England, has the DUTY to intervene. Under the terms of the "Original Contract" (Providing the 'protection' of her Subjects) she ought to have used the "Royal Prerogative" to order the immediate dissolution of parliament.
Miserably failing to honour the "Original Contract"; she did, NOTHING AT ALL.
In consequence, legally, lawfully, and by 'precedent' of, ENGLISH LAW; she abdicates the throne. In truth and reality and under the 'precedent' of, English History, the British throne is as VACANT today as it was in 1688; when KING JAMES II was kicked off the British throne.
The British today are ruled over and governed by sheer illegality; without, any protection of LAW, at all. There are no provisions of a, ‘Written Constitution’;  ‘Bill of Rights’; or, a ‘Supreme Court of Law’ where it is possible to test, question or challenge, the abuses and the prejudice of parliament; from within law. Furthermore, the “Reigning Monarch” sits on the British throne - charged with the responsibility and duty to provide the protection of the People - yet; she provides no protection at all.
KING JAMES THE SECOND was removed from the throne in 1688 by the CONVENTION (Parliament). He was charged with, "Breaking the "Original Contract" betwixt King and People". And, in respect to the "Lineal Descent", (All other 'Reigning Monarchs' sitting on the British throne), the CONVENTION ruled, that, "The Contract is as binding upon the Successor as well as it was on the Deposed, if the Successor broke the Contract, they too can be Deposed."
ELIZABETH THE SECOND has not honoured the "Original Contract" throughout her entire reign.
"Allegiance is given to the Liege Lord for the protection of the Liege Lord"
Without, that, PROTECTION; the, "Subjugation to the 'Reigning Monarch’ for as long as a Monarch shall reign"; has no value; or, any legality, at all.