The Wicked Myth of British General Elections
The virtual criminal myth, indoctrinated by all British Media and the Political Parties.
At every British General Election all Media and all the Political Parties indoctrinate the myth widely throughout Great Britain that the true intent and purpose of a General Election is in order that the People may,
(A), Elect a Political Party to govern; or,
(B) , Elect a Prime Minister.
Thus, focussing all of the People's attention upon the Political Parties.
This is an outright deceit, wicked manipulation, and a lie.
The true and only intent of General Elections in Great Britain is the provision of the People's right, to have the 'power' in their own hands, in order to elect a new, Parliament.
The people exercising their right to vote choose and select a candidate to represent them, their constituency, and their interests, in Parliament.
Therefore the whole focus of the People's attention during a General Election should be on, PARLIAMENT. Not, the Political Parties.
SKY NEWS, and other television broadcasters mounting their election "Leadership Debates" is the very antithesis of Democracy. These televised debates are a calculated distraction from the true purpose of General Elections. They purposely indoctrinate the television viewer into believing that the purpose of General Elections is to elect a Political Party to govern, and, to elect a Prime Minister. The entire focus of these "Leadership Debates" is all concentrated upon the Political Parties. Whereas, in a General Election, the focus ought to be, all about, PARLIAMENT.
Now the reason why the Political Parties try to hijack General Elections and manipulate the People with this lie; is because, the Political Parties always seek to dominate and control everything, in the country. The Political Parties not only choose and select 'candidates' to stand for election; but, once these chosen candidates are elected to Parliament; they dominate and control Parliament, through the 'unlawful' activities, of the 'Political Party Whips'.
The Political Party 'Whips' in Parliament each week instruct 'elected' Members of Parliament on how they should behave in Parliament and, on how they should, VOTE.
This overrules and supplants all 'rightful influence' placed upon those 'elected' Members of Parliament by the Constituents; and, thereby, this does "Prejudice the People". This, is wholly outlawed and proscribed by the 'precedent of law', set out in the "Bill of Rights 1689". Because, within that Bill, in the paragraph, "The Said Rights Claimed", this makes it abundantly clear that in everything that Parliament does: nothing, "Ought Prejudice the People".
This is that paragraph in the "Bill of Rights 1689"
“The Said Rights Claimed”:
“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular the Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”
Proving beyond any doubt that the 'Whips' offices and political activities in Parliament, has no legality at all.
Therefore, when you vote in General Elections make sure that the 'candidate' you vote for, is going to represent YOU in parliament; and, not his or her Political Party. Get this assurance, (preferably in writing), before you vote. Get the assurance that they will not accept or comply with any instructions issued in Parliament by the, Political Party Whips.
Just where do the Political Parties get all this arrogant political power to dominate and control Parliament in the way that they do? Just look at the little support that they have in the country.
Lumping all of the Political Parties that there are in the country together, the total declared Membership numbers less than, 400,000; yet the total adult population in the country is in the order of 48 Million. How, therefore, can it be right that these "less than 400,000" can wholly dominate and control every aspect of the lives of 48 Million? The proposition is positively absurd. Bear in mind also, it isn't the 400,000 that dominate; it's the 'National Executive' of those Political Parties that wield that power; and, they probably number only a few hundred, in total.
GENERAL ELECTIONS, are about the power of the People to elect their PARLIAMENT. They are not about electing a Political Party or a Prime Minister. They are, all about, PARLIAMENT.
DEMOCRACY is a Government and a Parliament of the People, by the People, and, for the People. It is not, and, it can never be, Government, by the political 'diktat' of a Political Party. That, is not, DEMOCRACY; that is, the, TOTALITARIAN REGIME.
The virtual criminal myth, indoctrinated by all British Media and the Political Parties.
At every British General Election all Media and all the Political Parties indoctrinate the myth widely throughout Great Britain that the true intent and purpose of a General Election is in order that the People may,
(A), Elect a Political Party to govern; or,
(B) , Elect a Prime Minister.
Thus, focussing all of the People's attention upon the Political Parties.
This is an outright deceit, wicked manipulation, and a lie.
The true and only intent of General Elections in Great Britain is the provision of the People's right, to have the 'power' in their own hands, in order to elect a new, Parliament.
The people exercising their right to vote choose and select a candidate to represent them, their constituency, and their interests, in Parliament.
Therefore the whole focus of the People's attention during a General Election should be on, PARLIAMENT. Not, the Political Parties.
SKY NEWS, and other television broadcasters mounting their election "Leadership Debates" is the very antithesis of Democracy. These televised debates are a calculated distraction from the true purpose of General Elections. They purposely indoctrinate the television viewer into believing that the purpose of General Elections is to elect a Political Party to govern, and, to elect a Prime Minister. The entire focus of these "Leadership Debates" is all concentrated upon the Political Parties. Whereas, in a General Election, the focus ought to be, all about, PARLIAMENT.
Now the reason why the Political Parties try to hijack General Elections and manipulate the People with this lie; is because, the Political Parties always seek to dominate and control everything, in the country. The Political Parties not only choose and select 'candidates' to stand for election; but, once these chosen candidates are elected to Parliament; they dominate and control Parliament, through the 'unlawful' activities, of the 'Political Party Whips'.
The Political Party 'Whips' in Parliament each week instruct 'elected' Members of Parliament on how they should behave in Parliament and, on how they should, VOTE.
This overrules and supplants all 'rightful influence' placed upon those 'elected' Members of Parliament by the Constituents; and, thereby, this does "Prejudice the People". This, is wholly outlawed and proscribed by the 'precedent of law', set out in the "Bill of Rights 1689". Because, within that Bill, in the paragraph, "The Said Rights Claimed", this makes it abundantly clear that in everything that Parliament does: nothing, "Ought Prejudice the People".
This is that paragraph in the "Bill of Rights 1689"
“The Said Rights Claimed”:
“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular the Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”
Proving beyond any doubt that the 'Whips' offices and political activities in Parliament, has no legality at all.
Therefore, when you vote in General Elections make sure that the 'candidate' you vote for, is going to represent YOU in parliament; and, not his or her Political Party. Get this assurance, (preferably in writing), before you vote. Get the assurance that they will not accept or comply with any instructions issued in Parliament by the, Political Party Whips.
Just where do the Political Parties get all this arrogant political power to dominate and control Parliament in the way that they do? Just look at the little support that they have in the country.
Lumping all of the Political Parties that there are in the country together, the total declared Membership numbers less than, 400,000; yet the total adult population in the country is in the order of 48 Million. How, therefore, can it be right that these "less than 400,000" can wholly dominate and control every aspect of the lives of 48 Million? The proposition is positively absurd. Bear in mind also, it isn't the 400,000 that dominate; it's the 'National Executive' of those Political Parties that wield that power; and, they probably number only a few hundred, in total.
GENERAL ELECTIONS, are about the power of the People to elect their PARLIAMENT. They are not about electing a Political Party or a Prime Minister. They are, all about, PARLIAMENT.
DEMOCRACY is a Government and a Parliament of the People, by the People, and, for the People. It is not, and, it can never be, Government, by the political 'diktat' of a Political Party. That, is not, DEMOCRACY; that is, the, TOTALITARIAN REGIME.
Great Britain will never be a true DEMOCRACY,
until the present illegal power of the Political Party, is smashed.
Read my book "DEMOCRACY" available here:
Gordon J Sheppard
Read my book "DEMOCRACY" available here:
Gordon J Sheppard
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