Friday, May 29, 2015



DAVID CAMERON asserts that the President of FIFA, SEPP BLATTER, should resign. He asserts that because he was 'Head' of that ORGANISATION, whilst all the CORRUPTION was taking place, that he must now bear the responsibility that these criminal activities took place under his 'watch'; so therefore he must now resign.

Well, let's now take him at his word and apply this very same criteria, to DAVID CAMERON's time serving as a Prime Minister.

DAVID CAMERON as the Prime Minister responsible for his Tory Government did not rely on the 'democratic vote' of Members of Parliament in order to pass his 'policies' into LAW.

He, CORRUPTLY, relied upon the corrupt and unlawful 'coercion' of the Tory Political Party, WHIPS; to instruct 'elected' MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT; on how they must, or should, vote.

Thereby, he, CORRUPTLY, denied true, DEMOCRACY, to the People of Great Britain. And, that is the greatest "CORRUPTION", that there ever could be.

Even, more so, when even more CORRUPTION is revealed, by the fact, that the WHIPS in Parliament, has, NO LEGALITY AT ALL.

The WHIPS instructing elected Members of Parliament on how they must vote, overrules and supplants, all 'rightful influence' placed upon those Members, by the Constituents; and, this creates the, "PREJUDICE OF THE PEOPLE".

Yet, “PREJUDICE OF THE PEOPLE” by Parliament, is wholly outlawed and proscribed; by the 'protection of the people' as determined by the "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed".

This paragraph, "The Said Rights Claimed" set out in the "Bill of Rights 1689" provides the 'precedent of law', specifically, instructing Parliament, that when Parliament applies or 'enacts' anything written in the 'Bill', (Any of the "Premises" recorded in the 'Bill'), that nothing, "OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE"

Thereby proving without any doubt whatsoever that the present political party activity of the WHIPS in Parliament, has no legality at all.

CONCLUSION: DAVID CAMERON cannot 'point the finger' against anyone asserting, CORRUPTION. Because, this proves, he is the greatest 'corrupter' of all.
Read my book "DEMOCRACY" available here:

Sunday, May 24, 2015



In a summit conference in Latvia David Cameron lectured the European Union Leaders asserting that the British were fed up and concerned over the more closer relations with the EU.; he declared that the British people wanted immediate reform. He asserted that with his recent General Election, 'victory', he now had the mandate to press the EU for that reform.

Well, that election 'victory' may have delivered a thirteen seat majority for David Cameron and his Tory party in parliament; but, the voting results of that 'election' do not verify, that he has the overall confidence of the British people. And, therefore, he cannot speak for all of the, 'British', at all. He most certainly cannot speak for me.

David Cameron's 'victory' in that election gave him a thirteen seat majority in parliament; but, in the overall voting of the people, he had no 'victory' whatsoever. His so-called 'MANDATE' rests solely on the fact that, 11,334,576 votes were cast for his Tory party; but, 19,361,259 people voted against him and, his Tory party. And, the policies he proposed. Thus, giving him, no true 'MANDATE' to 'speak' for all of the, 'British', at all.

I assert that this determines that he certainly has no true 'MANDATE' of the people allowing him to lecture the "European Union", demanding immediate reform.

 I welcome, ever closer relations with the EU; the European Union provides me with the only protection of 'LAW' that I have. The, "EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS ACT".

My, ‘Reigning Monarch’, Judiciary, Government, and, Parliament; denies me all protection of law.

The British do not have a 'Written Constitution' or, a 'Bill of Rights'; or, access to, a "Supreme Court of Law"; where it is possible to test question or challenge the abuses and the prejudice of parliament, from within Law. Furthermore, there is a 'Reigning Monarch' sitting upon the English throne, charged by 'precedent of law', to provide the 'Subject's' protection. Yet, ELIZABETH THE SECOND, throughout her entire reign, has failed to provide that protection. She has two 'legal instruments' available to her that has been specifically designed for the ' Subjects' protection. Yet, ELIZABETH THE SECOND, has not used them at all.

Read my book "DEMOCRACY" available here:


Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Letter sent to Michael Gove


Dear  Sir

I never attack anyone behind their back.

Hence, here is a copy of my posting on social media today.

Gordon J Sheppard


DAVID CAMERON appointing Michael Gove as Minister of Justice, is just like appointing ADOLF HITLER in charge of Jewish Affairs.

Michael Gove is a 'totalitarian dictator'; just look at the way he treated with sheer 'diktat' the Education portfolio he previously held.

No wonder DAVID CAMERON has given him the job to abolish the "European Human Rights Act"; TORY, totalitarianism, wants to destroy the only protection of LAW that 'The People' have. TORIES want total and absolute domination and control.

I warn every British adult in the country to vigorously oppose the abolition of this Act. It is the only real 'protection of law' that YOU have.
YOU have no Written Constitution.
YOU have no Bill of Rights setting out 'rights' and 'responsibilities'.
YOU have no access to a 'Supreme Court of Law' where it is possible to test, question, or challenge the 'abuse' and the 'prejudice' of parliament, from within LAW.

YOU have a rotten and corrupt British Judiciary that lies and conspires repeatedly; ruling that 'law' prevents the 'questioning' or 'challenge' to parliament in the Courts; when, according to the actual true reading and true interpretation of the, "Bill of Rights 1689", anyone may challenge parliament in the Courts; whenever parliament, "Prejudice the People".

 Furthermore, YOU, have a 'Reigning Monarch' sitting upon the throne who is charged with the responsibility and duty to honour the "Original Contract" requiring the 'Protection of the People'; yet, throughout the sixty odd years she has reigned, she has failed miserably, to provide that protection.

Note: The "Original Contract" is an unwritten contract but it is fully established in English LAW.
It derives from the concept that,
"Allegiance is given to the Liege Lord for the protection of the Liege Lord". And, it was the, "Breaking of the Contract betwixt King and People", by King James the Second, that removed him from the throne. The CONVENTION (Parliament) of 1688 determined that by 'breaking this contract', he had 'Abdicated' the throne. They declared the throne was, "Vacant", and, Prince William of Orange succeeded as King. This CONVENTION further ruled that,
 "The contract is as binding upon the Successor as well as it was on the Deposed if the Successor breaks the contract he too can be Deposed".

ELIZABETH THE SECOND has not honoured that contract throughout her entire reign.

 The last time a 'Reigning Monarch' of England, protected  the 'Crown's Subjects', and, refused to grant the "Royal Assent" to a Bill passed by parliament; was on the, 11th March 1708; when Queen Anne refused the 'Assent' to the Bill, for "Settling the Militia in Scotland".
Thus, the British People, are now expected to believe, that every Bill, and, every Act, and, all of the business of parliament that has taken place in parliament ever since that date; has been created without corruption. And, that, is positively absurd. Because, every Bill or Act, or, all the business of parliament that has been created and passed by parliament under the influence of the 'WHIPS', has been unlawful.


The 'WHIPS', "Prejudice the People" by instructing Members of Parliament on how they must vote; thereby, overruling and supplanting all 'rightful influence' placed upon those 'elected' Members of Parliament, by the constituents. And, this flouts and breaches the 'precedent of law' as set out and, is determined by the, "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/"The Said Rights Claimed". Which, specifically  instructs parliament, that when parliament applies or 'enacts' any of the "Premises" set out in the Bill, that nothing, "OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE".

 The 'WHIPS', in parliament, has no 'legality' at all.
Sign this petition to abolish the 'WHIPS':

"Constitutional Monarchy" does not relieve the 'Reigning Monarch' from the responsibility and duty to honour the "Original Contract". Because, when the 'Constitutional' arrangement  was first set up by both Monarchy and Government, neither put in place, an entirely different procedure for the protection of the people. This was the time when the Government ought to have introduced a, "Written Constitution" and a "Bill of Rights" and proper access to challenge the 'abuses' of parliament, from within law. Negligently, they ignored the plight of the people altogether as though they were of no consequence; thus, today, the British people have no protection of law whatsoever. Therefore, the, responsibility upon the 'Reigning Monarch', still stands.
Read my book "DEMOCRACY" available here:



Gordon J Sheppard


Monday, May 11, 2015


DAVID CAMERON appointing Michael Gove as Minister of Justice, is like appointing ADOLF HITLER in charge of Jewish Affairs.

Michael Gove is a 'totalitarian dictator'; just look at the way he treated with sheer 'diktat' the previous Education portfolio he held.

No wonder DAVID CAMERON has given him the job to abolish the "European Human Rights Act"; TORY totalitarianism wants to destroy the only protection of LAW that 'The People' have. TORIES want total and absolute domination and control.

I warn every British adult in the country to vigorously oppose the abolition of this Act. It is the only real 'protection of law' that YOU have.
YOU have no Written Constitution.
YOU have no Bill of Rights setting out 'rights' and 'responsibilities'.
YOU have no access to a 'Supreme Court of Law' where it is possible to test, question, or challenge the 'abuse' and the 'prejudice' of parliament, from within LAW.

 Furthermore, YOU, have a 'Reigning Monarch' sitting upon the throne who is charged with the responsibility and duty to honour the "Original Contract" requiring the 'Protection of the People'; yet throughout the sixty odd years she has reigned, she has failed miserably, to provide that protection.

Note: The "Original Contract" is an unwritten contract but it is fully established in English LAW. It derives from the concept that, "Allegiance is given to the Liege Lord for the protection of the Liege Lord". And, it was the "Breaking of the Contract betwixt King and People" by, King James the Second, that removed him from the throne.

 The CONVENTION (Parliament) of 1688 determined that by so doing he had 'Abdicated' the throne. They declared the throne was vacant; and, Prince William of Orange succeeded as the King. This CONVENTION further ruled that, "The contract is as binding upon the Successor as well as it was on the Deposed if the Successor breaks the contract he too can be Deposed".

ELIZABETH THE SECOND has not honoured that contract throughout her reign.

"Constitutional Monarchy" does not relieve the 'Reigning Monarch' from that responsibility and duty; because, when the 'Constitutional' arrangement was set up, by both Monarchy and Government, neither, put in place an entirely different procedure for the protection of the people. This was the time when Government ought to have introduced a, "Written Contract" and a "Bill of Rights" and proper access to challenge the 'abuses' of parliament, from within law. Negligently, they ignored the plight of the people altogether as though they were of no consequence. Thus, today, the British people have no protection of law whatsoever. Therefore, the responsibility upon the 'Reigning Monarch', still stands.



Saturday, May 9, 2015




DAVID CAMERON has won the right to govern, but, he only has a ten seat 'majority' in parliament; and, with the SNP now in parliament with fifty five seats wholly opposed to his ‘austerity’ programs; and, the possibility from time to time that there might also be some dissenting opinion in his own Tory Members of Parliament; he is going to have to rely very heavily upon the Tory political party 'WHIPS', in order to get his policies passed and adopted. Yet, the political party 'WHIPS' in a 'democratically elected' parliament, are wholly unlawful. They overrule and supplant all ‘rightful influence’ placed upon those ‘democratically elected’ Members of Parliament, by the Constituents. And, this creates the, “PREJUDICE OF THE PEOPLE”.

Prejudice of the People, is wholly outlawed by the ‘precedent of law’ set out in the paragraph, “The Said Rights Claimed” written and recorded, within, the “Bill of Rights 1689”.

This paragraph set out in that Bill, specifically instructs parliament, that in parliament’s enacting or applying ‘anything’ written within the Bill, nothing,

Accordingly, the political activities of the ‘WHIPS’ in parliament;

Has no legality at all.

Therefore, if, YOU VALUE DEMOCRACY, abolish the 'WHIPS',

Read my book “DEMOCRACY” available here:

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Who actually 'owns' Humankind?

So many times have I actually witnessed terminally ill people 'on their knees' virtually begging the Judiciary and the 'State' for the right to die; and, for so many times, have I witnessed the refusal of that right in the courts; that I am now motivated to write this.

The Judiciary never ever provide a rational and logical reason for the refusal; they merely assert and rule, that, "It is the Law", and, that, in order for the 'right to die' to be lawful; it becomes necessary to, "Change the Law".

This absurdity, and, this travesty, therefore motivates me to pose the following question:

Who actually 'owns' Humankind?

So, let me spell out the truth:

1. None of Humankind born to this planet earth chose of their own volition to be born.
2. None of Humankind ever had a part in their own creation.
3. That act of their 'birth', is an act of imposition.
4. At the appointed moment of time each of Humankind is compulsively ejected from the womb.

5. From that precise moment of time, each of Humankind, is 'doomed' to live a 'Life' until they die.
6. This, reality and truth, provides for all of Humankind, all the 'rights' they need.
7. Governments and Institutions do not give Humankind these rights.
8. All Humankind have these 'rights' from the very instant of their birth; inherent in their genes.

The inherent 'rights' of all Humankind are these:

The right to individual conscience.
The right to self determination.
The right of free expression.
The right to discriminate and to offend.
The right to survive.
The right to 'life' and,
The right to die.

None of Humankind, born to planet earth, has ever been able to, 'live a life', without dying.

Therefore, the 'right to life' must include the 'right to die'.



The truth and reality and the right of all Humankind as set out above, are, ‘Natural Law’. ‘Man made Law’ cannot ever overturn or supplant the, ‘Natural Laws’, inherent in the gene.


They therefore have the 'right to die' at any time they choose. Furthermore, they also have the 'rights' to ask, anyone they like, to assist them in their demise, without anyone being punished for 'breaking' the law'. And, they have the right, to access the required drugs necessary that will swiftly and painlessly, provide that demise.

The 'State' has no right whatsoever to intervene.

In the event that the 'State' claims the life of all Humankind; the 'State' must provide, the actual 'legal instrument', verifying that claim.


I am sick and tired of always being told or indoctrinated by the concept that we must, “Obey the Law”.

So, let us here establish what 'LAW' actually is.
Today in Great Britain the 'elite' and the 'establishment' of Monarchy, Judiciary, Government, and Parliament, look upon law, as being something that, only the 'common people' must obey. Whilst they all of them flout and breach 'Laws', all of the time.

Whenever, LORD HAILSHAM, (An ex-LORD CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND) was asked the question, "What is Law”?  He would always reply saying this,

"Law is naught but a myth without the consent of the people, there is no, Law."

Thus, 'LAW' is naught but the people's voluntary consent to live by the, "Rule of Law".

Therefore, all of Humankind, voluntarily giving of that consent, are entitled to four specific things:

A. They are entitled to participate in the creation and framing of law.
B. They are entitled to 'equality' within law.
C. They are entitled to the protection of law.
D. They are entitled to the criterion that all true and just 'Law', must comply with, truth, freedom, justice, intelligence, logic, and rationale.

So, any of the Judiciary, ruling on any case before them in the courts, must provide the actual reasons for the, 'breach of law', when 'judgment' is declared.

The mere denial of 'right', based upon the mere assumption or opinion of a judge, determining that, the law has been broken or, ruling that, it is necessary to "change the law" without full explanation. Will not suffice.



Read my book “DEMOCRACY” available here:

Monday, May 4, 2015


General Election: "The People's Vote"
The role of Her Majesty the Queen, and, the leaders of the political parties.

Neither Her Majesty the Queen nor the leaders of political parties have any right to impose any form of government upon the British people. Only 'The People' themselves have the right to choose 'how they will be governed' as determined by their democratic vote in a democratic General Election. There is no point whatsoever in 'The People' having the right of General Elections in order to elect a, 'new parliament'; if we allow Her Majesty the Queen or the leaders of political parties to overturn or ignore 'The People's Vote".

In the event where 'The People's Vote' has determined that no political party should have a ‘majority’ in parliament; then, that is, ‘The People’s Vote’, and it must stand. The leader of the political party holding the most seats in parliament, must then govern as a Minority Government. Or, in the event that this leader of that political party, cannot or will not govern as a, ' Minority Government'; then that leader must immediately notify the Queen.

Her Majesty, then, and, in that circumstance, must order the immediate dissolution of parliament; ordering, a new General Election. Her Majesty, in that circumstance, has no lawful right whatsoever, to impose upon 'The People' any form of Government.

 The, 'Sovereign's' right to order a political party leader to form a, 'National Government'; should only take place, in time of War. In, 'Peacetime', there is no urgent need nor any right at all. Furthermore, the political party leaders elected to parliament, in that election, have no lawful right whatsoever to, 'negotiate among themselves', to create any form of government, entirely on their own. Excluding, 'The People', from all participation.

“Whenever the ‘Wishes of the People’ are in direct conflict with the actions of the Legislator’s (parliament); the, ‘Reigning Monarch’, should use the “Royal Prerogative” to order the immediate dissolution of parliament, ordering, a new General Election.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

GENERAL ELECTION, "Fixed Parliament Act" and "The Royal Prerogative"

General Election and, “The Royal Prerogative”

 It is very obvious that both British Media and 'The People' of this country do not know their history. Viewing "The Papers Review" on “Sky News” television, the male presenter and guests all asserted that due to the "Fixed Parliament Act", that whatever the results of the General Election might be, there cannot be another election for five more years. They are very wrong:


This in not an option for the 'Reigning Monarch"; it is the DUTY of the 'Reigning Monarch' to intervene. It is the DUTY of 'ELIZABETH THE SECOND' to honour the "Original Contract" requiring, the 'protection' of the People.

Sadly, she failed in carrying out this DUTY in the aftermath of the General Election of 2010.

In consequence of her negligence of duty, the British people have had to endure a “Coalition Administration masquerading as Government”, that was not ‘elected’ and, that, had no true legality at all.


 In that election 'The People's vote determined two things: (a), that no political party should have a majority in parliament; and, (b), that there should be a "Conservative led Minority Government". But, the leaders of the political parties, elected to parliament, in that election, did not like that, and, these, "Wishes of the People". They corruptly assumed that they could ignore "The People's Wishes" and determine that they could create and establish a 'form of government', entirely on their own.

And, ELIZABETH THE SECOND, did not intervene.

I defy and challenge anyone and everyone in the Kingdom to produce the actual 'legal instrument' that will verify and permit political party leaders, elected to parliament, to overturn, ignore, or supplant the, 'Wishes of the People', as declared in a democratic General Election.

There is no such 'legal instrument' anywhere in the Kingdom.