Thursday, June 11, 2015


The Reality and The Myth....

In the light of the FIFA football scandal where the American's have intervened arresting and charging several executives of FIFA with serious CORRUPTION; the whole World's media (and especially British media) has been so obsessed and distracted with the hatred of SEPP BLATTER, (the President of that organisation); and, the intent, to vilify him; that they haven't paid any attention at all, as to what has actually created the CORRUPTION. All Media has been so distracted by that 'obsession' to get rid of SEPP BLATTER; that they didn't even bother to look for the 'catalyst' or cause of the corruption.

Virtually every British 'vested interest' news program and every journalist critic of SEPP BLATTER, were so obsessed, with this 'hatred' of him; that, in self riotous proclamation of innocence, they all declared that CORRUPTION is wicked and terrible; yet, implying, that it might be the norm for the 'foreigner'; but, that it is not prevalent, in Britain and in British football today.

Here, I will remove the 'vested interested' blinkers from their eyes; and, I will reveal where Great Britain is naught but a sewer of, CORRUPTION.

Firstly, let's look at the cause of CORRUPTION in football.
CORRUPTION can never occur, if the 'incentive' to be, CORRUPT, is not there.

CORRUPTION CAN ONLY TAKE PLACE, WHEN THE BIG, 'INCENTIVE' OF 'MONEY', is there. Thus, remove the incentive of all the, MONEY, from all football; and, the CORRUPTION is eliminated entirely from the sport. Football, returning, to the so-called "beautiful game"

It is the Sponsors and the 'Sponsorship Money" and the "Television Money" that has so CORRUPTED the game. The merchandising and the paying of obscene wages to the football player for the mere ‘kicking of a ball’ far in excess, monthly, than the nation pays a Prime Minister for managing the affairs of the whole country.  Football, being no longer merely a 'game'; these massive 'slush funds' has turned the 'game' into a wholly rotten and corrupt 'business' and industry. The present big sponsors, contributing more than 1.2 Billion Dollars; FIFA was awash and swamped with MONEY. No wonder there has been, CORRUPTION.

The Myth:
The myth prevailing is that, "all are corrupt but the British"; "every other nation is corrupt"; but, Great Britain and British Football, is free of corruption.

There is a 'racist' element in this British attitude to the hatred of SEPP BLATTER.
Just consider and examine GREG DYKE's comment; in respect of BLATTER'S re-election as President. In a live televised interview he said this,

"The whole of Europe voted against SEPP BLATTER, and, South America, as well. Now this is very important because this is where the major football games are played."

POMPOUS BLATANT RACISM AND ARROGANCE; because, football is just as important, and just as 'major' in both, Africa and Asia, as well. This is the true reason why GREGG DYKE and those like him 'hate' SEPP BLATTER so much. Because, BLATTER, has actively, heavily aided and supported, the promotion of football in those countries. The, EURO football element are so very fearful that they will lose all their domination and control. It is in the very nature of the British, to want to control everything.

But, this 'lilly white' and 'innocent' attitude of assertion that CORRUPTION is something that the British do not do; or the intimation that, Great Britain is free of CORRUPTION; is wholly ludicrous; because, the country is actually a 'sewer' of CORRUPTION. I present the stark vivid evidence here:

The Monarchy:
The 'Reigning Monarch' of England is charged with the duty and responsibility of honouring the "Original Contract", and, this requires the 'protection' of, all 'Subjects of the Crown'. ELIZABETH THE SECOND has sat upon the English throne for sixty years; and she has never once honoured that, 'Contract', or, protected the People. In the complete abandonment of 'duty' she has failed to protect the People from the tyranny of the 'abuses' and the 'prejudice' of Parliament. She has been provided with two 'legal instruments' that have been specifically designed to assist her to carry out that role; "The Royal Assent" and "The Royal Prerogative". The, 'Reigning Monarch' of England is supposed to, act as "Head of Government", and, to monitor the business of Parliament, in order to verify there is no, CORRUPTION, in the creation of the Bills and Acts, passed by Parliament. Granting, the "Royal Assent" if they are free of corruption and, that they are in the interests of the country and the People; refusing to grant it, if they are not.

IT IS INTERESTING TO NOTE: that the 'last time' a 'Reigning Monarch' of England refused to grant the "Royal Assent" was on the, 11th day of March, in the year 1708; when Queen Anne refused to grant it, to the Bill passed by Parliament for the "Settlement of the Militia in Scotland". The British People are now expected to believe, that every Bill and every Act passed by Parliament, ever since that date; has been created, WITHOUT CORRUPTION. And, that is positively absurd. Because, every ‘Bill’ and every ‘Act’ passed by parliament under the influence of the political party WHIPS; is, CORRUPT. Having, no legality at all.

The, "Royal Prerogative" provides the 'Reigning Monarch' with three options for the protection of the 'Subject' they are,
(A), to encourage Minister's of Government.
(B), to warn Minister's of Government.
(C), Whenever, the wishes of the People, are in direct conflict with the actions of the Legislators (Parliament); to order the immediate dissolution of Parliament.

Yet, when in the General Election of 2010 'The People's Vote' determined (a), that no political party should have a majority in Parliament, and, (b), that there should be a Conservative led 'Minority Government; when, the leaders of the political parties decided that they could 'ignore' the people's wishes and then to proceed to create a 'coalition administration' to act as Government entirely on their own; "the People's wishes were in direct conflict with the actions of the Legislators"; but, ELIZABETH THE SECOND did not 'lift a finger' to intervene. All the evidence set out above, proves beyond any doubt, the,


The British Judiciary:
The entire British Judiciary has purposely and intentionally 'conspired to pervert the course of justice' by lying to and deceiving the British people that 'LAW' prevents all challenge to Parliament in the Courts. Ruling, that, "Article 9" of the "Bill of Rights 1689", (without any other consideration), prohibits the questioning of Parliament, "In any Court or Place out of Parliament". Thereby, denying that access to the Courts. The British Judiciary, has lied, instructed, and, ruled, that this 'LAW' must apply. And, that there are no other considerations to be taken into account.

Yet, I know; and, I am convinced that, if I know, then the Judiciary must also know; that this is a false interpretation of both "Article 9" and the "Bill of Rights 1689". Because, the true interpretation of that Bill, in the paragraph of the Bill known as, "The Said Rights Claimed", specifically instructs Parliament, and, every reader of the Bill; that, anyone may test, question, or even challenge Parliament in the Courts; whenever Parliament, "Prejudice the People". Consequently, the Judiciary denying challenge to parliament in the Courts,


The people of Great Britain elect their parliament in democratic General Election; but, (a) the majority of the political candidates standing for election are chosen by the political parties, (b), they are financed by the political parties, and, (c) if and when they are elected; they are 'held in allegiance' to the political parties, as well. There are very few 'Independent' candidates elected as 'Members of Parliament'; because, even if they stand for election, they are specifically denied all access to Media, in order to publicise their manifesto’s.

CORRUPT, British Media only promotes and publicises the political parties during any election. In consequence of all this corruption where only the political parties manifesto's are made available for scrutiny by the electorate, the people are denied of all  'rightful' free choice of a 'political representative', who will faithfully represent them in Parliament. Furthermore, when these carefully selected candidates win the 'vote of the people' and they are 'elected' to serve as a Member of Parliament, they do not represent "The People" at all. They give the ‘preference’ and their 'allegiance' to their political party. And, they are then bound to honour and comply with the instructions issued to them by the political party, 'WHIPS'; that instruct them, each week in Parliament, on how they should or must vote. This entire travesty and total denial of 'DEMOCRACY' is wholly unlawful and illegal, for it flouts and breaches the 'precedent of law', set out in the "Bill of Rights 1689"

Thus, although Parliament is 'elected' by the People it is not a "People's Parliament". Parliament is actually dominated and controlled, by the political parties.

 That is not DEMOCRACY. It is, a, "Totalitarian Regime".


British Media:
All British Media, Television News and the Newspapers, readily declare that they are the, "Last bulwark of Freedom” protecting the People against the tyranny of the 'Executive Government' and, all CORRUPTION. They constantly claim the, "Freedom of the Press", in order to carry out this role. Major national newspapers continually publish virtually daily, the hurt, wounding, intimidation, vilification and defamation, upon anyone it sets it's sights upon. Carrying out investigation on anyone or anything; yet, it's 'investigations' are always selective publishing only what that paper wants to, investigate and disclose. To demonstrate how corrupt this is, just consider this: Throughout the entire 'sixty years' that ELIZABETH THE SECOND has sat upon the English throne, no newspaper, no television news broadcaster, and, no journalist, has ever published anything about the duty of the 'Reigning Monarch' being required to honour the "Original Contract"; and, queried, why, she has never honoured it. The entire British News Media has never published anything about, the "Royal Assent" and the "Royal Prerogative". Yet, these are the two 'legal instruments' provided to the 'Reigning Monarch', for the specific purpose of 'protecting' the British people. Why hasn't our so-called "FREE PRESS" ever said a word about this? And, why has no newspaper, broadcaster, or journalist ever questioned the 'legality' of the WHIPS in parliament? Or, even questioned the 'legality' of the Judiciary, always refusing challenge to parliament, in their courts? When, the "Bill of Rights 1689" establishes, that anyone may challenge parliament in the courts, whenever parliament "Prejudice the People".


Every newspaper and every news broadcaster, wholly corruptly, praises ELIZABETH THE SECOND constantly and repeatedly; yet, they have never ever challenged her, for failing to carry out her duty.

The only true legal validity for the Monarchy, in the first place, is based upon the 'unwritten' principles of the "Original Contract"; which is founded upon the principle that, "Allegiance is given to the Liege Lord, for the protection of the Liege Lord". So, the principal duty of Monarchy is to 'protect' the People. “Subjects, of the Crown”.

The whole country can see that ELIZABETH THE SECOND enjoys all the privileges of Monarchy, yet she has given nothing back in return for the “Allegiance” given, throughout her entire reign. She has never ever provided that protection of the people.

 ALL BRITISH MEDIA, assumes, that the People of the country endure their imposed subjugation to the 'Reigning Monarch', (Being denied all protection of Law), in order that the 'Reigning Monarch' should act as patron to charities, host garden parties, and travel the globe promoting British goods and prestige. MEDIA, never ever considers, that she has miserably failed to honour her duty.

The worst of all this though is the fact that for the ordinary common British Subject there is no access to LAW whatsoever where one can challenge all this injustice. If you are not extremely wealthy; there is no access to, LAW. And, that is,


Read my book "DEMOCRACY" available here:


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