Here, I am
not concerned over the terrible wicked murder of 300,000 Jews. Here, I am only
concerned in respect to, LAW. And,
the correct administration of, LAW.
verdict of the 'War Crimes Tribunal' ruled today that OSKAR GROENING, a Nazi
officer at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, was an, "Accessory in the
murder of 300,000 Jews".
Whereas, actually, he was not 'Guilty' as charged at all; He was merely obeying the orders given to him by senior officers in the chain of command. He merely carried out his duty to, OBEY.
Every German soldier or, Member of the German Military, was obliged to obey the orders of a superior officer throughout the entire military chain of command. They were bound by the law of the "FUHRERPRINZIP" commanded to OBEY, all and any 'orders' issued by a superior officer. To disobey, resulted in instant arrest and court martial; and, the punishment, of being sent to the RUSSIAN front; a concentration camp; or, instant execution.
Whereas, actually, he was not 'Guilty' as charged at all; He was merely obeying the orders given to him by senior officers in the chain of command. He merely carried out his duty to, OBEY.
Every German soldier or, Member of the German Military, was obliged to obey the orders of a superior officer throughout the entire military chain of command. They were bound by the law of the "FUHRERPRINZIP" commanded to OBEY, all and any 'orders' issued by a superior officer. To disobey, resulted in instant arrest and court martial; and, the punishment, of being sent to the RUSSIAN front; a concentration camp; or, instant execution.
From the very instant when Hitler came to power no one in Germany could disobey. The law of the "FUHRERPRINZIP" dominated and controlled all.
No one in Germany had the freedom of self will. On pain of death, they were forced to, OBEY.
These so-called "War Crimes Tribunals" refusing to accept the defence of, "Only obeying an Order" and, ruling that those accused are individually responsible, for all the crimes as charged; are wholly corrupt; because they attempt, "TO PUT RAIN BACK IN THE SKY".
They attempt to determine that 'all that had happened' in Nazi Germany ever since Hitler came to power; had not actually happened at all. They, corruptly, and, purposely, ignore the ‘LAW’ of the "FUHRERPRINZIP"
If the tribunal today determining the 'Guilt' of, OSKAR GROENING, determines that 'guilt' is verified by the fact that he was an, ACCESSORY, to the murder of 300,000 Jews at Auschwitz. Then, by the very same criterion, every American and every British pilot that participated in the bombing of the civilian population of Germany; were also 'Guilty' of being an, ACCESSORY, complicit in that war crime. It really depends on which ‘stance’ you view the proposition and circumstance, VICTOR, or, VANQUISHED ?
The proposition is positively absurd. But, the 'criterion' for the establishment of 'Guilt', is identically the same. OSKAR GROENING did his duty according to the 'LAW' that was applicable at that time. If he had refused to, OBEY, he would probably have been shot; and, all the Members of his family would have been severely punished as well.
From the very instant when Hitler came to power no one in Germany could disobey. The law of the "FUHRERPRINZIP" dominated and controlled all.
No one in Germany had the freedom of self will. On pain of death, they were forced to, OBEY.
These so-called "War Crimes Tribunals" refusing to accept the defence of, "Only obeying an Order" and, ruling that those accused are individually responsible, for all the crimes as charged; are wholly corrupt; because they attempt, "TO PUT RAIN BACK IN THE SKY".
They attempt to determine that 'all that had happened' in Nazi Germany ever since Hitler came to power; had not actually happened at all. They, corruptly, and, purposely, ignore the ‘LAW’ of the "FUHRERPRINZIP"
If the tribunal today determining the 'Guilt' of, OSKAR GROENING, determines that 'guilt' is verified by the fact that he was an, ACCESSORY, to the murder of 300,000 Jews at Auschwitz. Then, by the very same criterion, every American and every British pilot that participated in the bombing of the civilian population of Germany; were also 'Guilty' of being an, ACCESSORY, complicit in that war crime. It really depends on which ‘stance’ you view the proposition and circumstance, VICTOR, or, VANQUISHED ?
The proposition is positively absurd. But, the 'criterion' for the establishment of 'Guilt', is identically the same. OSKAR GROENING did his duty according to the 'LAW' that was applicable at that time. If he had refused to, OBEY, he would probably have been shot; and, all the Members of his family would have been severely punished as well.
What is at stake here is
the true intent and purpose of, ‘LAW’.
You cannot have
one LAW for the, VICTOR’s,
And, then have an
entirely different, LAW, for the VANQUISHED.
True and just
‘LAW’ must be wholly applicable to both.
Gordon J Sheppard
July 17, 2015