Saturday, July 18, 2015


OSKAR GROENING – War Crimes Trial

 In LAW, true and just LAW, in order to establish ‘Guilt’ for murder or killing it is necessary to wholly establish, ‘INTENT’. The, INTENT, to kill; if there is no intent of the accused to kill, the prosecution of such crime must fail. Murder cannot be established if the accused participated in the crime under duress; (being ordered to kill or, being merely present, when the crime is committed); in such circumstance, without, the INTENT to kill, even ‘joint enterprise’ cannot be proved.

Here, I am not concerned over the terrible wicked murder of 300,000 Jews. Here, I am only concerned in respect to, LAW. And, the correct administration of, LAW.

The verdict of the 'War Crimes Tribunal' ruled today that OSKAR GROENING, a Nazi officer at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, was an, "Accessory in the murder of 300,000 Jews".

Whereas, actually, he was not 'Guilty' as charged at all; He was merely obeying the orders given to him by senior officers in the chain of command. He merely carried out his duty to, OBEY.

Every German soldier or, Member of the German Military, was obliged to obey the orders of a superior officer throughout the entire military chain of command. They were bound by the law of the "FUHRERPRINZIP" commanded to OBEY, all and any 'orders' issued by a superior officer. To disobey, resulted in instant arrest and court martial; and, the punishment, of being sent to the RUSSIAN front; a concentration camp; or, instant execution.


From the very instant when Hitler came to power no one in Germany could disobey. The law of the "FUHRERPRINZIP" dominated and controlled all.

No one in Germany had the freedom of self will. On pain of death, they were forced to, OBEY.

These so-called "War Crimes Tribunals" refusing to accept the defence of, "Only obeying an Order" and, ruling that those accused are individually responsible, for all the crimes as charged; are wholly corrupt; because they attempt, "TO PUT RAIN BACK IN THE SKY".

They attempt to determine that 'all that had happened' in Nazi Germany ever since Hitler came to power; had not actually happened at all. They, corruptly, and, purposely, ignore the

If the tribunal today determining the 'Guilt' of, OSKAR GROENING, determines that 'guilt' is verified by the fact that he was an, ACCESSORY, to the murder of 300,000 Jews at Auschwitz. Then, by the very same criterion, every American and every British pilot that participated in the bombing of the civilian population of Germany; were also 'Guilty' of being an, ACCESSORY, complicit in that war crime. It really depends on which ‘stance’ you view the proposition and circumstance, VICTOR, or, VANQUISHED ?

The proposition is positively absurd. But, the 'criterion' for the establishment of 'Guilt', is identically the same. OSKAR GROENING did his duty according to the 'LAW' that was applicable at that time. If he had refused to, OBEY, he would probably have been shot; and, all the Members of his family would have been severely punished as well.


What is at stake here is the true intent and purpose of, ‘LAW’.

You cannot have one LAW for the, VICTOR’s,

And, then have an entirely different, LAW, for the VANQUISHED.

True and just ‘LAW’ must be wholly applicable to both.


Gordon J Sheppard

July 17, 2015

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Removing the Confederate Flag....

 The Censoring of, HISTORY.
The 'politically correct' and totalitarian administration of the South Carolina legislature unanimously voted for and approved the removal of the 'Confederate Flag' from the State building today. And, this was done solely to appease the 'black community's' objection to this flag, because, it is claimed, that the flag continuously reminds them vividly, of the terrible 'slavery' that the blacks endured.

Every American serving soldier who is given a 'State Funeral', when they are buried, their coffin is always draped with the 'Stars and Stripes' flag. The official escort to the coffin always fire their rifles in the air, as a salute to their brave comrade; and, the 'flag' is then folded carefully and handed to the family or 'next of kin' in order that they may cherish that flag, in the memory of their son they have just buried. And, in recognition of the honour, that AMERICA has just paid to him.

This is AMERICA honouring that soldier who has given his life in the service of his country.

The Confederate Flag honours the Confederate soldiers that were killed in the 'Civil War' in exactly the same way. They, had all fought and had given their lives, in the Confederate cause. Their relatives and loved ones, surviving, today, are just as 'equally' entitled to the same respect, as any soldier whose coffin, has been draped with the 'Union' flag.

But, today, the entire South Carolina State administration 'spits on the graves' of every Confederate soldier, that was killed in that Civil War. To appease the, 'black community', they attempted to erase the history of 'slavery' in the absurd hope that, in removing and censoring a 'flag', HISTORY, can be erased from the mind.

So typical of the 'totalitarian censor' throughout the entire history of, Humankind:



Akhenaten(or rarely: Ikhnaton) meaning Effective spirit of Aten first known as Amenhotep IV (sometimes read as Amenophis IV and meaning Amun is Satisfied),  Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, is especially noted for attempting to compel the Egyptian population in the monotheistic worship of Aten. He ordered the defacing of Amun's (the previous rulers) temples throughout Egypt. He sent his army to destroy all trace of the previous religion, and it’s God. He attempted to remove ‘history’ from the mind. Akhenaten's reign (subject to the debates surrounding Egyptian chronology) are from 1353 BC-1336 BC or 1351 BC–1334 BC.


In Soviet Russia under the savage dictatorship and tyranny of Joseph Stalin Members of the Ruling Council (The Politburo) that fell out of favor with Stalin, were frequently subjected to ‘trumped up’ treason trials and were executed. After execution Stalin ordered the removal of their image from all official photographs. Their names faces and their very lives, excised from all view.

Great Britain

In the United Kingdom the British Government censored the book “Spycatcher”.
It banned the distribution and sale of the book throughout the UK despite its open sale overseas. Mr. Peter Wright wrote Spycatcher upon retiring from MI5 and, while residing in Australia; he attempted publication in 1985. The Government also attempted the banning of the book's publication in Australia, but lost that court action in 1987; it appealed against that decision, but lost again in June 1988

British newspapers attempting proper reportage of Spycatcher's principal allegations were served gagging orders; and on persisting, they were tried for contempt of court, with the charges later dropped. Throughout all this, quantities of the book were smuggled for secret sale in the U.K. In summer of 1987, a high court judge lifted the ban on newspaper reportage on the book, but, in late July, the Law Lords, again barred reportage of Wright's allegations. Eventually, in 1988, the book was cleared for legitimate sale when the Law Lords acknowledged that overseas publication meant it contained no secrets. Additionally, in November 1991, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the British Government had breached the European Convention of Human Rights in gagging its own newspapers. The British Government’s legal cost estimated was £250,000.

Censorship is Futile: “Truth will out in the End”

Today, nigh on 4000 plus years later, we know exactly what Pharaoh Akhenaton did. We know of all the ‘insignia’ that he had removed from the temples, we know all about the previous religion and it’s God, worshipped by Egyptian’s at that time. Everything that Akhenaton tried to censor has been revealed.

Today also we know all that Joseph Stalin did. We know the names, and faces, of all that he tried to eradicate from ‘Soviet History’. That history and all of those events live on.

We can also see and ‘appreciate’ the utter foolishness of a ‘British Government’ that at exorbitant costs, attempted to censor a book.
Censorship is Futile because it always fails.

But there are grave dangers in censorship; and in tolerating censorship as well. As the history of Nazi Germany has shown:

The Nazi concept of a ‘pure German race’ as expounded by Adolf Hitler in his book “Mein Kampf” and, as carried out by his henchman Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Luitpold Himmler; brought about in Nazi Germany hatred of the Jew. Intent on the destruction of both the Jew and, ‘Jewish’; Nazi’s burnt the books of Jewish writers and authors, on huge bonfires throughout Germany. The famed picture of the, ‘burning of the books’ at Nuremberg’ in order to eradicate the Jew; was the very beginning of the Holocaust.

Burning books, to, destroy ‘Ideas’, inevitably ends up, in the burning of Humankind.
Ideas of humankind can never be destroyed. Easily, you can destroy the human being; but, never, the Idea. Ideas always live on; transmitted, one, to, the other, throughout the whole of Humankind.

The Nazis tried their best to eradicate the Jew and ‘Jewish’ from Germany. But today both Jew and ‘Jewish’ lives on. And, we know, all that the Nazis did, in that terrible time. The censorship of ‘Ideas’ failing yet again.



 I spit on all those that tried to erase ‘HISTORY’ from our minds today






Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Criterion for establishing 'guilt' in a fair trial...

“Beyond all reasonable doubt”

 In response to my posting “INJUSTICE: HYSTERIA OF SEXUAL ABUSE” located here,

Where I provided two URL links, providing a demonstration of how this ‘hysteria’ had created grave injustice in the United States of America in the ‘sexual abuse’ trials that had taken place there between 1988-1997.

One lady, 'Julia', posted a reply on the social network TWITTER asserting that she would not comply with my request to read and distribute the posting, because she asserted the content was, RUBBISH. She asserted, that she was more concerned with the children that were being sexually abused.

As I point out in my posting, ‘sympathy’ for the ‘alleged’ victims of sexual abuse, must not overrule or supplant, the true establishment of ‘guilt’, “beyond all reasonable doubt”.

 Sadly, it is my contention, that in both, what happened in the American trials, (as demonstrated in these two links I provided), and, what is happening in our courts today; the mere ‘sympathy’ for the ‘alleged’ victims, is supplanting the requirement; that verifiable corroborative evidence proving, ‘guilt’, must be established, “beyond all reasonable doubt”.

In many cases tried in the courts today, the juries just convict because they are so terribly sorry for the plight of the ‘alleged’ victims. Without, any corroborative evidence being presented to the court, at all. The mere 'word of mouth' of the 'alleged' victims, being sufficient to convict.

Irrespective of the severity of the crime, the very compliance, with the “Rule of Law”, fully establishes the right of every one, accused, that they should have a fair trial. If there is any room for ‘doubt’ in any trial, no jury has the right to convict.

Therefore, in response to this lady’s assertion that my posting was, “RUBBISH”; and, to all others that may hold likewise opinion, I merely respond by asking this:

If you were serving on a jury in a sexual abuse trial where the witness, a very young child, asserts in giving evidence that, “She was sexually abused in a spaceship and that 21 babies had been killed by the proprietors and staff of the child day care centre, and, that the dead babies were fed to the sharks”;

Would you believe that evidence? And, would you convict?

No? Well the juries in America did believe that evidence and they did convict.

And, the reason for that ‘conviction’ can only be attributed to the ‘sexual abuse hysteria’ that swept through America at that time. Prosecutors and vested interested Child Social Services indoctrinated young children on what evidence they should give. When the child said they had not been abused, they were not believed; and, they were then constantly interrogated until they admitted they had been abused. Even Judges were influenced by the ‘hysteria’ that prevailed. In one ‘Appeal’ against the long sentence that had been imposed, one accuser witness during the trial, actually recanted and admitted they had lied. But, the Judge denied the ‘Appeal’, ruling that the ‘original evidence’ was believable; but the ‘recantation’ was not.

I am very fearful that this wild ‘hysteria’ is prevailing in my country right now.

JIMMY SAVILE was first accused of sexually abusing one or two young girls, this quickly was escalated, to many more being abused; suddenly, due to press and media corrupt influence the number had risen to ‘fifty’ and then even more. One national newspaper reported only a week ago, that the number had increased so dramatically, that today there is evidence that JIMMY SAVILE had abused more than ‘One Thousand’ young girls. This has become so absurd that today, any woman who had even just 'shook hands' with JIMMY SAVILE, can now come forward 'alleging' sexual abuse.

It is ludicrous to even suggest that both Judges and Juries are not influenced by this wild ‘hysteria’. And, that is why, all those today being charged with ‘sexual abuse’ in our country, can never be assured of a, FAIR TRIAL.






Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Sexual Abuse Hysteria
With the wild sexual abuse hysteria prevailing in the United Kingdom today subsequent to the wild allegations being made by 'alleged victims' claiming that they were sexually abused by the celebrity JIMMY SAVILE; and, the sexual abuse trials that have taken place in the country ever since; it becomes absolutely necessary to properly examine in the most stringent manner every 'allegation' that is now being made. In order to verify actual 'guilt', "beyond all reasonable doubt". Before anyone else is convicted. To be absolutely sure that the allegations being made by the 'alleged' victims are not motivated by the hope of securing big financial compensation awards.

 With the wild hysteria about sexual abuse that there is in the country at this present time; by, way of caution; it would do well to examine and take note of, the wild accusations that we're levelled against the proprietors and staff of the EDENTON, "Little Rascals", child day care centre, and, in the BAKERSFIELD sexual abuse trials, and the, aftermath, of both; that took place in the United States between 1988-1999. Where, wholly innocent people were convicted and served very long term sentences in prison, before being acquitted and released; when, it was finally proved, that they had not sexually abused any young children at all.

Eighteen years, and, fourteen years, in prison; when they had not 'sexually abused' any children at all.

When a British solicitor proclaims to the World and the British Press that she has now ‘fifty clients’ who are all now ready to make claims for financial compensation against a ‘convicted’ alleged abusers assets, and, his estate; this is surely the time to question both the motivation for, and, the ‘evidence’ that was presented, by these accusers in these trials. Because, where a solicitor and her ‘fifty clients’ are now pursuing financial compensation, MONEY, must have been a prime motivator for the allegations being made. Claiming ‘compensation’ MONEY in this way, is so wicked and unfair; because, even if the accused did commit the abuse; his ‘family’ did not participate in that abuse in any way at all. So, why should the ‘family’ be punished as well.

Sympathy for the ‘alleged’ victims of sexual abuse may not overrule and supplant the establishment of ‘guilt’, by all ‘reasonable doubt’.

It should be borne in mind that the juries considering the verdicts in the two examples shown by the links below for EDENTON and BAKERSFIELD; that, the juries were considering, the ‘fresh evidence’ of sexual abuse allegations that had ‘allegedly’ taken place just a few weeks or a few months before the trial date. But, in the recent ‘historical sexual abuse’ trials that have taken place in Great Britain recently, those allegations being presented in the Courts, have all been for ‘allegations’ that are supposed to have taken place, twenty, thirty, and even forty years ago. And, what is more, there has been no corroborative evidence, being presented to the courts, at all. Convictions, have been established merely by the ‘word of mouth’ of those making the allegations.

Historical Sexual Abuse can never be proved by ‘word of mouth’ alone. Guilt can only ever be proved by verifiable corroborative forensic evidence, establishing guilt; or, by several actual witnesses that actually witnessed the abuse. Sadly, in virtually all of these trials that have taken place in the British courts recently, that ‘EVIDENCE’ has not been produced. The accused today are being found guilty, by, the, sheer, ‘SEXUAL ABUSE HYSTERIA’, and, the 'sympathy' for the, abused; that prevails in the country today. 

See these two FRONTLINE reports to properly understand how this ‘hysteria’ creates such terrible injustice.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


The Censoring of Opera...


It was very noticeable this morning in the discussion on Sky News about the rape scene in an opera being toned down, and in future performances, the actress portraying the rape upon her, will not be naked.

So typical, of the likes of the critic’s and their 'censoring' ilk; they cannot tolerate the,” World As It Actually Is"; but always insist that the, World should change, to the World that they want it to be. Imposing, their, ‘will’ upon everyone else.


What the viewers of the Opera in future will see; is a 'contrived' representation created solely by the, CENSOR.

I am appalled and disgusted that the producers and management of this Opera should have caved in to this intimidation and the calls for censorship. If they created that rape scene with the integrity of, 'ART', nothing should have deterred them or persuaded them in any way to alter that rape scene, from the way as it was originally staged and created. They should have resigned and entirely closed the Opera down, before giving in to this blackmail and threat. 'ART' always requires defending against the attacks of the, CENSOR.


THE BRITISH ARE TERRIFIED OF, SEX. And, it is that, upon which, the 'TOTALITARIAN STATE', so constantly, relies.