Thursday, December 3, 2015


JEREMY CORBYN has no alternative now; he must sack his Cabinet Shadow Foreign Secretary HILLARY BENN; and, this is the reason why:

I can never recall, even one instance, where a Member of the front bench of the Labour Party, an actual Shadow, Foreign Secretary; has actually ‘
campaigned’ to persuade all Members of his own political parliamentary party, to vote for a TORY party political policy motion, that, in just a matter of only a few minutes away, would be called for the vote. Especially, when that motion, and, that TORY policy, is of such a serious nature, in respect to the waging of war.

HILLARY BENN, last night, had the same, 'FREE VOTE', option in that debate and vote, as every other Member of the, Labour Parliamentary Party. JEREMY CORBYN had provided each of them with the 'individual' option of the 'FREE VOTE'; in the name and the cause of, Democracy.

This provided every Member of that, Labour Parliamentary Party, with the 'individual' option to vote in that debate according to his or her 'own conscience' and as 'influenced' by the 'constituents' they represented

They each had the right to vote as an 'individual' when the vote was taken.

But, none of them had the right to actively campaign, FROM THE FRONT BENCH, OF THE LABOUR PARTY, to 'persuade' all Members of their own political party to, 'vote for', that TORY motion.

He had the absolute right to vote his own opinion.
He had no right whatsoever to 'persuade others' on how they should vote.

This was the clear arrogant intent of HILLARY BENN to sabotage and flout, JEREMY CORBYN, and, his leadership of the Labour Party.

This 'arrogance' of HILLARY BENN should not be tolerated. HE HAS TO GO.

I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing, when this travesty took place.

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