Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Fatal accident head on collision kills young motorcyclist outside RAF CROUGHTON base.

Parents of the young man, HARRY DUNNE, in their understandable trauma and grief lash out requiring a ‘scapegoat’ for his death. They blame the American woman driving the car, that hit him. All British MEDIA latches on to the ‘sob story’; and, all NEWS both transmitted and printed, blames and vilifies this woman involved. They all claim that the, ‘car hit him’; and, not, that the motorcyclist, ‘hit the car’.  


I readily assert that in such a case; all EVIDENCE must be properly sought and thoroughly examined, before, ‘casting the first stone’.

Are the parents truly seeking ‘justice’ as they claim?

Or, are they merely wanting, REVENGE?


The police likewise assert the woman is responsible for HARRY DUNNE’s death; they say that they ‘believe’ that she was driving on the wrong side of the road.


Now this is both interesting and revealing; because the woman, ANNE SCALOOSA, is an American woman and in America they do, drive on that side of the road. She is also an American military ‘wife’ who with her husband, she was resident, in the RAF CROUGHTON ‘American Spy’ Base.


It is reasonable to assume that during her military experience in America; that she must have been resident and based on many military establishments and base camps. In exiting those establishments each day and carrying out the same procedure to ‘exit’ each day with her car; that procedure must have fully registered in her brain.

Daily she would have seen the ‘guards’ at the gate; she may have frequently spoken to the guard or shown her ‘pass document’; or merely waved him goodbye. She would then have ‘exited’ that establishment; and instantly she would have drove her car to, ‘that right side of the road’. This would have been a ‘daily’ procedure for her; which would have become rigidly embedded in her brain.


Now; she is in ENGLAND; in a similar military establishment; and she is leaving that establishment in her car in precisely the same way; she see the ‘guards’ at the gate, she sees everything at that ‘exit point’ in precisely the same way it was in, AMERICA, in all those American military establishments. She then ‘exits’ that establishment driving her car; and, in a fleeting moment of mental aberration; her brain thinking and imposing that she was still in America; she drives out in her car, driving immediately to the ‘right side of the road’.

There was no intent; no dangerous driving; no negligence; of any kind. She just had an ‘automatic’ mental aberration where her brain took control imposing the ‘idea’ that she was still in, AMERICA.

The, EVIDENCE OF TRUTH, in believing this to be so; is proven by the fact that, NO ONE, NO DRIVER OF ANY VEHICLE, PURPOSELY, EVER DRIVES ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD. In this case, it is blatantly obvious, that something ‘triggered’ ANNE SCALOOSA, to do so.

Sadly, and most unfortunately, the road in question was on the brow of a hill. So, neither the motorcyclist nor the driver of the car had any opportunity to see each other in order to avoid the crash. And, sadly, very sadly, merely seconds before the crash ANNE SCALOOSA’s ‘brain’ would have returned to ‘normality’ when she probably realised, what she had done.



After the crash and seeing the plight of poor HARRY DUNNE dying from the accident; realising what she had done and, utterly confused and bewildered, she just wanted ‘out of it’ and the comfort of her AMERICAN home. She is there now and my advice to her is to resist every attempt to return to the UK. Both, the ‘parents’ and the Media, are persistently vilifying and crucifying her every day. Politicians likewise join in. ‘Questions’ are even asked about her in Parliament.




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