Sunday, February 10, 2008

Are the skids under parliament now?

In my blog “The State of the Nation (2008) I set out a clear and specific case that Monarchy (since it became a ‘Constitutional Monarchy’) has broken the ‘Original Contract’ and thereby, abdicates the Throne.

I further challenge both Parliament and the Courts over “The Supremacy of Parliament.”
I assert that for ‘their claim’ of that Supremacy; there is no ‘legality’ at all.

If you are concerned about the way that Parliament and Parliamentarians have behaved in recent times, and continue to behave now; with all the ‘Cash for Peerages’ affair and more recently ‘Members of Parliament employing and paying their own families to work in the Commons’ and ‘Illegal political party donations’. You might be so disturbed by all that you have read, and continue to see; that you might want to try and bring about change.

Make no mistake about it:

The Skids Are Under Parliament Now.

All of media has parliament in its sights now. And they are not going to let go.

Parliament is rotten, even corrupt, and it is time for massive reform. Day after day there are now more and more revelations of malpractice, fiddling expenses, deceit and spin; and it is obvious that the majority of our People, are sick and tired of all of it. And want change.

Read my blog “The State of the Nation (2008)” very carefully; then when you realize that for all of this, doing by parliament, as parliament pleases, without any right of challenge; in reality, has no legality at all. Understand that; ‘spread the word about my blog’; and we might bring about change.

With the right pressure by the People; demanding change we could now secure a written constitution, a Bill of Rights, and, a Supreme Court of Law. We could actually bring about the very necessary massive reform of Parliament now.

Finally, let me say this: I am quite prepared, and will accept, anyone having the right to determine that I am an idiot, and even claim, that I am wrong. But in order for any to claim that I am wrong, they must first do two things. They must ‘enter the debate’ and they ‘must prove’ that I am wrong.


1 comment:

Rose DesRochers said...

Well I'm not sure about the parliament there, but I no the parliament here in Ontario needs change.