Thursday, March 17, 2016


GEORGE OSBORNE in his budget, cuts disability allowance.

Yet, with impunity both he and his rotten Tory government; and, a wholly totalitarian parliament, can readily approve the spending of BILLIONS OF POUNDS on armaments and weapons that the country does not really need.

in the renovation and repair of the entire TRIDENT NUCLEAR MISSILE system.

 30 BILLION POUNDS for the building of four more nuclear submarines.

 PLUS, MILLIONS OF POUNDS, (The total cost as yet not determined), in the building of a 'High Speed Train Link" between London and Birmingham, destroying hundreds of homes and the present beautiful environment; just so that in travelling this distance by train, the train will arrive in Birmingham ’20 minutes earlier’ than it does now.

 This is the 'totalitarian Governing' that the British endure now. Consider,

NICE, the, "
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence" is the governments scrutinizer of all National Health spending; NICE investigates in the finest detail how much the NHS can afford, or refuse, in respect to all medicines and medical treatments, for those in need.

NICE continually refuses to allow treatments and medicines necessary to those that desperately need that treatment, solely on the 'criterion' that the NHS cannot afford to pay for all medical need; because it would cost too much.

WHY DON'T WE HAVE A, 'People's, "National Institute for Examination of the Wasting of Income Tax". (NIEXTAX)


It is no use relying upon the 'scrutiny' of Parliament; Parliament is wholly corrupt creating laws and Bills in exactly the same way as ADOLF HITLER did in Nazi Germany. Though, HITLER, did have the legality of his "Enabling Act". This Act had been passed by the German parliament, 441 votes to 94. But, the British parliament in the application of the diktat of the political party WHIPS instructing Members of Parliament how they should or must vote on the issues presented to parliament for the vote; has no 'legality' at all. The WHIPS political party domination of parliament flouts and breaches the 'precedent of law' set out in the, "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/ "The Said Rights Claimed". Which, specifically instructs parliament that when parliament claims or applies its, "SUPREMACY"; that, NOTHING SHOULD PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE. The WHIPS in parliament therefore, do 'prejudice the people', and thereby, the WHIPS in parliament has no 'legality' at all. 

Here, CAMERON and his rotten government is making a total commitment to spend "197 BILLION POUNDS" of taxpayer’s money on building and renovating a so-called 'nuclear deterrent'; that is not a, DETERRENT' at all; and, where the actual 'tax payers'; all those that pay that tax; have no say in the matter at all.

And, yet, very sick, and disabled people, actually needing those medicines and medical treatment; NICE, will continually deny.

My petition demands that GEORGE OSBORNE and his rotten government, 'think this thru again'. I respectfully urge all to sign it, and to persuade others to sign.

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