Sunday, March 27, 2016


And, the "Headless Chicken's" trying to combat it.......

Every time that there is a terrorist attack, all the Western World Leaders, Politicians, Security Experts, and Senior Military Officers; all rush around like "Headless Chicken's" pondering what to do next. All, consistently proclaim, "Life must go on as normal"; and, that this terrorism, "Has nothing to do with Islam".
But, none of them have even bothered to look for or at the, "CATALYST",  which is the true cause of the problem.

Islamic Fundamentalism, DAESH, AL QEADA, or whatever the terrorist calls themselves, can never be beaten; because,

You can never defeat an, 'IDEA'

IDEAS of Humankind can never be beaten or destroyed. ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM, is an IDEA. And, this is the "CATALYST" of the problem.

WHY DO YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN ACT AS SUICIDE BOMBERS AND KILL THEMSELVES? This is what must be properly understood; to even properly understand and get to grips with the problem.


And, that, "IDEA", is predicated in the ISLAMIC "QURAN".
The "Quran" specifically instructs every Muslim to perpetually harass and 'destroy' all, 'Unbelievers' -

"When Ye meet the Unbeliever in Fight, Smite at their necks" - (Sura 47 Ayat 4).

The "Quran" is prolific in providing instructions to every Muslim; ordering them to "continually' harass Unbelievers; force them to pay fines in order to survive; force them to 'convert'; and, if they refuse to convert, to kill them.

The, ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST TERRORIST, complies with these instructions implicitly; literally, 'word for word' as set out in the "Quran". That is why at ever terrorist atrocity, wholly innocent people are slaughtered. And, when they seize 'hostages'; those 'hostages' are then, 'forced to pay huge fines', 'forced to convert'; and, when they refuse to convert, they are then 'beheaded' or killed.

The, ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST TERRORIST, carries out the "QURAN's INSTRUCTIONS" to the very letter.

WHY? Because they implicitly believe in the "cause" and the "rewards" in "PARADISE"; that the "QURAN" promises:

In, KILLING AS MANY "UNBELIEVERS" AS POSSIBLE, the "ISLAMIC QURAN" promises every Muslim; that they will join with the 'Prophet Mohammed" in PARADISE, to be treated by 'virgins' catering to their every need.

This is why they strap that 'suicide belt' to their bodies and activate the bombs, killing themselves.

THEY DIE FOR A CAUSE. The Muslim Islamic Terrorist does not fear death; they ecstatically and religiously, welcome DEATH. And, they kill, as many 'unbelievers' as they can.

Every Islamic terrorist in Syria might be killed; but, within minutes, there will always be other Muslims being prepared to 'Wage the Jihad' that the "Quran" demands.

This is something that the "HEADLESS CHICKEN's" will never understand.

The Headless Chicken's

One of these "Headless Chicken's" (the British Foreign Secretary) proposes to spend 197 BILLION POUNDS of taxpayers money: 30 Billion Pounds for the building of four nuclear submarines, and, 167 Billion Pounds for the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system; which he asserts will protect Great Britain from any such attack. He must have meant this "Islamic Terrorist" threat; because, there is no such 'threat' from RUSSIA today.

Another, "Headless Chicken", a senior military officer and a so-called 'expert in warfare', proposes the immediate mounting of a "boots on the ground" force comprised of British, European, and NATO, troops to fight in 'hand to hand' combat in Syria, to defeat the terrorist forces prevailing there now.

These ludicrous resolutions to combat the "Islamic Terrorist" threat; is a futile as "KING CANUTE" trying to control the tides of the sea.

because, the Islamic "JIHAD" is an, IDEA. And, the 'terrorism' is predicated, by the Islamic, "QURAN".

The one remedy that might work:

ISLAM MUST BE TOLD TO, "PUT IT'S OWN HOUSE IN ORDER"; to, root out and 'give up' every terrorist within it's midst. And, to stop the, "Preaching" of Jihad.

ISLAM, Worlwide, has vast massive resources. If it can be persuaded to 'clean up' its own 'House'; this might bring about the cessation of the terrorism.

Yet, ISLAM will be faced with a huge dilemma in this; because, ISLAM, cannot either 'abolish' or 'amend' the Islamic "QURAN";  because the Prophet "Mohammed" himself has proclaimed within that, "Quran", that no one could write a better book; and, challenges, all Muslims to try.

HEADLESS CHICKENS, will never understand, "Dying for a Cause",

BOBBY SANDS killed himself starving and dying a horrible death in a British prison; he did this because the 'cause' that he wanted to highlight, the British domination and control of his own homeland, had no true legality at all. He killed himself, wholly believing in that, CAUSE.

ETHEL AND JULIUS ROSENBERG, COMMUNISTS, we're murdered by the Americans, putting them to death in the 'electric chair'. Yet, right up to the very moment of their execution they could easily have 'saved' themselves, all they had to do was to admit to 'Spying for Russia' and to 'name' others who had assisted them in that cause. The American State Prosecutors and Security Services were convinced that they would 'capitulate' when actually being scheduled to die, and, there was an official State representative executive waiting for the moment in the prison, when they would 'crack' and reveal all. But they both went to their deaths without admitting any guilt and without mentioning any 'names'. They, refused to betray their associates; dying for their,"Cause".

ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISTS are just as dedicated to their cause; and even more so; because, their cause is a, RELIGIOUS CAUSE.

RELIGION, throughout the history of Humankind; has always been responsible for the worst tyranny and terrorism, of all.

Gordon J Sheppard

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