Saturday, August 9, 2014


Prime Minister, DAVID CAMERON, in the reshuffling of his Cabinet, has appointed MICHAEL GOVE (the, Dictator of Education), into another dictatorial job; as the Tory party, 'Chief Whip'.

The only problem with this is, that, the Offices, Procedures, and Practices of the political party WHIPS in parliament; has no legality at all.

The political party WHIPS in parliament issue political party instructions to 'elected' Members of Parliament each week, instructing those Members, on how they must behave in parliament and, on how they must vote. And, in doing this, (if the Members comply), they overrule and supplant all rightful influence placed upon those Members, by the Constituents.

Thereby, creating, the, 'prejudice of the people'. Yet, this is wholly outlawed and proscribed by the, "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/ "The Said Rights Claimed".

This paragraph within the, 'Bill of Rights 1689’, is the overall 'authority' of the entire Bill. Because, it states within its text that it has the authority over, 'any of the Premises', of the Bill. This means that, “The Said Rights Claimed”, overrules everything written in the Bill.
“The Said Rights Claimed”:

“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular

The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that

noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the

Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in

any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”

This paragraph of this Bill, "The Said Rights Claimed", makes it abundantly clear, that it overrules, “any of the said Premises” of the Bill, whenever, Parliament, "Prejudice the People".

This means that Parliament, actually and legally, loses its, "Supremacy", (afforded to Parliament under "Article 9" of this Bill), if and whenever Parliament, "Prejudice the People".

As, the WHIPS in Parliament do, 'prejudice the people'; the WHIPS very presence in Parliament, has no legality at all.

Parliament and the Judiciary recognizes and complies with the "Supremacy" of Parliament, provided by this Bill, ("The Bill of Rights 1689"); but, both Parliament and the Judiciary 'refuse' to give recognition to, "The Said Rights Claimed". Yet, this is the overall 'authority' of the entire Bill.

Proving, beyond all reasonable doubt, that both Parliament and the Judiciary are wholly corrupt.

MICHAEL GOVE, is aptly and well suited, to his new role.

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