Lord Melvyn Bragg in the introduction of his new series “Radical Lives” on BBC2 writes in the ‘Radio Times’ that, “The will for root and branch change has deserted us today”. And, he claims, therein, that there are now no ‘great thinkers’ of radicalism in our country today.
Lord Bragg is terribly wrong; he assumes wrongly that ‘great thinkers’ must be intellectuals or be highly educated; whereas, the simplest ‘peasant’ in the land, knows exactly what ‘freedom’ is and, wants to be free.
I am just as much of a ‘great thinker’ as John Ball and Thomas Paine ever was; with one important exception; their revolutions ‘The Peasants Revolt’, “The American Revolution” and, “The French Revolution” all depended upon the ‘violent’ uprising of the people.
Whereas, in my revolution to bring about ‘root and branch change’; depends only on the ‘right’ of the precedent of LAW.
The present day revolution to create a ‘true democracy’, rests only on the people’s action, to wield a pen. To sign a petition demanding that parliament officially recognises the, “Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed”.
This is my reply sent to Lord Bragg yesterday:
The Lord Bragg
House of Lords
London SW1A 0PW
Dear Lord Bragg
I take issue with your comment in the Radio Times this week that, "The will for root and branch change has deserted us today". I respectfully suggest you,
Read my book "DEMOCRACY" available as a Kindle e-book (£1.02) and as a paperback (£3.22) here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1500465984
In respect to the 'Scottish Referendum' see also this: http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-new
I further suggest you also browse some of my 'All Voices' reports located here: http://www.allvoices.com/users/gordonj
My book "DEMOCRACY" in my opinion, is just as valuable to 'The People' as Thomas Paine's Rights of Man". And, to, 'The People', it is far more valuable than the actual 'Bill of Rights 1689'; that provides parliament with its 'Supremacy'.
Because, in my book "DEMOCRACY", I tell 'The People' something that they do not know, and, which they have never been taught, throughout their entire education.. I tell, 'The People', and, I prove it as well: that they are actually, protected by law. I prove beyond any doubt that the British Judiciary that has always claimed that it is 'LAW' that prevents all challenge to parliament; is totally corrupt; because, in reading and interpreting the "Bill of Rights 1689" correctly; establishes that anyone may challenge parliament in the Courts; whenever parliament, 'prejudice the people'.
I advise ‘The People’ that the, "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed" actually protects them from the tyranny of the 'abuses' and the 'prejudice' of parliament.
And, nobody has ever told them that before.
"The Will for Root and Branch Change" is alive and well, with me. It is inherent in my very genes.
I want the FREEDOM of a TRUE DEMOCRACY. I want to destroy once and for all the 'unlawful' domination and control of the political parties. I want to abolish the political party activities of the WHIPS in parliament; that, has no legality at all.
And, if I am obliged by 'LAW' to be held in subjugation and, being required, to give allegiance to the 'Reigning Monarch' for as long as a Monarch shall reign; "In the giving of allegiance to the Liege Lord"; I want, and, I expect the, "Protection of the Liege Lord", as well.
The, DESPOTISM, of Monarchy; must come to an end.
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