Saturday, August 9, 2014

THE "N" WORD....

The ‘N’ Word... LEE JASPER on SKY NEWS was ranting and raving hysterically attacking the BBC broadcaster, JEREMY CLARKSON, for using what he claimed was a 'racist' word when he recited the poem, "Eeeny Meeny Miny Mo".

It should be noted that many Black, (African origin), people, among themselves, use that word 'nigger' frequently.

Blacks therefore want the privilege of certain words in the normal dictionary to be entirely exclusive to them. They claim and create merry hell, and scream the word 'racist' if any 'white' person should use it.

In my opinion Black people are entitled to the very same rights that I have: equality in law.

What they are, not entitled to, is, special favour or privilege, and, the 'politically correct' idea, that because of SLAVERY in past ages; they are now entitled to political and/or economic advantage for themselves.

Every time the Black people get 'unwarranted' privileges of 'positive discrimination',

NEGATIVE DISCRIMINATION is heaped upon everyone else.

The word the Black people complain of as 'racist' was always part of the English language; it was even displayed in my 'Atlas' at school. On every page of this ‘Atlas’ there was an illustration depicting the various countries and 'races'; and; prominently under the page featuring AFRICA; there was the depiction and illustration of a NEGRO; with the word, NIGGER, boldly printed below.

All my life I have been aware of and, have had the freedom of the use of, that word.

Very many people today, need to learn about the true origins of, all, HUMANKIND.

Not one of HUMANKIND ever born to planet earth chose of their own volition to be born.

None of HUMANKIND ever had any participation in their own creation.

In, consequence, all, HUMANKIND, at the hour of their birth, were forcibly ejected from the womb. And, from that moment on, they are, 'doomed to live a life', until they die.

This truth and this reality provides for all HUMANKIND, all the rights they need.

Governments and Politicians do not give us our rights. They are inherent in our genes from the instant of birth. Each of HUMANKIND has the irrefutable right to individual conscience, self determination, and, the right to survive.

Thereby, inherent in the genes; each of HUMANKIND has the, NATURAL LAW, right; to offend and/or to discriminate, for or against, anyone or anything, they please.

Man made Law, banning such, NATURAL LAW, right; with 'politically correct' imposition and censorship; has no right in true and just law; because, ‘Man made Law’ cannot lawfully or morally overturn, overrule, or supplant, the, NATURAL LAW; inherent in the genes, of all, HUMANKIND.

LAW is naught but the consent of the People, giving their consent, to live by the "Rule of Law".

The words of LORD HAILSHAM, an ex Lord Chancellor of England.

LAW, therefore, must conform to, truth, freedom, justice, intelligence, logic, and, rationale.

The idiotic notion imposed by ‘Man made Law’ and the 'politically correct', that the whole World is, "Your Sister or Your Brother"; has, 'no logic, no intelligence, and, no rationale, at all.

I cannot recall ever using this word the Blacks complain of; but I shall use it with impunity, whenever I please. I cannot be accused of 'racism'; because, I implicitly believe: all Black People have the same right as me: EQUALITY WITHIN LAW.

Finally, it should be borne in mind: There is today a, “BLACK Policeman’s Association”; but there is no, “WHITE Policeman’s Association”. Were there to be one, Black people would be screaming: “RACISM” as loud as they possibly can..

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