Wednesday, December 26, 2018



Her Christmas day live TV message to the Nation especially ‘instructed’ all to have, “RESPECT”.

“Respect” for each other, in avoidance of troublesome conflict and ‘diversity’.


In respect to that message, the first thing the Queen should do, is to apply that ‘instruction’ to herself. Throughout her entire Reign she has not ‘respected’ and carried out her DUTY; to, “Act as Head of Government”, and provide the “Protection of Her Subjects”. She has repeatedly and consistently, failed to honour and comply with the “Original Contract”.

The, ‘Contract’, that by ‘precedent of law’ exists betwixt King and People. For the, 'protection' of the people.


Furthermore, the QUEEN has frequently and consistently granted the “ROYAL ASSENT” to corrupt ‘Acts’ ‘Motions’ and ‘Bills’ passed by Parliament.

Every piece of legislation passed by Parliament, ‘UNDER THE INFLUENCE AND DIKTAT OF THE UNLAWFUL POLITICAL PARTY WHIPS, is corrupt legislation. It is the ‘Reigning Monarchs” DUTY to monitor Parliament, in order to verify if ‘LAWS’ so passed, are corrupt.


Either, the QUEEN; or the ‘despots’ and ‘despotism’ now controlling and dominating the MONARCHY; has repeatedly granted the ‘ROYAL ASSENT’ without bothering to ‘verify’ at all.

How is it possible to have “RESPECT” for a MONARCH failing in her DUTY repeatedly, like this?

The QUEEN also needs to understand, that it is impossible to have “RESPECT” for ‘all’ and ‘any’ that purposely act to deny my rightful access to, “The Rule of Law”, “True and Just Law”, and, “DEMOCRACY”.


The entire ‘elite’ and ‘establishment’ of MONARCHY, JUDICIARY, GOVERNMENT, and, PARLIAMENT, all look upon, ‘LAW’, as it being something that only the ‘common people’ must, OBEY. Whilst, they, all of them, flout and breach ‘LAW’ every day.

THEY ALL DENY; my right to, “THE PROTECTION OF LAW”; and, my right, to a true, DEMOCRACY.


I have no access to, a “Written Constitution”;

I have no access to, a proper “Bill of Rights”;

I have no access to, a “Supreme Court of Law”; Whereby, I can test, question, or challenge the ‘abuses’ or the ‘prejudice’ of Parliament, from within, “LAW’


Furthermore, the QUEEN also needs to understand that it is impossible to “RESPECT” the Members of the nigh fascist right-wing of the TORY Members of Parliament; and, the ‘Seventeen Million’ or so of the British people; who voted to “Leave the E.U.” in the Referendum of 2016. Because, they all purposely conspired to remove from me, the only “Protection of Law” that I had; “The European Court of Justice” and the “European Human Rights Act”.


The long time-honoured criterion in General Elections whereby the ‘majority vote’ wins the Election; and, the ‘minority’ accepts that vote in the spirit of friendship and democracy; here, can no longer apply.

Far from giving them, “RESPECT”,

I hate, loathe, and detest, ALL that tried to take my “Protection of Law” away. Every one of those rotten ‘anti-immigration’ right-wing TORY bastards; and, every one of the ’17 Million’ bastards, who voted to ‘leave’ the E.U.



Not fucking likely. Everyone one of these bastards tried to take my FREEDOM away.









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