Thursday, January 10, 2019




Having now sat through viewing all the debates in Parliament of the last three days on the “Parliament TV Channel”; and, having done likewise for all the debates that have taken place in Parliament during and since the “Triggering of “ARTICLE 50” taking place,

And, now having the ‘spoken word’ of Members of Parliament contributing to those debates, verified in print in the HANSARD copies now in my possession.

No one can accuse me; if I comment on what Parliament has been doing in all those debates, claiming, that I only comment, on “Uninformed” opinion.


Therefore, on wholly “INFORMED OPINION” secured by TV viewing of these debates; and by ‘verification’ of the printed word, I am now highly authorised to make the following COMMENT on the greatest wicked ‘omission’ of Parliament in all those debates.

Throughout all those debates the word,

“LAW” was not mentioned once.

Not one Member of Parliament mentioned the word “LAW”. Nor did anyone mention “The Rule of Law” or the “Protection of Law”.

“LAW” and the word “LAW” by Parliament was wholly abandoned in all those debates.


This, in stark vivid detail demonstrated the ‘stupidity’, ‘negligence’ and ‘ineptness’ of Members of Parliament in all those debates,

Because, THERESA MAY and her government and all the right-wing TORY Members of Parliament; during those debates; consistently asserted that,

 “The People overwhelmingly voted to ‘leave the E.U.’ in the Referendum of 2016; therefore, all Members of Parliament, are now obliged to honour that vote.”

This was repeatedly asserted by THERESA MAY, her government, and all her supporters in Parliament so repetitively, the repetitive phrase was delivered, almost as though it was a religious ‘mantra’. And, every time, it was delivered; all Members of Parliament accepted the assertion quietly; without any comment or complaint; as though it was ‘sacrosanct’ and unchallengeable; not saying one word.
It was a though PARLIAMENT had completely ignored the superb advice of ‘NILS BOHR’, the Swedish physicist, that instructed the students in his classes each day to,

“Judge each word uttered as a Question, never, as Assertion”

Had, Members of Parliament, taken that good advice; when THERESA MAY her government and her supporters had made that ‘assertion’ – it was so obvious on what they should have done – MERELY TEST THE LEGALITY OF THAT ‘ASSERTION’ IN A COURT OF LAW.


That was easy to do; because, the ‘Ballot Paper’ provided for that Referendum; was wholly ‘unlawful’ and corrupt. It provided just two options to the Voter; two boxes to ‘tick’ to LEAVE or REMAIN. It provided no other information at all. Therefore, in truth, reality, and, in ‘LAW’; when the VOTER’s ticked the box to LEAVE; all they actually voted for was the ‘INTENT’ to leave the E.U. – But, the ‘Ballot Paper’ provided no ‘mandate’ whatsoever, for anything required next, in order to, LEAVE.


In submitting this ‘fact and reality’ to the “Supreme Court of Law”; the Court would have no alternative but to uphold the complaint. Especially, when the, EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT, of the lies, manipulations, and deceit, of the “Leave Campaign”, is presented to that Court.











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