Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Syria, and, International Law...

“Military Intervention in any Sovereign State is Unlawful”

The Principle, established in International Law.


This principle of non-interference was well grounded in customary international law. Its explicit origins are often located in the aftermath of the Thirty Years War, when Europe’s princes adopted the principle cuius regio, eius religio, (‘Whose rule, his religion’), to put a stop to the bloodbath which ensued when one state decided it had the right to attack another for religious reasons.

 The principle of non-interference has been enunciated on many occasions since, when the International Court of Justice, the UN’s highest legal body, has confirmed that there exists no right of interference or intervention in the internal affairs of other states, not even when human rights are alleged to be at stake.

In 1986, the International Court of Justice ruled on a case brought by Nicaragua against the United States for interfering in its internal affairs by creating and supporting the Contras to overthrow the Sandinista government. The ICJ found that such action was illegal and that the American claim to be acting in the name of a higher good was not admissible as an argument in law:

The Court reaffirmed that there does not exist a new rule opening up a right of intervention by one State against another on the ground that the latter has opted [to adhere] to some particular ideology or system; that, alleged violations of human rights could not be taken as justification for the use of force, since the use of force could not be the appropriate method to monitor or ensure respect for human rights.

The same sentiment is to be found in the Declaration on Friendly Relations adopted by the UN General Assembly in1970, which stipulated:

No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatsoever, in the internal or external affairs of another State. Consequently, armed intervention and all other forms of interference or attempted threats against the personality of the State or against its political, economic and cultural elements, are in violation of international law. No State may use or encourage the use of economic, political or any other type of measures to coerce another State in order to obtain from it the subordination of the exercise of its sovereign rights and to secure from it advantages of any kind. Also, no State shall organise, assist, foment, finance, incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of another State, or interfere in civil strife in another State.


Note: All of the above is quoted from the book “TRAVESTY” by the author John Laughland.

The book covers the “Trial of, SLOBODAN MILOSOVICH”, and, the corruption of International Justice.

Members of Parliament cannot give DAVID CAMERON the 'green light' in order to start yet another war. 

Gordon J Sheppard

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Great Britain's Totalitarian Police State...

Britain’s, ‘Totalitarian Police State”

 It was announced yesterday, 23rd August 2013, that the Crown Prosecution Service is not proceeding any further with charging Jim Davidson with sexual abuse. They are said, to have determined, that there is insufficient evidence for a charge to be made; and, that, therefore it would not be in the public interest to further proceed.

Well, that's the end of the matter then?

Not by any stretch of imagination, it isn't.
Why could the police not have properly investigated all this, before putting
Jim Davidson through all the trauma and troubles that he has had to endure ever since his arrest? In this, 'Totalitarian Police State', Britain has become today, paedophile witch-hunting police, arrest people, invade homes, and, carry out fishing expeditions, looking for evidence of wrongdoing; seizing computers, phones, and documents, all on the mere alleged allegations made by, so-called, 'victims', of sexual abuse.

 Jim Davidson was arrested in broad daylight at London Airport, he was apprehended and taken into custody, and, he was then interrogated to answer the allegations that had been made. He had to endure all the vilification by both, Press and Media, resulting in several months of public opprobrium. He also lost considerable income revenue by, having, as a result of all this bad publicity, a professional engagement cancelled. He had agreed to participate as a contestant in the TV Reality Show, "Celebrity Big Brother". But, entirely due to this bad publicity, the TV Company responsible for this program required him, to be replaced.

Day after day, in Great Britain today, we see more and more evidence of this 'Totalitarian Police State'. Only a few days ago an innocent traveller was seized at an airport, during a stop-over, and, being en-route to a further destination. He was forcefully held and interrogated for nine hours; and, his phone, laptop, and memory sticks were all confiscated; yet, without him, ever being charged, with anything at all. Our, rotten and corrupt, and, wholly negligent, 'Home Secretary', Theresa May MP, excuses all this, tyranny, by merely asserting: that, everything that was done, was, in the national interest. She claims that, it was all done for, ‘national security’, it was done to protect the country from terrorism. But, the victim of this tyranny, this innocent traveller who had been interrogated, wasn’t even asked one question about ‘terrorism’, during the whole time he was held by the police.

Jim Davidson must sue the police and all those who accused him; for, all the trouble he has been forced to endure. He must claim, not only the lost revenue from a lost professional engagement, but, he must  also claim massive damages, for the 'loss of his good name and reputation', as a direct result, of these actions by the police.

The Crown Prosecution Service, the, Police, and, "The State", might be all rubbing their hands with glee, being satisfied, that this 'incident' is now all over.

But, it is up to the 'British People' to now, ensure,
that it is not.
We must ensure that
Jim Davidson is properly compensated; and, that in future, the police secure hard and fast 'evidence', prior to the arrest of anyone. We must ensure, that the 'fishing expeditions' shall cease. 

Gordon J Sheppard

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Create a true Democracy

Petition: “Create a true Democracy”.

 The intent and main objective of this petition is to create a true democracy in Great Britain. To sweep away entirely, the sham of a democracy, that is presently endured now.
The true definition of Democracy is that,

DEMOCRACY, is Government of the People, by the People, and, for the People.

It is not, and, it never can be, Government, and, a Parliament, wholly manipulated under the control and domination of the political parties. That, is not, “Democracy”. That is a tyranny.

Signing this Petition will make it abundantly clear: That, you wish to end this political party domination of Parliament. That, it is your intention to end the present political party unlawful power in Parliament; by abolishing, the political party WHIPS in Parliament. That has no ‘legality’ at all.

The Offices, Procedures and Practices of the political party WHIPS in Parliament ‘prejudice the people’. Each week the WHIPS issue political party ‘diktat’ and instructions to Members of Parliament, instructing them on how they must behave in Parliament and, on how they must vote. This political party activity is unlawful. Because, (a), such instructions overrule and supplant all ‘rightful influence’ placed upon Members of Parliament by the Constituent. And, (b), that this, ‘prejudice of the people’, flouts and breaches the ‘precedent of law’ set out in the, “Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed”.


Parliament secures its Supremacy in, LAW, thru,
"Article 9" of the "Bill of Rights 1689".
This reads:

"That the Debates and Proceedings of Parlyament ought not to be Impeached or Questioned in any Court or Place out of Parlyament".

Both the British Judiciary and Parliament has always determined that this actual wording prevents all challenge to Parliament in the Courts.

But, for more than three hundred and twenty four years, ever since the "Bill of Rights" was first granted the
"Royal Assent" on the 13th day of December 1689; both Parliament and the entire British Judiciary has been interpreting this 'Bill', incorrectly. Both Parliament and the Judiciary have only been concerned, with the wording of, "Article 9". But, reading the "Bill of Rights 1689" in its entirety, tells a very different story. Reading the entire "Bill of Rights 1689" makes it abundantly clear that anyone may challenge Parliament in the Courts, whenever Parliament, 'prejudice' the People.

 The "Bill of Rights 1689" was created by the "Rights Committee" of the CONVENTION (Parliament) of 1688. The sole intention of the creation of this, ‘Bill’, was to protect Parliament from the interferences of a King. Parliament did not want the same problems that it had experienced with King James II, the previous King. But, in the creation of the Bill, the 'Rights Committee' recognized that although the intent of the Bill was to protect Parliament from a King; that, their Bill might well be misunderstood or misinterpreted; which could result to the detriment of the People. So, this Committee, inserted into the Bill, directly below all the 'rights' that Parliament was claiming from a King, another extra paragraph, providing the 'protection' of the People. This can be seen in the Bill today. It is the paragraph: "The Said Rights Claimed". It reads as follows:

 “The Said Rights Claimed”:

“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”
Therefore, if Parliaments “Supremacy”, afforded to Parliament, by “Article 9” of the “Bill of Rights 1689”, is current law, and, is upheld, by Parliament and the Judiciary, as being wholly lawful? Then, why is it? That both Parliament and the Judiciary, do not recognize, and, honour, the paragraph of that very same Bill, that provides the protection of, “The People”? Protecting, them, from the ‘abuses’ and the ‘prejudice’, of Parliament?

If Parliaments “Supremacy” is legal and lawful; as determined by the “Bill of Rights 1689. Then, so is the paragraph, of that very same Bill: “The Said Rights Claimed”.

Because, both, in fact and in Law, “The Said Rights Claimed” overrules “Article 9” of the “Bill of Rights 1689”, whenever Parliament, “prejudice the people”.

This paragraph of the “Bill of Rights 1689” is current and existing, “LAW”.

Yet, Parliament and the Judiciary deny that recognition.

This petition therefore calls for:

  1. The immediate abolishment of the WHIPS in Parliament.
  2. The immediate recognition by Parliament of “The Said Rights Claimed”.
  3. The immediate declaration by the British Judiciary that the WHIPS in Parliament are unlawful.