Saturday, August 9, 2014

DEMOCRACY - Especially British Democracy....

Great Britain today is not a, DEMOCRACY.

It is a wholly ‘Totalitarian State’ where ‘democracy’ is overruled and replaced by the total domination and control of the political parties. And, this dictorial domination has no legality at all. This, unlawful power, is exercised by the political parties by the complete domination of an ‘elected’ parliament to the, ‘prejudice of the people’, by the use in parliament of the political party WHIPS. The, WHIPS, instruct ‘elected’ Members of Parliament each week, on how they must behave in parliament, and, on how they must vote. In, respect of all the business, of Parliament.

So, let’s just examine from where this power derives:

Total adult population in the country (over the age of 20) according to the National Census of the year 2011 was declared to be: 48,085,800

Total Membership of all the Political Parties: less than 400,000

So all this, unlawful power, within the British parliament derives from only the few Members of the National Executive, of the political parties, who only represent, ‘less than 400,000’ people, in the whole country. And, this National Executive, in totality, numbers only a few hundred people, who are wholly dominating and controlling our lives.

The absurdity of it; is positively obscene.

Why are the British people tolerating this obscenity?

This is the immoral case, set out above, so now let’s look at the actual, legality.

The political party WHIPS and their political party activities in parliament has no true legality at all.

Every time the WHIPS issue political party instructions to ‘elected’ Members of Parliament instructing them on how they must vote; this overrules and supplants all ‘rightful influence’ placed upon those Members of Parliament, by the Constituent. And, this creates the ‘prejudice of the people’ breaching and breaking the ‘precedent of law’ set out and determined by the, “Bill of Rights 1689”.

Where, in the paragraph, “The Said Rights Claimed” set out in that Bill, parliament is clearly instructed, that when Parliament enacts or applies its “Supremacy” (afforded to parliament by ‘Article 9’ of that Bill) or enacts or applies any of the other “Premises” of that Bill;


The political party WHIPS in parliament do ‘prejudice the people’ and, thereby, the WHIPS in parliament has no legality at all.

Concerned, as I am, about all this;; and, the apparent apathy and ignorance of the British people in respect to ‘Democracy’ and how badly they are being governed; I have just written and published a book as a, Guide to the British, on how to properly participate in democracy. The book, “DEMOCRACY” is available here:


CHANCELLOR GEORGE OSBORNE'S proposed banking new laws: All Humankind, whatever their God or 'maker' determined them to be; are gifted with the gifts of the senses: eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, limbs for mobility, and a brain for analysis of all seen, heard, or felt; in order, to accomplish two specific things: (a), the right and the ability to both transmit and receive all information in the 'realm of ideas'; competing for the minds of humankind; and, (b), in order that they can go out into the World and earn a living.

Thus, when any Human being sells his or her own skill and labours to any purchaser of those services that are being offered for sale; the "Contract" existing betwixt both 'employee' and the 'employer'; is their business alone. It is a, lawful private contractual arrangement between them; and, no one has the right to intervene in any way at all.

No Judge; No Politician; No Minister of Government; no one has the right to intervene.

Therefore, those in the 'Banking Industry' - whose 'Bonus' arrangements - are now being threatened with the interference of GEORGE OSBORNE'S proposed new banking laws proposing to 'interfere' in these private 'contractual' arrangements betwixt the 'employee' and the 'employer'; should now collectively all join together, throughout the entire banking industry, to challenge 'Mr Osborne's 'tax law' obscenity', from within law. These new proposals, 'tearing up private existing contractual arrangements', is totalitarian government, going just too far.

Read my book "DEMOCRACY" Kindle e-book £1.02; Paperback £3.22; here:



Lord Melvyn Bragg in the introduction of his new series “Radical Lives” on BBC2 writes in the ‘Radio Times’ that, “The will for root and branch change has deserted us today”. And, he claims, therein, that there are now no ‘great thinkers’ of radicalism in our country today.

Lord Bragg is terribly wrong; he assumes wrongly that ‘great thinkers’ must be intellectuals or be highly educated; whereas, the simplest ‘peasant’ in the land, knows exactly what ‘freedom’ is and, wants to be free.

I am just as much of a ‘great thinker’ as John Ball and Thomas Paine ever was; with one important exception; their revolutions ‘The Peasants Revolt’, “The American Revolution” and, “The French Revolution” all depended upon the ‘violent’ uprising of the people.

Whereas, in my revolution to bring about ‘root and branch change’; depends only on the ‘right’ of the precedent of LAW.

The present day revolution to create a ‘true democracy’, rests only on the people’s action, to wield a pen. To sign a petition demanding that parliament officially recognises the, “Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed”.

This is my reply sent to Lord Bragg yesterday:

The Lord Bragg
House of Lords
London SW1A 0PW

Dear Lord Bragg

I take issue with your comment in the Radio Times this week that, "The will for root and branch change has deserted us today". I respectfully suggest you,

Read my book "DEMOCRACY" available as a Kindle e-book (£1.02) and as a paperback (£3.22) here:

In respect to the 'Scottish Referendum' see also this:

I further suggest you also browse some of my 'All Voices' reports located here:

My book "DEMOCRACY" in my opinion, is just as valuable to 'The People' as Thomas Paine's Rights of Man". And, to, 'The People', it is far more valuable than the actual 'Bill of Rights 1689'; that provides parliament with its 'Supremacy'.

Because, in my book "DEMOCRACY", I tell 'The People' something that they do not know, and, which they have never been taught, throughout their entire education.. I tell, 'The People', and, I prove it as well: that they are actually, protected by law. I prove beyond any doubt that the British Judiciary that has always claimed that it is 'LAW' that prevents all challenge to parliament; is totally corrupt; because, in reading and interpreting the "Bill of Rights 1689" correctly; establishes that anyone may challenge parliament in the Courts; whenever parliament, 'prejudice the people'.

I advise ‘The People’ that the, "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed" actually protects them from the tyranny of the 'abuses' and the 'prejudice' of parliament.

And, nobody has ever told them that before.

"The Will for Root and Branch Change" is alive and well, with me. It is inherent in my very genes.

I want the FREEDOM of a TRUE DEMOCRACY. I want to destroy once and for all the 'unlawful' domination and control of the political parties. I want to abolish the political party activities of the WHIPS in parliament; that, has no legality at all.

And, if I am obliged by 'LAW' to be held in subjugation and, being required, to give allegiance to the 'Reigning Monarch' for as long as a Monarch shall reign; "In the giving of allegiance to the Liege Lord"; I want, and, I expect the, "Protection of the Liege Lord", as well.

The, DESPOTISM, of Monarchy; must come to an end.

THE "N" WORD....

The ‘N’ Word... LEE JASPER on SKY NEWS was ranting and raving hysterically attacking the BBC broadcaster, JEREMY CLARKSON, for using what he claimed was a 'racist' word when he recited the poem, "Eeeny Meeny Miny Mo".

It should be noted that many Black, (African origin), people, among themselves, use that word 'nigger' frequently.

Blacks therefore want the privilege of certain words in the normal dictionary to be entirely exclusive to them. They claim and create merry hell, and scream the word 'racist' if any 'white' person should use it.

In my opinion Black people are entitled to the very same rights that I have: equality in law.

What they are, not entitled to, is, special favour or privilege, and, the 'politically correct' idea, that because of SLAVERY in past ages; they are now entitled to political and/or economic advantage for themselves.

Every time the Black people get 'unwarranted' privileges of 'positive discrimination',

NEGATIVE DISCRIMINATION is heaped upon everyone else.

The word the Black people complain of as 'racist' was always part of the English language; it was even displayed in my 'Atlas' at school. On every page of this ‘Atlas’ there was an illustration depicting the various countries and 'races'; and; prominently under the page featuring AFRICA; there was the depiction and illustration of a NEGRO; with the word, NIGGER, boldly printed below.

All my life I have been aware of and, have had the freedom of the use of, that word.

Very many people today, need to learn about the true origins of, all, HUMANKIND.

Not one of HUMANKIND ever born to planet earth chose of their own volition to be born.

None of HUMANKIND ever had any participation in their own creation.

In, consequence, all, HUMANKIND, at the hour of their birth, were forcibly ejected from the womb. And, from that moment on, they are, 'doomed to live a life', until they die.

This truth and this reality provides for all HUMANKIND, all the rights they need.

Governments and Politicians do not give us our rights. They are inherent in our genes from the instant of birth. Each of HUMANKIND has the irrefutable right to individual conscience, self determination, and, the right to survive.

Thereby, inherent in the genes; each of HUMANKIND has the, NATURAL LAW, right; to offend and/or to discriminate, for or against, anyone or anything, they please.

Man made Law, banning such, NATURAL LAW, right; with 'politically correct' imposition and censorship; has no right in true and just law; because, ‘Man made Law’ cannot lawfully or morally overturn, overrule, or supplant, the, NATURAL LAW; inherent in the genes, of all, HUMANKIND.

LAW is naught but the consent of the People, giving their consent, to live by the "Rule of Law".

The words of LORD HAILSHAM, an ex Lord Chancellor of England.

LAW, therefore, must conform to, truth, freedom, justice, intelligence, logic, and, rationale.

The idiotic notion imposed by ‘Man made Law’ and the 'politically correct', that the whole World is, "Your Sister or Your Brother"; has, 'no logic, no intelligence, and, no rationale, at all.

I cannot recall ever using this word the Blacks complain of; but I shall use it with impunity, whenever I please. I cannot be accused of 'racism'; because, I implicitly believe: all Black People have the same right as me: EQUALITY WITHIN LAW.

Finally, it should be borne in mind: There is today a, “BLACK Policeman’s Association”; but there is no, “WHITE Policeman’s Association”. Were there to be one, Black people would be screaming: “RACISM” as loud as they possibly can..


J K ROWLING’s serious mistake.
J K ROWLING has donated ‘One Million Pounds’ to the Scottish Referendum 'No' campaign.

By doing so she 'spits in the face' of all that have purchased her books who hold an opposing political opinion who want to vote "Yes" in that campaign.

All people and retail organizations offering general sale of products or services to the general public at large, should never discriminate politically with their PROFITS by donating to any political party or political cause; because, those who have spent their own money to buy those products or services; all derive from the consumer, representing all shades of political opinion and preference.

Big Supermarket chains, for instance, should never be allowed to make donations to the Conservative party; because, among those that have purchased their product, they might prefer or give allegiance, to another political party; or, they might well loathe and detest all political parties.

Yet, they, all, in making those purchases, have contributed to the PROFITS of that organisation. And, therefore they are all entitled to, 'equality', of treatment.


In 'spitting in the face' of every 'Yes' supporter, J K ROWLING has 'arrogantly' made a serious mistake. She should now be held to account.


The current true "British Values" of today.
The Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove MP, wants to introduce 'British Values' into the educational curriculum of every school. Here are the important current 'British Values' of today he would never have even thought of. I guarantee, he will not ensure, that these are included.

1. Having no protection of law whatsoever:

No, Written Constitution.
No, Bill of Rights setting out rights and responsibilities
No, Supreme Court of Law where it is possible to challenge the abuses and prejudice of parliament from within law.

2. Being governed by a 'coalition administration masquerading as government’; that was not elected by the people at all.

3. Being held, in imposed, subjugation to the British Crown; requiring, the giving of allegiance to a 'Reigning Monarch' for as long as a Monarch shall reign. Yet, the present, 'Reigning Monarch' breaks the "Original Contract", requiring, the protection of the people; thereby, denying that protection, as required by law.

Each, 'Reigning Monarch' sitting on the English throne, is required, by the ‘precedent of law’ of the 'Original Contract', to protect all 'Subjects of the Crown'; to protect them, from the tyranny of the abuses and prejudice of parliament.

4. Being wickedly deceived by the collective conspiracy of the entire British Judiciary, that determines and rules that the people cannot test, question, or challenge the business of parliament from within law in the Courts; because, "Article 9" of the "Bill of Rights 1689", prevents that challenge. But, the true and correct reading and interpretation of the entire "Bill of Rights 1689", proves to the very contrary; that, anyone may challenge the business of parliament in the Courts; whenever, parliament, 'prejudice the people'.

5. Being wickedly deceived by the total domination and control of the political parties over all the business of parliament; by the use, and, political party activities, of the political party WHIPS.

That, political party activity of the WHIPS overrules and supplants, all rightful influence placed upon Members of Parliament, by the Constituent. When, this total political domination and control of the WHIPS, has no legality at all.

This political party activity creates the 'prejudice of the people', thereby flouting and breaching the 'precedent of law' as determined by, "The Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed". This paragraph in the, ‘Bill of Rights 1689’, determines that when parliament ‘enacts’ its “Supremacy” afforded by “Article 9” of that Bill, “Nothing should prejudice the People”.

Oh yes, these are the true, British Values, of today.

Prime Minister, DAVID CAMERON, in posing his list of true "British Values" stated that, within his list, he would include, having, "Respect for the Rule of Law". When I heard him say that, I virtually exploded with laughter: what a bloody hypocrite!

DAVID CAMERON has no respect for the "Rule of Law" at all. He even seized the power to govern just like any dictator of any totalitarian regime. He was not elected, at all, to be Prime Minister presiding over the present 'coalition administration masquerading as government'.

In the General Election of 2010 the people's vote determined two things: (a), that, no political party should have a majority in parliament; and, (b), that, there should be a, Conservative led, MINORITY GOVERNMENT. The British people in that election did not vote or choose for there to be a coalition administration, at all.

DAVID CAMERON, wholly, ignoring the 'People's Vote'; and, totally discarding, all the 'principles' of the. "Rule of Law"; seized the power to govern in a conspiracy with other leaders of political parties, and, they together, then created this rotten illegal coalition administration, entirely on their own.

There is no 'legal instrument' anywhere in the Kingdom that provides leaders of political parties elected to parliament with the right to overrule and supplant the 'People's Wishes' as determined by their vote in democratic General Election; and, thence to proceed, to create any form of government, entirely on their own.

Oh yes, these are indeed, the true 'British Values' of today.


Malaysian aircraft MH17 - Hysterical Anti-Russian Propaganda
Hysterical opportunistic anti-Russian propaganda accusing President Putin and Russia of being involved in the shooting down of the Malaysian MH17 passenger plane where hundreds of people lost their lives; by, Obama, John Kerry, David Cameron, and other corrupt politicians of an anti-Russian stance and, with vested political interests of their own, has now become positively obscene.

Using the ‘tragic death’ of all those that lost their lives, in order to secure ‘political advantages’, clearly of their own. Lying, cheating, and manipulating minds, all the time.

Anyone with any brain and intelligence at all knows very well that carrying out such a stupid atrocity would not be to the advantage of President Putin or Russia; or, the Russian Separatists in Ukraine. What would they possibly gain? Nothing, but the profusion of the World's condemnation. As, ‘wrongfully’, being applied now.

No, unless the, UKRANIAN MILITARY, had actually shot down the plane; in order to accuse and humiliate President Putin and Russia, and, bring about this World's anti-Russian condemnation; this tragic incident must have been naught but a terrible, MISTAKE.


Here is the news report about this terrible atrocity provided by: “The Press TV” website:
USS Vincennes captain, blind or terrorist: Analyst
The US position on Malaysia plane crash unveils its hypocrisy on the 1998 downing of an Iranian jetliner, says an analyst.

MH17, Iran Air 655: A medal for terrorism

The United States’ position on the crash of a Malaysian plane gives the impression that the USS Vincennes captain who downed an Iranian civilian plane in 1988 was either blind or terrorist, an analyst writes for Press TV.

In an article for the Press TV website, Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich drew a parallel between Thursday’s downing of a passenger plane in eastern Ukraine and the US missile cruiser’s criminal act against an Iran Air passenger plane 26 years ago.

“Listening to the media news surrounding the MH-17 incident, one cannot help but conclude that the USS Vincennes captain, Will Rogers III, was too dumb and blind not to see the easily recognizable passenger plane, or else, he was/is a terrorist,” the analyst wrote.

US intelligence authorities have said that the Malaysia Airlines aircraft, carrying nearly 300 on board, was shot down by a surface-to-air missile by pro-Russia activists, noting that it could not have been mistaken for a warplane.

“In short, the Malaysian airliner is easily recognizable from the ground, according to reports, but the Iran Air plane was ‘mistaken’ for a much smaller jetfighter,” wrote Sepahpour-Ulrich.

The United States shot down the Iran Air-operated Airbus carrying 274 passengers and 16 crew members by two Standard missiles fired from the USS Vincennes.

Sepahpour-Ulrich said the United States called “its own act of terrorism” an 'accident' while a passenger airliner is “so recognizable even from the ground.”

The Iranian airliner was equipped with an identification transponder to give off a specific response signal when interrogated by a radar signal from a potential adversary.

The decision to shoot down the Iranian plane was reportedly taken deliberately on the basis of personal advice passed from junior officers.



Prime Minister, DAVID CAMERON, in the reshuffling of his Cabinet, has appointed MICHAEL GOVE (the, Dictator of Education), into another dictatorial job; as the Tory party, 'Chief Whip'.

The only problem with this is, that, the Offices, Procedures, and Practices of the political party WHIPS in parliament; has no legality at all.

The political party WHIPS in parliament issue political party instructions to 'elected' Members of Parliament each week, instructing those Members, on how they must behave in parliament and, on how they must vote. And, in doing this, (if the Members comply), they overrule and supplant all rightful influence placed upon those Members, by the Constituents.

Thereby, creating, the, 'prejudice of the people'. Yet, this is wholly outlawed and proscribed by the, "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/ "The Said Rights Claimed".

This paragraph within the, 'Bill of Rights 1689’, is the overall 'authority' of the entire Bill. Because, it states within its text that it has the authority over, 'any of the Premises', of the Bill. This means that, “The Said Rights Claimed”, overrules everything written in the Bill.
“The Said Rights Claimed”:

“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular

The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that

noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the

Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in

any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”

This paragraph of this Bill, "The Said Rights Claimed", makes it abundantly clear, that it overrules, “any of the said Premises” of the Bill, whenever, Parliament, "Prejudice the People".

This means that Parliament, actually and legally, loses its, "Supremacy", (afforded to Parliament under "Article 9" of this Bill), if and whenever Parliament, "Prejudice the People".

As, the WHIPS in Parliament do, 'prejudice the people'; the WHIPS very presence in Parliament, has no legality at all.

Parliament and the Judiciary recognizes and complies with the "Supremacy" of Parliament, provided by this Bill, ("The Bill of Rights 1689"); but, both Parliament and the Judiciary 'refuse' to give recognition to, "The Said Rights Claimed". Yet, this is the overall 'authority' of the entire Bill.

Proving, beyond all reasonable doubt, that both Parliament and the Judiciary are wholly corrupt.

MICHAEL GOVE, is aptly and well suited, to his new role.


The Scottish 'Independence' Referendum

There is only one issue at stake in the Scottish referendum:

Do the Scot's want FREEDOM?

Or do they still want to be held in imposed subjugation to the British Crown?

The Scottish people now have the wonderful chance of a lifetime; the chance of voting in a referendum to end their imposed 'subjugation' and become true CITIZENS of an Independent Scotland. Providing , them, with all the opportunities to create proper protections of, 'LAW'.

In voting 'YES' in the Referendum the Scottish people can create a new 'Scotland'; entirely free of the intimidation of the British Crown; where, they can create and provide, a proper, "Written Constitution"; a, "Bill of Rights"; and, a "Supreme Court of Law"; where it is possible for the CITIZEN to test, question, and, even challenge, the 'abuses' and the 'prejudice' of the EXECUTIVE GOVERNMENT from within law.

The, 'imposed' subjugation to the British Crown that they, and, all born to the shores of this land, presently endure; where they are bound in the giving of 'Allegiance' to the 'Reigning Monarch' for as long as a Monarch shall reign; is not just the giving of allegiance to the present Queen. It is corrupted by the 'establishment' and the 'powers that be', into creating a tyranny where the People, have no protection of law at all.

This, imposed subjugation of the people, has been corrupted by the DESPOTISM that prevails.

Thomas Paine in his book the, “RIGHTS OF MAN” published in England 1791, best describes this:


When despotism has established itself for ages in a country, as in France, it is not in the person of the King only that it resides. It has the appearance of doing so in show, and in nominal authority; but it is not so in practise, and in fact. It has it’s standards everywhere. Every office and department has it’s despotism, founded upon custom and usage. Every place has it’s Bastille, and every Bastille it’s despot. The original hereditary despotism resident in the person of the King, divides and subdivides itself into a thousand shapes and forms, till at last the whole of it is acted by deputation. This was the case in France; and against this species of despotism, proceeding on through an endless labyrinth of office till the source of it is scarcely perceptible, there is no mode of redress. It strengthens itself by assuming the appearance of duty, and tyrannizes under the pretence of obeying.

Today, the British people do not have any protection of law. They do not have, a 'written constitution' or a proper 'Bill of Rights' nor do they have access to a "Supreme Court of Law" where it is possible to test, question, or challenge 'executive government' from within law. Nor do they have the protection of the 'Reigning Monarch' who though charged with the protection of the people as required by the "Original Contract' actually provides no protection at all.

All this wicked tyranny can be swept away by, the Scottish people voting 'YES' in this Referendum ; that will free themselves of this DESPOTISM, for ever. They would be utterly foolish to reject the opportunity presented to them in this Referendum.