Monday, February 27, 2017




With the wild hysterical furore prevailing regarding DONALD TRUMP and his assertion that the American press and Media has been 'guilty' of repeatedly publishing 'FAKE NEWS'; it is both important and vital that the British people, examine and properly consider, how the British press and Media does exactly the same.


FAKE NEWS is not only the 'invented' NEWS that is published to indoctrinate or manipulate. it is also what is not published as well. i.e. what is omitted from that publication.


EXAMPLES: (As frequently published by the "Daily Mail".)




OMITTED: She has not carried out her DUTY throughout all the time she has occupied the throne.


OMITTED: All reference, to her precise DUTY required by the, "ORIGINAL CONTRACT"


OMITTED: All reference, to King, James the Second being removed from the throne by the CONVENTION (Parliament) of 1688; for, "Breaking the Original Contract Betwixt King and People".


OMITTED: This CONVENTION declarIng, that he had abdicated the throne. In a huge debate held in the Painted Chamber of the Commons, consisting of both Lords and Commons, they debated the words: "ABDICATED" and "THE THRONE IS NOW VACANT". It was resolved, that, King James II, had "Abdicated" the throne. The CONVENTION declared, "The throne is now, VACANT."


OMITTED: HENRY POWLE, the "Speaker" of the CONVENTION, in respect of the "ORIGINAL CONTRACT", said this:


"It is upon those sitting upon the Throne of England to whom the People of England look to for their protection, and to whom for that Cause, they owe the Allegiance of Subjects; but there being none now from whom they can look to for that legal protection; and to whom for that Cause, they owe the Allegiance of Subjects; the Commons conceive, the throne is Vacant".


OMITTED: The, words of the, EARL OF CLARENDON, in that debate, who spoke of the "Lineal Decent"; (all future Monarch's that would sit upon the throne;), he said,


"The Contract is as binding upon the Successor as well as it was on the Deposed, if the Successor broke that Contract, he too may be Deposed".


NOTE: The "Daily Mail" has never ever published one word about all this.




FAKE NEWS:  "The British Parliament is the "Mother of Parliaments" respected throughout the World. It is the British Parliament that has established and given democracy to the whole wide World.


OMITTED: All reference to Parliaments duty and responsibility to honour and comply with the conditions of its "SUPREMACY"; as determined by the, 'precedent of law'; set out in the paragraph of the, "BILL OF RIGHTS 1689", known as, "THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED"


OMITTED: All reference to, the paragraph, "THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED" set out within the "BILL OF RIGHTS 1689" as being the overall 'authority' of that Bill; for it States within its text, that it is the 'authority' over all the "PREMISES" of the Bill. It specifically instructs parliament that, when parliament 'enacts' any of the "PREMISES" of the Bill, that nothing, “OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE".


OMITTED: All reference to the fact, that this British parliament today, is creating and passing Acts, Motions, and Bills, in precisely the same manner as ADOLF HITLER and the NAZIS created and passed their own laws.

HITLER, though, had the perfect legality for doing this. His "Enabling Act" had been passed by the democratic "Reichstag" (the German Parliament) by 441 votes to 94. But, the, British parliament with its "Enabling Act"; (the 'diktat' and domination of the political party WHIPS); has no legality at all.


OMITTED: All reference to, the paragraph set out in the "Bill of Rights 1689" known as, "The Said Rights Claimed".


This paragraph provides the "Protection of the People" by specifically instructing parliament that it may claim its "Supremacy", (afforded to parliament by "Article 9" of that Bill), but only if parliament, in enacting any of the "Premises" of that Bill, wholly complies with the instruction that nothing, "OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE". The political party WHIPS in parliament instructing 'elected' Members of Parliament on how they must vote; overrules and supplants all 'rightful influence' that might have been placed upon those Members, by the Constituents. (Who elected them in the first place). Thus, this does, "Prejudice the People"; which is specifically proscribed; by the ‘precedent of law’ set out in the, "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed"


NOTE: The 'Daily Mail' has never ever published one word about all this.






OMITTED: All reference to what "DEMOCRACY" is truly about:


"DEMOCRACY" (A true, DEMOCRACY) is both Government and Parliament, "Of the People", "By the People", and, "For the People".

Where, "The People", through democratic representation, govern themselves.


It is not; and, it never can be; Government and Parliament dominated by the POLITICAL PARTIES; Where, ‘The People’ have no participation at all. Such government and parliament, provides naught, but the imposition of a, "TOTALITARIAN REGIME"




NOTE: The Daily Mail has never published one word about this.






OMITTED: All reference to, what this "SUPREMACY" Is all about. How Parliament secured that, 'Supremacy’? Or, what it means.

OMITTED: "Article 9" of the "Bill of Rights 1689" Explanation of how this prevents, by law, any challenge to Parliament in the Courts.

OMITTED: All reference to, “The Said Rights Claimed”

NOTE: The, Daily Mail has never ever published one word about this.






OMITTED: The entire British 'JUDICIARY', repeatedly conspires to "Pervert the course of Justice" and deceive the British people. Purposely, misinterpreting the "Bill of Rights 1689"; and, ruling, that "Article 9" of that Bill, lawfully denies the challenge to Parliament in the Courts. Ruling and endorsing, that, "Article 9", of that Bill is "ABSOLUTE". Thereby, denying, all challenge to parliament in the courts. Irrespective of any circumstances.


OMITTED: Article 9 of the "BILL OF RIGHTS 1689" is, NOT, "absolute".

It is wholly dependent upon the 'conditions' applicable in the 'precedent of law' set out in, "The Said Rights Claimed".


The Daily Mail has never published one word about this.





OMITTED: RUSSIA did not 'annex' CRIMEA at all.


OMITTED: RUSSIA secured the 'sovereignty' of CRIMEA in precisely the same manner as Great Britain secured the 'sovereignty' of the FALKAND ISLANDS.


OMITTED: By, the, "International Law" provision. of the, 'SELF DETERMINATION', of the People, living there.


OMITTED: Great Britain held a referendum of all the People living in the FALKLANDS; and the voting result of that referendum determined as follows: (1), That, the People were 'British'; (2) That, they wished to remain being 'British'; and, (3), That, they wanted to be governed by 'Britain'.


That, is the only claim to the 'sovereignty' of the FALKLAND ISLANDS, that the British have.


OMITTED: The RUSSIAN speaking population of CRIMEA also held a referendum; and the voting result of that referendum declared, (1), That, they were RUSSIAN; (2), That, they wished to remain being RUSSIAN; (3), That, they wanted their children to be taught RUSSIAN in school; (4), That, they  wanted to be governed by RUSSIA; and, (5), That, they sought and requested the 'protection' of RUSSIA, in order to protect them from the tyranny of the 'fascist' inspired coup of gangsters; that had seized the government of UKRAINE.


OMITTED: That, CRIMEA, had always been a STRATEGIC RUSSIAN NAVAL PORT; That, the RUSSIAN speaking population of CRIMEA, in a democratic referendum, had sought the protection of RUSSIA; and, that, just like the Americans, who determined, that they, "Would not tolerate Communism in their Hemisphere";

The, RUSSIANS, likewise, had every right to protect their 'Hemisphere'; and; to protect their 'interests' in their, 'HEMISPHERE', of the World.


The Daily Mail has never published one word about this.





In Great Britain, it is because all Media and rotten journalism, lies, cheats, manipulates and, omits, ‘NEWS’; that the British are virtually wholly ignorant in respect to the, 'legality' and the 'illegality', in properly understanding the way that they are being 'governed'; and ruled by Monarchy. All, that, has been, the very ‘catalyst’ for the current state where there is no "DEMOCRACY" at all. To, where, today, Great Britain, has become, naught but a, TOTALITARIAN REGIME.


Every adult in the country now urgently needs to read my book entitled "DEMOCRACY”; wherein I pose fourteen questions for the reader to answer to participate in BRITISH DEMOCRACY. If they can’t answer the questions; they cannot participate at all. The book is available here:


Monday, February 20, 2017


Dossier of Tyranny


An assessment of the "Special Relationship' claimed by the British, to exist between Great Britain and the United States.

An analysis examining; that, in respect of all the 'nefarious' activities of America and the activities of the 'American Intelligence Services' (including the C.I.A) carried out covertly and overtly over very many years; and, as outlined here below; to actually determine, whether the British want this 'special relationship', or not. The history is so wicked and so unwholesome; it virtually turns the stomach when considering all the 'horror' that has prevailed.


1.     America is the only nation on planet earth to have used the wicked 'nuclear weapon' - THE ATOM BOMB – To, actually, having used that weapon, indiscriminately, against innocent, HUMANKIND.

In a sheer calculated attempt to use this 'weapon' to destroy the Japanese cities of HIROSHIMA  and NAGASAKI; the American planners of this atrocity were perfectly aware that 'indiscriminately' it would murder and maim and ‘burn to a cinder’ virtually every innocent civilian (man woman and child) that happened to be living there, when the bomb exploded. They also knew, without a shadow of doubt, that many more would die or, terribly suffer for many years thereafter, the long lingering effects of radiation.


America had previously carried out the full testing of this weapon; and from the result of that very first "Atom Bomb Explosion" they knew very well the disastrous effect of the weapon.  Therefore, to force JAPAN and its government and the military to surrender and end the war; they only had to demonstrate the massive destructive power of that bomb, to the JAPANESE, in order, to secure, that objective. They could have mounted that demonstration anywhere on planet earth. There was no need at all to bomb and destroy, HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI.


The AMERICAN's could have easily selected an uninhabited location anywhere in the world where they could create another 'nuclear bomb test' and invite the JAPANESE (or their selected representatives) to witness what took place. All America had to do, was to demonstrate this further 'test' of the, "ATOM BOMB" exploding; and, then 'threaten' the Japanese that if they didn't surrender and end the war, JAPANESE CITIES would be destroyed.


Furthermore, when the American's ‘bombed’ HIROSHIMA and NAGSAKI, why didn't they "WARN" the Japanese that the bombing by this terrible weapon was about to take place. They could have 'warned' Japan several days in advance, giving the civilians the chance to flee.


And, why was it necessary to bomb NAGASAKI as well? They only had to destroy HIROSHIMA - just the one city - for the lesson to be learned.



2.     Great Britain had huge financial investment and interest in the 'Oil' of IRAN. The British company, "Anglo Iranian Oil" virtually controlled all the production and pricing for this oil. The Prime Minister of IRAN, Mohammad Mossadeq, didn't like the way the British had such control over this asset and the way the British were 'ripping off' the people of his country ; so he nationalised, the oil of Iran

The British were furious at the loss of all that revenue and all the 'influence' in the world that they would be losing as well; so the British Foreign Office persuaded ANTHONY EDEN the Prime Minister to do something about it. He then flew to the United States to put pressure on President Eisenhower who speedily agreed to the actions that followed. He instructed the C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency) to deal with the matter and they decided to mount a 'coup d'etat’ to  remove Mossadeq  from power and replace him with the 'Shah'.


The American C.I.A. in a sheer conspiracy with the British Intelligence Service (MI6), aided by the military forces, then operated that coup; they removed Mossadeq and replaced him with the SHAH. They forcefully removed this democratically elected Prime Minister from power; kept him in prison for three years; and when he died, they buried him in an unmarked grave on his own property; in order to prevent all or any political unrest. IRAN, then under the SHAH; began a reign of terror, absolute domination and control of the people, calculated to eliminate all DEMOCRACY from IRAN. Sheer tyranny then prevailed.


The American C.I.A. and the British MI6 'Intelligence Agencies’, singly and jointly, overtly and covertly, continually interfere and intervene in the 'internal affairs' of every Nation on planet earth. Both, AMERICA and BRITAIN, persistently pursuing policies, to dominate and control all. "Right-wing", in the extreme.

Unbridled Capitalism is the "American Dream"; anything merely representing 'Socialism" terrifies America and its 'ruling' class; they, always looks upon anything "SOCIALIST" as being the pre-cursor of COMMUNISM .


It is very relevant and worth considering what 'Secretary of State' HENRY KISSINGER said about this; in a speech televised worldwide, he proclaimed, "AMERICA WILL NOT TOLERATE COMMUNISM IN OUR HEMISPHERE"



Following a democratic general election, SENATOR SALVADOR ALLENDE was elected and formed a 'hard left' Socialist Government. The, American 'far right capitalist' government, did not like this; so, the President ordered the C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency) and the military to intervene. The C.I.A., then contributed and spent, something in the order of "6-8 Million Dollars " in order to mount an armed coup to get rid of 'socialist' Allende and replace him with a right wing fascist administration led by Senator Pinochet. The coup went ahead, Pinochet's military forced their way into the PRESIDENTIAL office where Allende was working; and, in a very short time he was dead. He had either been executed by being shot, or as readily claimed, he had killed himself in an act of suicide.

There then followed the greatest 'reign of terror' that the country had ever seen. Pinochet's right wing fascist thugs, police and military rounded up all 'supporters of Allende; all political dissenters and activists, and all trades union officials and their supporters; and, they were all held in custody in a large football stadium. There, they were interrogated and tortured, and some were executed as well. Many were taken away to destinations where they were never seen alive again.

THE "MISSING" IN ARGENTINA DURING THIS REIGN OF TERROR NUMBERED MANY THOUSANDS.  And, all this 'terror, all this torturing, and, all the deaths that took place, were all carried out at the connivance and the treachery of the United States of America; because, they were fearful of, SOCIALISM.

The American's were so fearful of 'Communism’ and the threat it posed to the 'greed' of the Capitalist system; and, they were so unintelligent in that 'hatred', that they were unable to  tell the difference between "Socialism" and "Communism". Hysterically, they wildly lashed out at anything even looking like 'Socialism' ; or, anything posing the merest threat.



America in a wild hysterical anti-communist witch hunt, turned in on itself, wreaking a terror throughout the country, which rapidly got out of control. Many thousands of people, suffered the consequences.


Corrupt power seeking politicians started the witch-hunt immediately following RUSSIA exploding its first atom bomb. These politicians had believed, until then, that only America possessed the 'secrets' of the nuclear weapon. When, RUSSIA exploded its bomb, they became convinced that someone in government or the military administration must have passed this information to the Soviets. Otherwise, Russia, could not have had the bomb.


This book by DAVID CAUTE is available very cheaply at AMAZON (Only, from £5.34) here:

To truly understand America and the American people of today, it is essential to read this book. The author, David Caute, sets out in the most careful and intricate finest detail the hatred and bigotry that prevailed in the United States during the administrations of both Truman and Eisenhower during the wild hysterical `loyalty' programs that were instituted throughout both government and local government in order to prevent `communism' in the country. The, programs, that brought about, the communist witch-hunting of Senator Joe McCarthy and, the HUAC; (House Un-American Activities Committee). And, all the terrible aftermath, that destroyed countless lives. The book reveals the casualty count as:


9,500 federal civil servants dismissed.

15,000 federal civil servants, who resigned whilst under investigation.

2,000 industrial workers fired.

3,800 seamen fired.

600 teachers dismissed.

300 blacklisted in films television and radio.

500 state and municipal employees dismissed.

500 people arrested for deportation on account of their political convictions.

Scientists and university teachers who lost their jobs ran into hundreds.

And a great number of people committed suicide.





This is virtually the very worst of, AMERICAN TYRANNY, outlined here.


The sheer calculated terror and tyranny of putting two innocent people to their deaths; executing them in the electric chair. A wicked conspiracy involving the, Security Services; the Judge that sentenced them to death; and, (barring one Judge of 'dissenting opinion'), all the Judiciary of the "SUPREME COURT". Even the President of the United States, participated, and conspired with all of this, to murder both ETHEL & JULIUS ROSENBERG putting them to death in the electric chair. They all conspired to kill them; yet, they all knew very well; that they were wholly innocent of the crime for which they were charged.


When RUSSIA exploded its first 'Atom Bomb Test" the entire American Government administration, intelligence and military, were convinced that Russia must have had the 'secrets' of the bomb conveyed to them by spying activity; arrogantly, they assumed that only America should have the 'secrets' to that bomb. So the search for communist 'spies' throughout the 'administration' and the country then began.


The, "Un-American Activities Committee" was set up and they held public "LOYALTY HEARINGS" for all suspected or accused. The procedure adopted in these hearings flouted and breached all 'freedom of the individual' and the 'congressional rights of free speech and free expression'. All so accused, were expected to "name names' ; to provide the Committee with the names of all friends, relations, or anyone that had participated, with them, in those events or activities, which the Committee determined was Un-American. This, "naming of names' became this Committees most powerful weapon; it terrified the whole of America and, it wholly destroyed many lives.


'Julius and Ethel Rosenberg' were arrested on entirely false charges. They were both arrested and charged with giving secrets of the Atom Bomb to RUSSIA, based entirely on the false evidence provided by, DAVID GREENGLASS, the brother of Ethel Rosenberg. He worked at the, Los Alamos secret nuclear weapons establishment, where the bomb was being created and built. In the 'communist witch hunts' he had been suspected and, he was arrested for spying. Trying to defend himself and being forced to 'name names' he named and implicated his brother-in-law, Julius Rosenberg.


Julius Rosenberg was then arrested and charged with spying. But, he would not 'name names' he refused to implicate anyone. The 'conspiracy' was then invented by both the security services and DAVID GREENGLASS, to facilitate the arrest of, ETHEL ROSENBERG, and charge her also with spying. She was arrested in order to put more pressure on Julius Rosenberg; to try and force him to co-operate and name names. But, he was adamant; he refused to co-operate. He refused to give them any names.



They were both charged with giving the 'secrets' of the ATOM BOMB to Russia; and the evidence against them was solely the 'invented conspiracy' as derived and created by the 'security services' and, DAVID GREENGLASS. As 'evidence', they produced and submitted, a 'drawing' of a lens filter' (the triggering device for the bomb) allegedly made by DAVID GREENGLASS. And, as evidence, it was alleged by the security services and David Greenglass, that he had given this drawing to JULIUS ROSENBERG for him to pass it on to the RUSSIANS.

GREENGLASS testified, that he gave the drawing to Julius and that his wife, Ethel Rosenberg, had typed up the 'instructions' for the bomb, on a typewriter on the kitchen table. The 'drawing' allegedly of this 'lens filter' was produced in the court as evidence; and, the Jury found them both GUILTY as charged..

 The rotten and corrupt Judge, Irving R Kaufman then passed the sentence of death on both of them. To be executed, in the electric chair. In passing this sentence he proclaimed, that, "By their treachery in giving Russia the Atom Bomb 'secrets' they had been directly responsible for all the deaths of the Korean War."



The Truth of the matter.


Julius Rosenberg did spy for Russia, he was a dedicated communist and he had spied for Russia for many years. But, he never passed any secrets of the 'Atom Bomb' to Russia, for two reasons, (a) he had never ever had any access to military information and (b), the events alleged by DAVID GREENGLASS and the security services; never ever happened at all.

His Russian controller had ordered Julius to cease all 'spying activity' long before the events took place, for which he was charged. The Russians were involved in some very important spying activity at the time and, they did not want any 'amateur' spying activity, getting caught and drawing massive public interest upon Russian spying activity.. The alleged incident of Ethel Rosenberg typing out the 'instructions' for the bomb in the kitchen; therefore, never happened at all. They were the pure invention of the security services and the rotten and corrupt lies of DAVID GREENGLASS; (Ethel' s own brother');  who had implicated them; trying to save himself and his wife.

 All this provides the absolute truth that the 'security services' of the United States of America, knew very well, that Julius Rosenberg had not given the 'Atom Bomb' secrets to RUSSIA; and, they knew, that, Ethel Rosenberg, was not a spy at all. Corruptly, they had invented and fabricated that story, fully intent on killing the Rosenberg’s. So, they damned well knew, that, ETHEL, was innocent. YET, everyone involved in that 'conspiracy', let her be executed, dying that horrible death in the electric chair. And, purposely, depriving her children, of the love and care of their mother as well.

The RUSSIANS for communication purposes gave a "Code Number" for each of their spies working in America. Julius Rosenberg was given a 'code number'; but the RUSSIANS never gave ETHEL ROSENBERG any number at all. WHY? Because, she was never their spy.


The Conspirators intent on killing the Rosenberg's:


The American Security Services.

DAVID GREENGLASS (Ethel's own brother)

The judges of the Supreme Court that 'conspired' with each other to refuse to hear any more 'pleas' on behalf of the Rosenberg’s.

The President of the United States, DWIGHT EISENHOWER, who refused 'clemency' the very day before the Rosenberg were killed. It is a guaranteed certainty, that he, KNEW THE TRUTH, about their innocence. Yet, he allowed their execution, to serve as an example to deter others.


There is just one more further wicked anomaly in respect of the actual charges the Rosenberg's faced in court in that trial; which concerned the 'DEATH PENALTY'. They were purposely charged under the wrong criterion of law, to purposely secure the death penalty,

There are two conflicting U.S. laws in respect to when the death sentence is lawful, and, may be imposed; and, when it is not lawful, and cannot be imposed. COMMITTING TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES provides under one criterion that, "the intent was to damage or harm the United States", where, the Judge may impose the death penalty without the recommendation of a jury; and, the other criterion, "where there is no intent to damage or harm the United States", where, the death penalty may not be imposed, without the recommendation of a jury.


Speculation: assuming, that the Rosenberg’s were spies for Russia and that they did pass that Atom Bomb secret to Russia; it could be reasonably and truthfully argued that the Rosenberg's in doing this had no intention to harm the United States at all; they were merely helping Russia to secure that same technical knowledge and expertise, in order, that the United States should not have a military advantage over Russia. And, in this respect, providing the situation of, "Mutual Assured Destruction", they were merely helping to secure, and maintain, PEACE.


It was because of the possible defence of the Rosenberg's, being this; that the entire security services and the entire judicial and government sources, being intent on killing them; that they purposely charged them under the wrong criterion of law. THEY WANTED TO BE ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT THE ROSENBERG'S WERE EXECUTED.


There is one other wicked manipulation of law and the evidence presented in this trial against the Rosenberg's; the Government and the prosecution purposely charged them with "conspiracy to commit espionage" rather than "for having committed espionage". They did this because, by using the word, "conspiracy" - the prosecution and the government gained the advantage = that they did not have to prove that a substantive crime, had actually taken place.


The, MURDER of the Rosenberg’s, is a stain on the United States of America , that can never be erased.






Here again, treachery of the very worst kind. The sheer murder of thousands, the bombing and wilful destruction of property; and, the purposeful dismantling of all the military and police forces, wholly abolishing all law and order.


Secretary of Defence, COLIN LUTHER POWELL, a retired Army General and 'Chief of Staff' for the United States, appeared before the, United Nations Security Council, and presented a sheer 'tissue of lies' and ‘deceit’; trying to convince the World to believe that IRAQ possessed, "Weapons of Mass Destruction".


In a worldwide televised report, he produced a deceitful presentation of film, video, and detailed drawings, featuring, what he asserted were vehicles which had been converted as mobile "FACTORIES" to produce chemical weapons. He asserted and claimed, that there could be no doubt whatsoever about it; he said, here was the proof; that, IRAQ, did have, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.


Subsequently, after waging that terrible, IRAQ WAR, and, with many thousands being killed and the infrastructure of IRAQ being completely destroyed; and, with no "Law and Order" being available at all; there were no, "Weapons of Mass Destruction”, found.




The IRAQ WAR was the 'birth' of "ISIS' (Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism). The United States of America intent on 'Regime Change' in both IRAQ and subsequently Libya, has been the very 'catalyst' of all the terrorism, we endure today.


The Question for the British is this,




Sunday, February 19, 2017


ABUSE of and by Parliament…


DIANE ABBOTT MP wants a parliament inquiry set up to examine the ABUSE of Members of Parliament on-line.


There should be a full inquiry set up to properly examine the LEGALITY of the political party WHIPS in parliament. According to the 'precedent of law' established in the "BILL OF RIGHTS 1689, the political party activities of the WHIPS in parliament, has no legality at all.

The WHIPS in parliament issue instructions to 'elected' Members of Parliament each week; instructing them on how they should or must vote on all of the 'issues' of legislation being presented to parliament calling for the VOTE. And, in this instruction or 'diktat' imposed upon those Members, this overrules and supplants all 'rightful influence' that might have been placed upon them, by the constituents; who elected those Members in the first place. This therefore and thereby creates the "PREJUDICE OF THE PEOPLE" and, that is specifically proscribed, by the 'precedent of law' set out and entrenched in the "STATUTE IN FORCE/BILL OF RIGHTS 1689/THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED"

This paragraph, "THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED" within that "BILL OF RIGHTS 1689", specifically instructs parliament, that parliament may 'enact' all the "Premises" of that Bill; including "Article 9" which provides parliament with its "SUPREMACY"; but, only on the conditions set out in, "The Said Rights Claimed". - This makes it abundantly clear that in 'enacting' any of the "Premises" of the Bill; that nothing, "OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE"

The WHIPS in parliament do "PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE";
Therefore, the WHIPS in parliament, HAS NO 'LEGALITY' AT ALL.


The Judiciary cannot prevent this challenge in the Courts, irrespective of their assertion and ruling that, “Article 9” of that Bill, determines that, “Parlyament ought not to be Impeached or Questioned in any Court or place out of Parlyament”; and, that the Judiciary rules, that, “Article 9” is, ABSOLUTE. Whereby, Parliament cannot be challenged in the courts, irrespective of any circumstances.


"Article 9” is not "ABSOLUTE" at all. "THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED” overrules “Article 9”, whenever parliament, “PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE”.

“THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED” is the ‘Supreme Authority” of the Bill; it states within its text that it has the ‘authority’ over all the “PREMISES” of the Bill. All the “PREMISES” therefore, is absolutely everything written in the Bill.

Today, a corrupt parliament and government are creating and passing LAWS, ACTS, MOTIONS; and BILLS wholly unlawfully, in precisely the same way as ADOLF HITLER and the NAZIS created their own laws. HITLER, though, had the perfect legality for doing this, he had placed his "ENABLING ACT" before the democratic "REICHSTAG" (the German parliament) and they had voted and passed that Act, 441 votes to 94.

Yet, the WHIPS in parliament, in the Governments "Enabling Act", (the corrupt force and ‘diktat’ of the WHIPS in parliament); has never been given the approval of parliament by, a FREE VOTE of parliament, at all. The, proposition could never have even been put to parliament, without causing, THE PREJUDICE OF THE PEOPLE; because, the "SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED" provides the protection of the People; and, to even propose to take that ‘protection’ away, would, “PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE”. 


Gordon J Sheppard

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


TORY right wing plot to get rid of Commons Speaker.

The calculated 'right wing' TORY plot to get rid of JOHN BERCOW MP the "Speaker" of the House of Commons, is based solely upon their assertion that he is not 'impartial' and that thereby he has lost the 'confidence' of all Members of the House of Commons.


These TORY right wing thugs are not interested in the fact that he is impartial; They are worried that he is, 'TOO IMPARTIAL'. And, that he does not 'favour' TORIES in the debates in the House of Commons. That's why they 'hate' JOHN BERCOW; they want a hard and fast dedicated TORY as the, 'Speaker' - one that WILL favour TORIES in debate.


They accuse JOHN BERCOW of having his own opinions, and, expressing those opinions, both inside and outside the House of Commons. Which, they allege is prohibited, in the proper role of, "The Speaker", in the House of Commons..


JOHN BERCOW has the perfect right to hold or express opinion on anything happening in the world at any time. He has the same right of 'FREE EXPRESSION' as any others of Humankind. He can hold any opinion; and express that opinion at any time or anywhere; but, that does not prevent him from being "IMPARTIAL", in the conduct of all parliamentary debate.


As, "The Speaker" he only presides over the conduct of the House of Commons and the "impartiality' during debates; he has no 'power' to influence anything in any debate; he has no VOTE to cast. So, having any opinion, or expressing any opinion; does not interfere with the IMPARTIALITY required, in the conducting of any debate.




This rotten TORY right wing plot, must not succeed.