Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Leveson Inquiry

Was set up to closely examine the practises, role, and culture of both Press, and, Media; In public life. It is now due to publish its report.

The very first thing the Inquiry ought to have addressed is “LAW”

Because, “LAW”; in Great Britain today, is not properly understood.

It is generally known and accepted by, nearly all, that, “LAW” is something that must be obeyed.

Yet, that is not “LAW” at all.

The ‘true ‘definition of “LAW” is, as described by LORD HAILSHAM, an ex-Lord Chancellor of England.

Who always said, this:

“Law is a myth without the consent of the People there is no Law”


Thus, “LAW” is naught but the voluntary consent of the People to live by “The Rule of Law”.

The ‘key criterion’ here, therefore, is, “The People”; and, not, the Judiciary, the police, the politician, or, the, ‘profession of law’; that, are merely, ‘administrators’ of law.

 This is where “The Leveson Inquiry” has miserably failed.

Lord Leveson has heard witness testimony from virtually all walks of life in respect to Media, Press, Television, Law, and Show business. The so-called ‘celebrities’ of the nation have been heard in full. Yet, “LEVESON”, has not heard one word of ‘evidence’ from the ‘common people’, at large.

 In all the comment and speculation taking place now throughout the entire British Media and Press, speculating, on what the ‘report’ will reveal in respect to any ‘statutory’ controls to be announced in the report, when, it is published in a few days time. Not, one word is being heard from the ‘common people’. Every, TV studio and all ‘news’ programmes are full of, Politicians, lawyers, celebrities, and the ‘vested interests’ of the Media; but, in all of the debates and interviewing taking place; Not, one Member of the ordinary general public is being seen; or, their, voices, being heard.

The entire “LEVERON INQUIRY” and, all public debate and discussion about it taking place in the nation today; is all about, “The Elite”.

 And, that is a disgusting ‘travesty of law’ and a disgrace.


It is, “The People” who matter most of all.


Gordon J Sheppard

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