Monday, May 27, 2013

The Big Lie...

The Ridiculous Myth Pertaining,

Re. THE BIG LIE, in respect of  “Sex within Marriage”

Today in Great Britain the debate rages nationally as to whether the “Law” should allow “Gay Marriage”. All bigoted opponents, to this proposition, having no conception of the right to ‘equality’ in “Law”, for all those that give their consent to, “Live by the Rule of Law”; vigorously oppose Gay Marriage, by asserting that, “Marriage is intended, for only between a Man and a Woman, and, that the prime function of “Marriage”, is procreation.

Newspapers like the Daily Mail and other right-wing Media, and, the Churches, constantly assert this ridiculous claim. The Churches rigidly insist that, ‘sex’ within Marriage by a Man and a Woman, is primarily designed, for procreation.

However, the outright damned lie, is revealed; by the mere anatomy of Humankind.

Every female born to planet earth is equipped ‘naturally thru evolution’ to possess the bodily function of the, CLITORIS.

This bodily organ of every female has no part to play whatsoever, in procreation.

Nature has provided the female with a, CLITORIS, for just one purpose, and, one purpose alone: SEXUAL PLEASURE. Inside or outside, “Marriage”, as the female pleases.

The sheer wonderful sexual pleasure the female obtains, either, thru self masturbation of the, CLITORIS, Or, by the stimulation of that organ, by, a lover; male or female.

When, the Church leaders and the Daily Mail newspaper continually assert that ‘Marriage’ is only designed for, between a Man and a Woman, and, that, ‘Marriage’ is only for procreation. Every reader of that newspaper; and, everyone, will know; that both the Churches and the Daily Mail; lie in their teeth. Or, they do not know,


The next time YOU SEE the Daily Mail, or, anyone, falsely asserting this ridiculous lie; pose the Question, and, ask them.




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