Friday, June 28, 2013


INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM, and, Mrs Doreen Lawrence...

The terrible tragic death and murder of STEPHEN LAWRENCE does not provide his mother, Mrs Doreen Lawrence, with special 'positive discrimination' advantages to have private consultations with the Home Secretary, Theresa May; or, to have private conversations with Bernard Hogan-Howe the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police; where she can dictate the way investigations are to be carried out.

Peter James, the so-called whistle-blower who has asserted that he was instructed by Senior Police Officers whilst he was acting covertly, to find 'evidence' to, "Smear the Lawrence Family"; either lied in his teeth; or, he was paid by some source of Press or Media to say what he did. Or, he lacked the intelligence to interpret correctly the actual instructions he had been given.

H was probably instructed to investigate the Lawrence family. NOT TO SMEAR THEM.

And, the police had every right to investigate the Lawrence family.
In every murder or very violent crime it is normal practice for the police to investigate the victims family. Probing and investigating the family of a victim, often produces valuable information about the victim. In the Stephen Lawrence murder investigation, there was every reason to explore the lives of the Lawrence family. Because, there was every indication, that they were decidedly, 'anti-police', and, possibly, even, 'black racist'. Stephen Lawrence's photograph, where he is giving a 'Black Panther', "clenched fist salute" requires some clarification, in this regard.

Following the attack on Stephen Lawrence, resulting, in his death; the great speed with which the anti-racism brigade took charge, and, IMRAN KHAN was appointed as the family's solicitor, left many questions to answer. In all the questioning of the family, Mrs Doreen Lawrence objected, and investigators were directed to pursue all enquiries with this solicitor. She even adopted the very same attitude during the official Inquiry. She specifically objected to being examined as a witness, by, declaring, "Why should I be questioned?” Even, though she attended that Inquiry as a witness.

I particularly now detest seeing Mrs Doreen Lawrence, or, hearing her name; because every time I see her, or, read about her, in news Media; the phrase, "INSTITUTIONALIZED RACIST" flashes before my eyes. And, this is the corrupt and rotten phrase dreamt up, and, contrived by the judges of the, "Stephen Lawrence Inquiry"; that, has done this country very great harm.

This idea of 'institutionalized racist' was dreamt up and was intended to be used against the police, before even one word of 'evidence' had been heard. Throughout this whole 'Inquiry' the police evidence was treated with contempt and even ridicule. There was great sympathy for Mrs Doreen Lawrence, who has lost her son in the most terrible way; and the 'Inquiry' was motivated by that, as its chief objective. The 'Inquiry', without even considering the consequences of what they were doing, condemned the police, and recorded for history, that, condemnation; by declaring that the entire police service was, 'institutionalized racist'.

The corrupt politicians and, the 'anti-racism brigade' seized on that declaration with glee. For, it provided, that all the advantages of 'positive discrimination', were now theirs for the taking. And, WOW, how they have cashed in.

The politicians with large Black and Muslim constituencies; in order, to prove that they are not racist have seized every opportunity to heap 'positive discrimination' advantages upon those that they represent. For, all 'positive discrimination' heaped upon this community in the nation; 'negative discrimination’, disadvantages, have been heaped upon everyone else.

 Today, the 'Black' community even holds to the belief that it has the sole and exclusive right to certain words in the English language: the word, "Nigger" is constantly used by the Black community in conversation; but, they deny the use of that word, by, "LAW"; to everyone else.
This is the absurdity of the consequences of, "Institutionalized Racism".

Ever since the very instant the phrase was first created by the corrupt judges of the "Stephen Lawrence Inquiry"; the police have been terrified of being accused of racism. In consequence the police have been virtually 'immobilised' from carrying out its proper role.

Before any charges of 'racism' are levelled at anyone; I suggest the 'Blacks' and their political organisations look first at themselves. Nothing is more racist, than the, "Black Policeman's Association". It’s very declared objectives are racist: to 'improve and look after the interests of black policemen.' Furthermore, why isn't there a, "WHITE POLICEMANS ASSOCIATION" ?

Today, both LAW and JUSTICE in our land is rotten and corrupt.
Even Juries, Newspapers and News Media, are influenced by the concept of 'institutionalized racism' and, the sympathy, for, Mrs Doreen Lawrence. That is why in the "Stephen Lawrence Murder Trial", two young men have been convicted and now serve a life sentence in prison. Yet, in the forensic evidence presented in that trial, there was every reason for, reasonable doubt. See details here:

Mrs Doreen Lawrence, (though, it be, not her fault), and, the corrupt declaration of the "Stephen Lawrence Inquiry"; has corrupted, the very life of our country today.


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