Monday, February 3, 2014

DAVID CAMERON the 'Dictator'...

European Law, and, the Dictator, David Cameron*


*David Cameron is naught but a totalitarian dictator; he seized power to govern as a coalition administration, without any legality at all. He defied, denied, and ignored the legitimate democratic vote of ‘The People’ cast in the General Election of 2010, which called for a “Conservative led Minority Government”; and, he, together, with the leader of the Liberal party,  then set about creating this present illegal administration entirely on their own.

 There is not a shred of legality for this present corrupt administration masquerading as government; and, any that claim, that there is the legality, I defy them to produce the ‘legal instrument’ that actually verifies, that, legality; as claimed. There is no such ‘legal instrument’ anywhere in the British legal archive that permits, political party leaders with the right to, ignore, the ‘wishes of the people’ as declared, in a democratic General Election.



David Cameron asserts that if he is still the ‘Prime Minister’ after the next General Election he will ensure that there is an, ‘IN/OUT’ referendum, on Membership of the European Union. And, the question to be posed, is this: why is he and, virtually every Member of Parliament, and, the right-wing Press and Media, so intent on indoctrinating the ‘common people’ that we should either quit Europe altogether or, renegotiate the Treaty; in order to only comply, with our own laws?

The answer is very simple: all the politicians and the right-wing Press and Media want total domination and control. They want to wholly dominate every single aspect of our lives. Through the political party activities of the ‘unlawful’ WHIPS* in parliament, the political parties exercise that domination, now. They loathe the very idea and concept of a European Government and a European Human Rights Act, that, sometimes overrules and supplants, their, domination and control.

 This is why everyday some politician is warning the British people that ‘Europe’ is bad. And, that, we British must be free to govern ourselves.


 Do not be hoodwinked and fooled into believing this lie. Europe, today, is the only ‘protection of law’ that the British have. Our succession of rotten governments and, our Monarchy, has never provided the British with any protection of law at all. The entire British ‘ESTABLISHMENT’ of Monarchy, Judiciary, Government, Parliament, and the Police, all look upon ‘LAW’, as being something that only the, ‘common people’, must obey. Whilst, they, flout and breach, ‘LAW’ all of the time.

The British ‘Subject’ has no protection of ‘LAW’ whatsoever:

  1. We have no ‘Written Constitution’.
  2. We have no proper “Bill of Rights” setting out rights and responsibilities.
  3. We have no “Supreme Court of Law” where it is possible to test, question, or challenge the ‘abuses’ and the ‘prejudice’ of parliament, from within ‘LAW’.
  4. Furthermore, although, there is a ‘Reigning Monarch’ sitting upon the British throne, charged by, ‘precedent of law’, with the responsibility to honour the “Original Contract”; that, requires the ‘protection’ of the Crown’s Subjects. ELIZABETH THE SECOND, has failed to honour that ‘Contract’, all of the time she has occupied the throne.
  5. We have an ‘elected’ parliament, elected by the democratic vote of the people in General Election; yet we do not have a, “People’s Parliament”; our corrupt parliament is wholly dominated and controlled by the political parties.



The denial of every one of the categories, 1 to 5, above, is a breach of ‘LAW’.

With respect to No. 4, the ‘LAW’ and the ‘Reigning Monarch’: in 1688, King James the Second was removed from the throne for ‘Breaking the Original Contract betwixt King and People”; and, the CONVENTION (Parliament) that removed him, further declared in respect to the, Lineal Descent’, (All subsequent Monarchs that would sit upon the throne), that, “The Contract is as binding upon the Successor as well as it was on the Deposed if the Successor broke the Contract he too can be Deposed”. The CONVENTION declared, that the throne was vacant; King James II, having ‘abdicated’ the throne. ELIZABETH THE SECOND has not honoured that ‘Contract’ all of the time she has been sitting on the throne. Thus, by ‘precedent of law’ she too has ‘abdicated’ the throne. CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY, does not relieve her of that responsibility. As long, as a ‘Reigning Monarch’ sits upon the English throne; they will always be required to honour, the ‘Original Contract’.


Do not believe the lie, and, vote, to quit Europe.

Because ‘Europe’ is the only protection of ‘LAW’ that you have.

No wonder the corrupt politician and the right-wing press are fighting so hard at present to maintain the status quo; and, fool us all into voting ‘No’, in a referendum; they are fighting, ‘tooth and nail’, to hold onto the present control and domination that they have. They, want to wholly dominate all our lives in everything. They, are most fearful, that their unlawful, ‘domination’, might be brought to an end.


*Unlawful WHIPS: The WHIPS in parliament each week issue political party instructions to all ‘elected’ Members of Parliament instructing them, on how they must behave in parliament and, on how they must vote. And, this corrupt political party, ‘diktat’, overrules and supplants all rightful influence placed upon those Members, by the Constituent. This, thereby, brings about the ‘prejudice of the people’. And, this flouts and breaches the ‘precedent of law’ set out in the “Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed”. This, ruling, within the Bill of Rights, determines, that when parliament ‘enacts’ its “Supremacy” or, ‘enacts’, any of the other ”Premises” of that Bill;  Nothing should prejudice the People. The WHIPS in parliament, thereby, has no legality at all.





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