Saturday, August 9, 2014

DEMOCRACY - Especially British Democracy....

Great Britain today is not a, DEMOCRACY.

It is a wholly ‘Totalitarian State’ where ‘democracy’ is overruled and replaced by the total domination and control of the political parties. And, this dictorial domination has no legality at all. This, unlawful power, is exercised by the political parties by the complete domination of an ‘elected’ parliament to the, ‘prejudice of the people’, by the use in parliament of the political party WHIPS. The, WHIPS, instruct ‘elected’ Members of Parliament each week, on how they must behave in parliament, and, on how they must vote. In, respect of all the business, of Parliament.

So, let’s just examine from where this power derives:

Total adult population in the country (over the age of 20) according to the National Census of the year 2011 was declared to be: 48,085,800

Total Membership of all the Political Parties: less than 400,000

So all this, unlawful power, within the British parliament derives from only the few Members of the National Executive, of the political parties, who only represent, ‘less than 400,000’ people, in the whole country. And, this National Executive, in totality, numbers only a few hundred people, who are wholly dominating and controlling our lives.

The absurdity of it; is positively obscene.

Why are the British people tolerating this obscenity?

This is the immoral case, set out above, so now let’s look at the actual, legality.

The political party WHIPS and their political party activities in parliament has no true legality at all.

Every time the WHIPS issue political party instructions to ‘elected’ Members of Parliament instructing them on how they must vote; this overrules and supplants all ‘rightful influence’ placed upon those Members of Parliament, by the Constituent. And, this creates the ‘prejudice of the people’ breaching and breaking the ‘precedent of law’ set out and determined by the, “Bill of Rights 1689”.

Where, in the paragraph, “The Said Rights Claimed” set out in that Bill, parliament is clearly instructed, that when Parliament enacts or applies its “Supremacy” (afforded to parliament by ‘Article 9’ of that Bill) or enacts or applies any of the other “Premises” of that Bill;


The political party WHIPS in parliament do ‘prejudice the people’ and, thereby, the WHIPS in parliament has no legality at all.

Concerned, as I am, about all this;; and, the apparent apathy and ignorance of the British people in respect to ‘Democracy’ and how badly they are being governed; I have just written and published a book as a, Guide to the British, on how to properly participate in democracy. The book, “DEMOCRACY” is available here:

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