Friday, October 3, 2014


The British Parliament, and, “Prejudice of the People”


It is little known or even recognised; but, when parliament 'prejudice the people', parliament loses all rightful claim to its "Supremacy". When Members of Parliament fraudulently claim unlawful expenses they steal from the public purse; thereby, 'prejudicing the people'; and this flouts and breaches the "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/ The Said Rights Claimed"

This paragraph set out in the "Bill of Rights 1689", is the overall authority of the entire 'Bill', for it states within its text that, it is the 'authority' over all the "Premises" of the 'Bill'. And, this paragraph specifically instructs parliament that when it 'enacts' or 'applies' any of the "Premises" of the 'Bill', parliament, "OUGHT NOT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE".

Therefore and thereby if and when parliament does "prejudice the people", parliaments "Supremacy" becomes null and void. Whereby, parliament loses all lawful claim, to its “Supremacy”.

It is important to remember and take note that parliament for its, "Supremacy", relies upon the 'precedent of law' determined by "Article 9" of the "Bill of Rights 1689"; which is one of the "Premises" of that 'Bill'.

The British people therefore and, likewise, also have the right to rely on the very same 'precedent of law'; of, "The Said Rights Claimed"; to protect them from the 'abuses' and the 'prejudice' of parliament. Especially, when “The Said Rights Claimed” overrules “Article 9” and the very “Supremacy” of parliament itself.

This is that paragraph in the Bill: (It should be born in mind that this Bill, the “Bill of Rights 1689”, is Parliament claiming its ‘rights’ from the King. And, this paragraph, instructs parliament on how the Bill should be used; and, provides, the protection of the people).

“The Said Rights Claimed”:

“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”

Great Britain is not a democracy. I respectfully suggest that all readers of this, should read my book "DEMOCRACY" available here:


Unknown said...

why isnt this common knowledge and what can be done to change that?

This should not be buried, or a lost voice among many.

How can I help?

gordonj said...

Hi, you can help by spreading the word. Promote and distribute this information to everyone you meet. Persuading them also, if they are British, to read my book "DEMOCRACY". My book provides 14 questions everyone should know if they want to 'participate' in British Democracy. Regards, Gordonj