Sunday, December 7, 2014


My Petition objectives:

Abolish the ‘WHIPS’ in Parliament.

Create a true, DEMOCRACY.

This petition, if it is to be successful, must, SNOWBALL.

 It is imperative that everyone who signs must then do their level best to persuade ten others to sign as well; and, that, they, in turn, must try to recruit ten more. If this is done the petition will ‘Snowball’ at such a fast pace, ONE MILLION SIGNATURES can be secured in a very short space of time.

With, ONE MILLION SIGNATURES, (Which must be our aim), a true DEMOCRACY will be established virtually automatically immediately; because, Parliament and the Judiciary will no longer be able to wholly ignore the, ‘protection of the people’ afforded to them by the ‘precedent of law’ of the “Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/”The Said Rights Claimed”.

This paragraph “The Said Rights Claimed” set out and recorded in the “Bill of Rights 1689” is already, ‘existing law’; but, both parliament and the judiciary chose to ignore it.   

The “Bill of Rights 1689” is naught but parliament asserting its rights over a King. All the ‘rights’ or ‘Articles’ established in the Bill, are solely the ‘rights’, parliament is claiming from a King. The Bill was never ever created to ‘prejudice’ the people. In the way, that present parliaments have, ‘prejudiced the people’, FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS, and, continue to do so now.

The ‘Rights Committee’ of the CONVENTION (Parliament) of 1688 who created the Bill, knew fully the true intent of the Bill, that it was only designed in order to protect parliament from a King; they knew that the Bill could be misinterpreted and misused, so they had to include within the Bill, the protection of the people. So, directly below the list of ‘rights’ parliament was claiming from a King; the ‘Rights Committee’ inserted the paragraph: “The Said Rights Claimed”. This paragraph in the Bill specifically instructs parliament that when parliament enacts or applies “Article 9” which provides parliament with its “Supremacy”; or enacts or applies any of the other “Premises” of the Bill, that nothing parliament does: “OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE”.

The LAW is clear and very specific, “The Said Rights Claimed” is the overall authority of the whole Bill. For, it states within its text, that it is the authority over “any of the said Premises” of the Bill. That is, everything written within Bill.

This is that paragraph in the Bill:

“The said Rights Claimed”:

“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”

The political party activities of the ‘WHIPS’, in parliament, does ‘prejudice the people’. The ‘WHIPS’ must be abolished.

The political party ‘diktat’ issued by the ‘WHIPS’ each week instructing ‘elected’ Members of Parliament on how they should vote; overrules and supplants all ‘rightful influence’ placed upon those Members, by the Constituents. This, therefore, flouts and breaches the ‘precedent of law’ set out in, “The Said Rights Claimed”.

Force parliament and the judiciary to acknowledge and honour “The Said Rights Claimed” and the ‘WHIPS’ in parliament cannot operate any more. This will cut the unlawful overwhelming power the political parties in parliament, have now. Governments will no longer be able to introduce laws that have not received the democratic consenting ‘free vote’ of Members of Parliament. It will cut the ‘Executive’ right down to size. It will provide for the peoples ‘elected political representatives’, in parliament, the greatest ‘power’ they have ever had.

It will create a, TRUE DEMOCRACY.

I respectfully suggest that everyone who signs the petition, should also read my book “DEMOCRACY”.
It is a complete guide on how to properly participate in British, DEMOCRACY.

It is available both as an e-book for only £1.02; or as a paperback for only £3.51.

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