Saturday, September 26, 2015


   The Official Website of,

 The British Monarchy

 Every Bill or Act passed by parliament before it can become ‘LAW’, it has to be awarded the consent of the ‘Reigning Monarch’ by the granting of, “The Royal Assent”.
I telephoned ‘Buckingham Palace’ and I spoke to Her Majesties Private Secretary and I asked her just how many times had ELIZABETH THE SECOND granted the ‘Royal Assent’ and, for which each, ‘Bill’ or ‘Act’, had it been granted for.
To my utter amazement she told me that she was unable to provide that information and she instructed me to get that information from government. But, she could not advise which department of government I should contact.

This demonstrates the entire negligence and arrogance of Monarchy and the ‘despotism’ surrounding the administration of Monarchy we have in the country today. The Queen grants the ‘Royal Assent’; her private secretary should know each time what it had been granted for. But, Monarchy treats ‘The Common People” with sheer contempt.

This private secretary of the Queen then told me that she would send me a copy of relevant information about “The British Monarchy” that might help me to properly understand the Queen’s role in respect to parliament.

In due course this letter arrived. It provided an excerpt from a series of documents published on the “Official Website”, of the British Monarchy. And, interestingly, it listed the series of items covered in respect to the Queen on that website. I list them here as follows:


The Queen and the UK

The Role of the Monarchy

Queen and Government

The Queen in Parliament

Queen and Prime Minister

Queen and Scottish Parliament

Queen and Welsh Assembly

Queen and Privy Council

Counsellors of State

Queen and voting.

Queen and the Law

Queen and the Church

Queen and the Armed Forces

Queen and Crown Dependencies

Queen and Honours

Queen and Royal Visits

Prizes and Awards

Symbols of the Monarchy


The astute reader of this feature will instantly recognise the very grave omission in this listing. Where are, “The People”?


Where is the listing?
Queen and the People?


Here, on this entire official website of the British Monarchy,

We, the common people of this land, have not been considered at all.

This is how Monarchy and the ‘Reigning Monarch’ treat, ‘The People’, today.

Both Monarchy and Government; and, the entire ‘Establishment’ of the country; wholly proceeds as though the Monarchy still possesses, “The Divine Right of Kings” ; completely ignoring or forgetting that, this travesty, came to its end when, King Charles the First, had his head cut off. Today, although, the ‘common people’, are held by law in ‘imposed’ subjugation to the ‘Reigning Monarch; the ‘Reigning Monarch’ only reigns, by the consent of the people. There is now no longer, “The Divine Right of Kings”.

When the CONVENTION (Parliament) of 1688 removed King James the Second from the throne for, “Breaking the Original Contract betwixt King and People”; in respect to the ‘Lineal Descent’ of the future Kings and Queen’s that would sit upon the throne; this CONVENTION ruled and determined, that,

“The contract is as binding upon the Successor as well as it was on the Deposed if the Successor broke the contract he too can be Deposed”.

Therefore, and thereby, the ‘Reigning Monarch’ today is still bound by the “Original Contract”; the actual ‘precedent of law’ established by the CONVENTION (Parliament) of 1688. This, established the principle, that, “Allegiance is given to the Liege Lord for the protection of the Liege Lord”.

The ‘Reigning Monarch’ of England, has no other ‘legality’, for occupying the ‘English’ throne. It is, ‘The People’s Consent”, that provides the ‘Reigning Monarch’ with the legal right to rule; in return, for the ‘protection of the people’. That, the ‘Reigning Monarch’, is obliged to give.

The ‘Reigning Monarch’ of England is required by law, to act as ‘Head of Government’; and, to monitor parliament; in the interests of the ‘Crown’s Subjects’. In order to verify, that the ‘Laws’ and ‘Bills’ passed by parliament have been created and passed without corruption. Providing, the ‘Royal Assent’, if they are without corruption; refusing the ‘Assent’, if they are corrupt.

It is interesting to note that the last time the ‘Royal Assent’ was refused to be granted by a ‘Reigning Monarch’ to the legislation that had been passed by parliament was on the, 11th March 1708; when Queen Anne refused to grant it to a Bill for the “Settlement of the Militia in Scotland”.

 Ever since that date, every ‘Reigning Monarch’ that has sat upon the English throne, has merely acted in like manner to a village sub-postmaster or sub-postmistress, franking and rubber stamping every piece of paper laid before them by parliament.

Yet, a great deal of that ‘legislation’ of parliament; had been passed by parliament, ‘under the influence’ of the political party WHIPS; and, the WHIPS in parliament; has no legality at all. The WHIPS in parliament instruct Members of Parliament on how they must vote. This overrules and supplants all ‘rightful influence’ the Constituents might have placed upon those Members of Parliament. Thereby, the WHIPS “prejudice the people”.

This flouts and breaches the ‘precedent of law’ set out and established in the, “Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed”.

Which specifically instructs parliament that, when parliament enacts or applies any of the “Premises” of that Bill; that nothing, “OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE”

“The Said Rights Claimed”:

“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”



Now, by the reading of the history, of my country; I now know all of this; then I assert that, ELIZABETH THE SECOND, as the ‘Reigning Monarch’ must also be aware of this also. So I merely pose this question to her, “Why, if you know all about, “The Said Rights Claimed”, and, you have the evidence before you verifying that the WHIPS in parliament, is corrupt; Why, then, have you granted the ‘Royal Assent’ to any, Law, Act, or Bill, that has been passed by parliament under the ‘influence’ of the political party WHIPS?


ELIZABETH THE SECOND, failing to honour and comply with the “Original Contact”; requiring, the protection of “Subjects of the Crown”; in, actually, “Breaking that contract betwixt King and People”. She fails in her duty. Therefore,


 She, too, can be Deposed.

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