Saturday, April 30, 2016



The true meaning, intent, value, and abuse, of, LAW. And, why the true lessons of Nazi Germany, has never been learned.

 LAW is not the property of politician or the profession of law, it is the property of all the People. When, ‘The People’ become ‘apathetic’ or, do not properly value “LAW” and, properly, participate; this provides the opportunity for the corrupt to create; the, Totalitarian Regime.
The Jewish people, constantly, and, rightly, keep the memory of the ‘Holocaust’ alive; and readily assert that anyone who questions the gassing of millions of their race, are a “Holocaust Denier” or, being anti-Semitic; but, even the Jewish people themselves, do not really recognize what happened to them in that terrible time. They, and, everyone else, repeatedly blame HITLER and the terribly wicked NAZI regime. But, it was not Hitler and the Nazis, who should be blamed. The blame, in reality, rests entirely upon the whole population of Germany, at that time. Who had no respect for, LAW.

Oh yes, they meticulously ‘obeyed’ the LAW; but, they had no respect for LAW; and, they did not ‘participate’. In sheer political apathy they allowed HITLER and the NAZIS to do what they did. This is the lesson that should be learnt of that terrible time. It was all done and fully accomplished under the true and due process of, ADOLF HITLER’S, LAW.

NAZ SHAH, a Member of Parliament, was heavily criticised and roundly condemned as racist and, anti-Semitic, when she commented that,

 "All that Hitler did was legal".

But, the EVIDENCE of history proves that, she was wholly accurate, and, had told the truth.


HITLER warned the whole world what he would do when he achieved the POWER to govern. Throughout the late 1920's and the early 1930's throughout speeches in Germany he solemnly declared:


The whole world had been warned; but no one properly 'heeded' that warning.

The very instant that the German Industrialists and the 'capitalist' establishment of Germany appointed HITLER as "Chancellor of Germany"; foolishly, in order to, as they thought at that time, that he would prevent the threat of "Bolshevism"; HITLER presented to the "Reichstag" (the German parliament) his, "ENABLING ACT" that provided HITLER with the power to create his own law. And, that 'Act' was passed by that democratic "Reichstag", 441 votes to 94.

HITLER NOW HAD THE SUPREME RIGHT AS, 'FUHRER", TO CREATE HIS OWN LAW. And, it is from that very moment that the "THIRD REICH" of Germany actually began, With all of its disastrous aftermath and consequences.

Immediately, thereafter, ‘Reichmarcschall,’ HERMAN GOERING, introduced the law of the, "FUHRERPRINZIP";(The, "FUHRER PRINCIPLE"); which bound all the German Military to obey the orders of a Superior Officer in the chain of command, under pain of death to disobey.

And, later, when Germany was fighting in WORLD WAR II, this law of "FUHERPRINZIP" was extended to include every one, every German citizen, living in Germany, as well. Many ordinary German citizens were sent to concentration camps or even executed, having their heads chopped of by guillotine, for disobeying an order or for merely criticising the German war effort, during that war.

THE GERMANS WERE METICULOUS IN OBEYING THIS LAW AND MAINTAINING, 'ORDER'. Every incarceration to the concentration camps, every execution, every transportation of Jews and other undesirables to the death camps; and all the gassing of Jews and others in the gas chambers of the 'Holocaust', was all accomplished under, "DUE PROCESS OF LAW"

And, the German's were meticulous in this as well; they faithfully and meticulously recorded the names and data of everyone 'sentenced' to this fate, by the German, "VOLKSGERICHTSHOF", (The People's Court). That is why today, we know the name of every one persecuted and, put to death, under that, NAZI REGIME.

NUREMBERG, and, the, JUDGES, of the "Nazi War Crimes Tribunals" judged every defendant in, 'hindsight'; applying all the normal legal standards of today; but, these actual crimes took place, UNDER THE TRUE AND LEGALLY VALID CRITERION OF, LAW, THAT EXISTED IN GERMANY AT THAT TIME.

Thereby, in ignoring this law of "FUHERERPRIZIP";  and, erasing from the mind all that had happened in Nazi Germany, since HITLER came to power; these wholly corrupt JUDGES purposely attempted to, "PUT RAIN BACK IN THE SKY"

Every Nazi defendant in these 'Tribunals' that claimed that they were "Only obeying an order given by a Superior officer"; they actually, spoke the, TRUTH.

NAZ SHAH also spoke the absolute, TRUTH. History records the veracity.

The lessons to be learned:


1.     All the people must learn to value and respect, LAW.

2.     All the people, consenting to live by the “Rule of Law”,

3.      Must participate in the creation and framing of LAW.

4.     LAW, must never be in the hands of ‘political parties’ alone;

5.     Because, when this takes place, this inevitably leads to the terror of the, TOTALITARIAN REGIME.


Sadly, this is exactly what is happening in the “Law Making” in Great Britain today; LAWS and BILLS are not being created ‘democratically’ by the People; they are being created by the ‘diktat’ of the political parties alone. Dominated and controlled by the ‘political party’ WHIPS; which have no ‘legality’ at all.

The, WHIPS, in the British Parliament instruct elected Members of Parliament on how they must or should vote; this overrules and supplants all ‘rightful influence' that might have been placed upon those Members of Parliament by the Constituents; who, actually, elected, those Members of Parliament. This, thereby, creates the, “Prejudice of the People”.

Yet, “Prejudice of the People” is wholly proscribed by the ‘precedent of law’ set out in the, “Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/ “The Said Rights Claimed”, as shown here:

“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example”

All this abuse of “LAW”, is openly taking place in the full knowledge of, and is being readily seen, by the wholly, politically, ‘apathetic’ People; that completely ignore and tolerate this abuse. That, permanently, ‘holds them in chains’; being commanded forever to, ‘submit and obey’; without, having any ‘democratic’ participation at all.

The entire German population gave their ‘apathetic’ consent to the “LAW” making of ADOLF HITLER, and the evidence of history proves conclusively how disastrous and ‘criminal’ that was. The British adult population today is also just as ‘apathetic’, and is hell bent, on doing the same.


LAW in Great Britain today, is looked upon by the elite of Monarchy, Judiciary, Parliament, Politician, and the Police, as being something that only the ‘common people’ must obey. Yet, they, all of them, flout and breech “LAW” all of the time.

All the British People must now learn to value, “LAW”, and, have, respect, for true “LAW”. And, create, a true, DEMOCRACY.

Read my book "DEMOCRACY".
Get it here:


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