Wednesday, May 11, 2016

INVEST just £1 - to try to create a true, DEMOCRACY...

Invest just £1,

for chance to get equal share of,

£60 Million Pounds.

Sick and tired of living in a totalitarian regime that becomes more totalitarian every day; I have now resolved to do something very drastic about it. I want to try to create a 'TRUE DEMOCRACY'. And, I invite 'one million British adults' to join with me in this endeavour; and secure the chance of getting huge financial reward, for doing so.

The scheme that I have come up with ensures that there is the very strong possibility that for a mere investment of £1; every investor will stand a very good chance of getting around about an equal share of £60 Million Pounds, in return. Believe me, there is a better chance of this project succeeding, than the 'chance to win' the National Lottery. Because, 'winning the lottery' depends entirely on 'chance' but, my scheme is wholly supported by, "Precedent of Law."

Therefore, if one million adults pay £1 each to me or the ‘Trust Fund’ that I will set up; I will then have £1Million Pounds to pay for the access to " LAW" that I need.

I will then pay this entire £1Million Pounds to the most expert British or American lawyer, or Barrister; who will then follow my instructions to the letter, and, carry out, the two phases of the project that I require.

Challenge the entire British Judiciary to, yet again verify, in this modern world of today, that the centuries old established 'ruling' of the Judiciary that no one can challenge parliament in the courts, because, "Article 9" of the "Bill of Rights 1689" denies, all right of challenge, even today.

We want the Judiciary to assert and claim that this centuries old "Article 9" ruling, is still legally valid today.

Because I, and, our paid lawyer, are then going to contest that ruling, by proving that the Judiciary has purposely or foolishly  failed to read and interpret the "Bill of Rights 1689" correctly; because, they have failed to notice, that another paragraph, within that very same Bill, actually, overrules "Article 9"; whenever parliament, "Prejudice the People".

This paragraph, "The Said Rights Claimed" specifically instructs parliament in two ways:

(A), Firstly, it instructs parliament that it has the 'authority over' all the "Premises" of the Bill, This means 'everything' written in the Bill.

(B), Secondly, it instructs parliament, that when parliament applies or 'enacts' any of the "Premises" of the Bill; that, nothing, “Ought Prejudice the People"

Our paid lawyer must then challenge the Judiciary to rule that the paragraph: "The Said Rights Claimed", actually, does overrule "Article 9", whenever parliament does, "Prejudice the People".

The Judiciary will have no alternative but to comply; because, this is fully established, as the 'precedent of law', set out in the "Bill of Rights 1689"
The first phase is now completed.

Having now established, in law, that the political party WHIPS in parliament are now unlawful and illegal flouting and breaching the 'precedent of law' as determined by "The Said Rights Claimed"; because, when the WHIPS instruct elected Members of Parliament on how they should or must vote; they actually do "Prejudice the People"; because, they overrule and supplant all 'rightful influence' that might have been place upon that Member of Parliament, by the Constituents. And, now, having established this in law; 'Phase Two' can now proceed as follows:

I WILL SUE PARLIAMENT FOR DENYING MY ACCESS TO DEMOCRACY; And, I will claim compensation, based upon the criterion, of suing for £1Million Pounds for each year of my adult life, this, "DEMOCRACY", has been denied.

I am now 88 years of age; assuming that I officially became an adult at the age of 18 years of age; this means that I have been denied my access to "DEMOCRACY" for a total of 70 years.

So the extent of my claim for compensation, against the British Parliament, is, £70 MILLION POUNDS.

In the event, and, If the lawyer is 'worth his salt' and his claim of 'legal expertise' stand up; and, if this challenge to both Judiciary and Parliament is successful; this, 70 MILLION POUNDS, will be distributed as follows:

I want 10% = £7 Million Pounds/ half to be paid to the lawyer that made it all possible.
£60 MILLION POUNDS the remainder, to be equally divided between all those that invested £1.


Think carefully about it, read carefully every word above, then let me have your intention to invest, just, this mere, £1. When I receive confirmation from one million people, I will arrange where the money is to be paid.


Note: Parliament and the Judiciary need have no fear of anyone else pursuing claims 'jumping on the bandwagon' of my claim. Because the Courts will be able to fully justify non-payment of any claim, because those claiming, have not shown any interest at all in the 'denial of their access to DEMOCRACY, before. They, now only, 'jump on the bandwagon', of Mr Sheppard's claims.

Why is "DEMOCRACY" worth the claim of "One Million Pounds"?

DEMOCRACY is the most precious thing for all Humankind. Both Great Britain and the United States are fully prepared to go to, and wage, WAR, to establish DEMOCRACY in other lands, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, as well. That's how much they value, DEMOCRACY. That, is the very proof of how valuable it is. Yet, my wholly undemocratic corrupt parliament, has denied my access to, DEMOCRACY, for more than 70 years.

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