Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Great Fear

This book by DAVID CAUTE is available very cheaply at AMAZON (Only, from £5.34) here:

If you want to truly understand America and the American people of today, it is essential to read this book. The author, David Caute, sets out in the most careful and intricate finest detail the hatred and bigotry that prevailed in the United States during the administrations of both Truman and Eisenhower during the wild hysterical `loyalty' programs that were instituted throughout both government and local government in order to prevent `communism' in the country. The, programs, that brought about, the communist witch-hunting of Senator Joe McCarthy and, the HUAC; (House Un-American Activities Committee). And, all the terrible aftermath, that destroyed countless lives. The book reveals the casualty count as:

9,500 federal civil servants dismissed.
15,000 federal civil servants, who resigned whilst under investigation.
2,000 industrial workers fired.
3,800 seamen fired.
600 teachers dismissed.
300 blacklisted in films television and radio.
500 state and municipal employees dismissed.
500 people arrested for deportation on account of their political convictions.
Scientists and university teachers who lost their jobs ran into hundreds.
And a great number of people committed suicide.

On reading and fully digesting this great book; one begins to understand America today. The American's are terrified of anything that smacks of socialism. They see `socialism' as the pre-cursor of communism. The fear, the hatred, and, the bigotry, still lives' on. It is obvious that, these traits being solidly entrenched in the bigots of that terrible time; has now, in some way, passed on all that bigotry, to their progeny, now living today.

The sheer arrogance of America and American’s in this respect can be seen in the arrogant pompous statement of ‘Secretary of State, HENRY KISSINGER, when he proclaimed:

“We will not tolerate communism in our Hemisphere”

As though AMERICA had the right to own, 'half of the world'.

See also the further travesty of this 'communist witch-hunting', the murder of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg that were executed in the electric chair, during that terrible time. To properly understand this 'fear and hatred' of America to anything 'smacking of socialism; and, to fully understand why the UK is now wasting 'Billions of Pounds', in building four new nuclear submarines and renewing the TRIDENT nuclear missile system, read all of this:

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