Sunday, September 1, 2013

Obama decides to wage war against Syrian regime..


 Yet, if there is a 'God'; Please God save me from the tyranny of the USA, who today wants to dominate the World.

United States, Secretary of State, HENRY KISSINGER, once said that, "We will not tolerate Communism in
'our hemisphere'”.

This quotation displays in all stark vivid detail the 'AMERICAN' attitude to this planet Earth.
American's believe they own the World and, that they have the right to determine, how all other nations, and, all other People on our planet, must live and should behave.

Americans assume the right to invade any other country at will. They assume the right that if they do not like how a 'sovereign nation' is governed, that they have the right to forcefully bring about, "Regime Change". They assume the rights, to, interfere, and, intervene in the 'sovereign' internal affairs of any country, that they please. They assume the right, with, impunity, to bomb and intimidate any other nation, at any time, and, for any reason, that America decides is in the interest of, "American National Security".


Sadly, the UK hangs on to the 'coat tails' of AMERICA, always doing its bidding; because its governments, corruptly, believe, that all the military power of the United States, provides the UK, with, ‘muscle’, and the last days of, "Empire". Where, Britain, can dictate, how others on our planet must live,

The best thing that could happen to planet Earth today, is for RUSSIA to get up from its knees. Polish up all the nuclear weaponry and all of its armaments, returning the World once more to the days of the COLD WAR, and, "MAD"; (Mutally Assured Destruction); and, holding, AMERICA, in check.

The last thing I want is a, "Special Relationship", with the USA.



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