Saturday, September 14, 2013


UK’s illegal “Coalition Administration”,

Masquerading, as Government;

That, was not ‘elected’ at all.

 And, the, negligence of the, ‘Reigning Monarch of England’, Elizabeth the Second; who failed to protect, Subjects of the Crown.


 I defy everyone in the United Kingdom, to produce the 'legal instrument' verifying the true 'legality' of this absurd 'pretentious' administration, governing Great Britain today. I defy everyone, to produce the ‘legal instrument’, that allows the leaders of political parties to ignore or overturn the democratic vote of ‘The People’ cast in a General Election; and, then to create a new governing administration, entirely on their own.

In the General Election of 2010, the, democratic election, calling for the vote of the British people; 'The People' voted and, determined, that there should be a, "Conservative led Minority Government". And, this was the only true RESULT of that election. Yet, the leaders of the political parties (elected to parliament in that election) did not like that, 'vote of the people'; so they decided that they could, IGNORE THE PEOPLE'S VOTE, and, then proceed to negotiate with each other to create this 'coalition administration', entirely on their own.

In, IGNORING THE PEOPLE'S VOTE IN THIS WAY, they, "Prejudiced the People"; and, that is wholly unlawful as determined by the 'precedent of law' set out in the, "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed".

Parliament secures its lawful "Supremacy", from "Article 9" of the "Bill of Rights 1689"; but, in order for parliament to 'enact' or 'apply' "Article 9" or, any of the other "Premises", of that Bill; parliament must comply with the conditions set out in the paragraph of that Bill, known as, "The Said Rights Claimed". This, paragraph, specifically, determines, that when parliament enacts "Article 9" or, any of the other "Premises" of that Bill; that, NOTHING SHOULD PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE.



It is also interesting to consider the 'negligence' of the present "REIGNING MONARCH",     "ELIZABETH THE SECOND", in this regard: Each, "Reigning Monarch of England", is required to honour the "Original Contract" requiring them to act as "Head of Government", in order to protect Subjects of the British Crown. And, in order to carry out that role, each 'Reigning Monarch' is provided with two legal 'instruments' to make that possible. They are, "The Royal Assent" and "The Royal Prerogative". Both are solely designed, for the protection of "The People".

provides the right to grant or refuse 'assent' to the laws and bills passed by parliament.

ROYAL PREROGATIVE provides the 'Reigning Monarch' with three options: to encourage Ministers of Government; to warn Ministers of Government; and, "Whenever the wishes of the people directly conflict with the actions of the Legislators", (Parliament), "to order the immediate dissolution of parliament".

In the aftermath of the General Election of 2010, ELIZABETH THE SECOND, knew very well that, (1), “the wishes of the people were in direct conflict with the actions of the leaders of the political parties”. (2), She also knew that the, 'coalition administration', that they created, was unlawful; because, in 'ignoring the people's vote’, they had breached and flouted the 'precedent of law' set out in the, "Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed".

ELIZABETH THE SECOND, knew all of this. She also knew that it was her, DUTY TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE FROM THE ABUSE OF PARLIAMENT; yet, she did nothing at all. She should have used the Royal Prerogative to order the immediate ‘dissolution’ of Parliament.

In consequence, ELIZABETH THE SECOND, is guilty of, "Breaking the Original Contract betwixt King and People";  and, in exactly the same manner as, KING JAMES THE SECOND; who in 1688, did likewise; she, just like him, abdicates the throne.

The British People do not endure their imposed, ‘subjugation', to the 'Reigning Monarch, for nothing. Allegiance, requires, both the giving and the receiving.  “Allegiance is given to the Liege Lord, for the protection of the Liege Lord”.

The British People do not endure their ‘subjugation’  for as long as a 'Monarch' shall reign; in order that their, 'Reigning Monarch', may officially open various establishments; host garden parties; and, travel the Globe, promoting British goods, products, and prestige. The 'Reigning Monarch' of England, sits upon the throne, for one purpose alone: THE PROTECTION OF THE PEOPLE.

Due entirely to the negligence of this 'Reigning Monarch'; the, British people now, are obliged to endure, a wholly illegal coalition administration; MASQUERADING AS GOVERNMENT.


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