Sunday, July 3, 2016

Where's the bloody Queen?


And, the “State of the Country” now.

Where the hell is the Queen?


Right now, after this disastrous referendum where the British people have stupidly elected to leave the E.U. The country is in a terrible state with no ‘government’ and no ‘security’ and no ‘direction’ at all.

1.     The TORY government is entirely in disarray, with the Prime Minister David Cameron resigning, and many Tory politicians fighting each other to become the new leader of the Tory party. Assuming, that they only have to elect a new leader, for the TORY government to proceed thereafter, without the consent of the people at all. Sheer chaos and disaster, with absolutely no TORY, negotiating with the EU, in respect to our, leaving the EU.

2.     The Labour Party, is absolutely useless as an ‘official opposition’; the PLP assumes it owns the party and resolutely holds all the ‘grass root’ members of the party in sheer contempt. Corrupt members of this PLP, in a conspiracy with the ‘right wing’ press, have now mounted a coup to unseat JEREMY CORBYN, the official ‘leader’ of the Party; and they have issued a ‘no confidence vote’ in order to secure a fresh new leader.

3.     The LABOUR PARTY is finished; it will never recover from this outrage. It will never be government again. So, the Labour Party, likewise at present, provides no ‘direction’ and cannot influence in any way, how Britain must now negotiate with the EU.

4.     The confidence in the ‘financial market’ and, the confidence in the country, is failing; and, the ‘£’ falls and flucturates in value every hour.

5.     The country is now in a terrible state, and there is no one at all in charge of the administration of the country; who is capable of sorting out this mess.

6.     They are all concerned with their own ‘political ambitions’ and the ‘securing of personal power’; and, “The People”, the ordinary ‘common people’ of the country; HAVE NO PROTECTION AT ALL.

So, where is the bloody Queen?

ELIZABETH THE SECOND has the ‘DUTY’ to protect the People.

As, all, ‘Reigning Monarch’s “, of this land, she has the ‘duty’ to honour the “Original Contract” requiring the protection of the people. If, she fails to provide that protection she, ABDICATES THE THRONE. Precedent of ‘English Law’ determines, that this is so.

The British people do not endure their ‘imposed’ subjugation to the British Crown; denied all right of true ‘citizenship’’ and being denied all protection of law; in order that the ‘Reigning Monarch’ – who they are bound in law to give allegiance to – shall enjoy all the privileges of CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY; shall act as patron to various Charites and Institutions; shall officially open new building and establishments; shall host garden parties; and, shall travel the globe promoting British products and British prestige.

The days of the “Divine Right of Kings” has long since gone; it departed this land, when, King Charles the First, had his head cut off.

Today, in spite of any conspiracy, betwixt Monarch and Parliament when CONSITUTIONAL MONARCHY was introduced, (replacing the “Absolute Monarchy”, there was before), every ‘Reigning Monarch’ of England, who sits on that throne; they are still bound by ‘precedent of law’ to honour the “Original Contract” and protect the People.

The actual ‘evidence’ for this, is provided here:

A.    King James the Second was removed from the throne by the CONVENTION (Parliament) of 1688; for, “Breaking the Original Contract Betwixt King and People”.

B.     The CONVENTION determined that he had ‘failed to protect the people and their religion”, declaring that thereby, he had ‘abdicated the throne’. The CONVENTION declared, “The Throne was Vacant”.

C.     In a huge debate named “THE DEBATE AT LARGE” held in the “Painted Chamber” of the House of Commons in early February 1688, between both ‘Lords’ and ‘Commons’, they debated at length the words: “ABDICATED” and “THE THRONE IS VACANT”; and, at the conclusion of this debate, they declared as follows:

D.    Henry Powle, The Speaker of the Convention (Parliament) 1688, said this:

The Earl of CLARENDON’s speech in this debate, is immensely valuable: in the sense that he has realised, that, by their decision that day, they were creating Legal precedent.

(And, that what THEY may do under the precedent then, so also, might Subject’s do, generations later. (As I do now).

The Earl of CLARENDON insists on the Lineal Descent, he states: "when one ceaseth to be King, Allegiance is by Law due to his Legal Heir''; (and, then he goes on to say); “But I say, irrespective of that analysis of the Law from the standpoint of the Divine Right of Kings upholding the Lineal Descent and it's Authority, 'The Protection of the Subject" would be as binding on the Successor, as it was, on the Deposed. And if the Successor "Breached the Contract" as well; he also, could be Deposed."


There can be no ‘legal argument’ against this; if the “Reigning Monarch” of England, “Breaks the Original Contract” and “Fails to protect the People” they, ABDICATE THE THRONE”.

ELIZABETH THE SECOND has not honoured that contract, once, all of the time she has occupied that throne. She has repeatedly granted the “Royal Assent” to corrupt laws and bills passed by parliament, under the influence of the political party WHIPS; and, the WHIPS in parliament, has no ‘legality’ at all.

What should the Queen be doing?

 With the country in a complete state of turmoil; with no government, with no official opposition; with no direction whatsoever from those elected to represent us; with absolutely no one dealing with the fact that the country has decided to leave the EU, and that the people are desperately waiting for ‘direction’ as to what is supposed to happen next; and with absolutely no one taking up negotiations with the EU, as to the terms of our leaving; the Queen has only one option: Under the terms of the “Original Contract”,


1.     She must use her powers under the “Royal Prerogative” to order the immediate dissolution of parliament; ordering a new general election.

2.     When that new government is formed; she must immediately use those powers again to ‘warn’ her Ministers that she will not grant the “Royal Assent” to corrupt law. She must instruct her Ministers that the political party WHIPS in parliament are ‘unlawful’ and that, any ‘Law’ or ‘Bill’ passed in parliament under their influence and direction, is corrupt law.

In the event that Her Majesty the Queen does not do this;

Then, there is no need, nor any requirement; for a MONARCHY at all.

Allegiance is given to the Liege Lord for the protection of the Liege Lord”.


She Abdicates the Throne.
























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