Tuesday, December 4, 2018

BREXIT Question for the Attorney General.


Yesterday, (3.12.2018), the Attorney General, GEOFFREY COX MP, made a profound statement to parliament in which he said,


“I stand ready willing and able to answer any questions of law in respect to the “European Withdrawal Bill”


Here is my question,


Can the Attorney General produce the actual evidence verifying the true legal validity for the use in parliament of the, Political Party Whips?


I claim assert and contend that the “Political Party Whips” and their political party activities in parliament have no true legal validity at all.

When the WHIPS instruct elected Members of Parliament on how they must vote, this overrules and supplants all rightful influence that might have been placed upon those Members, by the Constituents.

This therefore causes the, “Prejudice of the People”.

Yet, “PREJUDICE OF THE PEOPLE” is specifically proscribed by the ‘precedent of law’ set out in the,


This paragraph within the Bill of Rights 1689 specifically instructs parliament; and all reading the Bill; that parliament may have its “SUPREMACY” afforded to parliament by “Article 9” of the Bill; or, parliament may ‘enact’ any of the other “PREMISES” of the Bill. But only on the conditions as determined by, “THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED” – Which specifically instructs parliament that nothing, “OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE”.


The Attorney General cannot produce the evidence that somewhere in the history of parliament, parliament approved the use of the political party WHIPS in parliament,

Because the mere proposition could not even be ‘put’ to parliament for a vote; without causing the, “Prejudice of the People”, and removing the ‘protection’ of the People, provided by, “THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED”.


“THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED” therefore is one “Rule of Law” that is, “Written in Stone”.

It can never ever be amended or even abolished by parliament, without causing the, “PREJUDICE OF THE PEOPLE”
I THEREFORE, ASSERT, CLAIM, AND CONTEND; that as the "Political Party Whips" in parliament have no legal validity at all; the WHIPS even being in parliament must be UNLAWFUL.
It must then follow; that all the BREXIT "Withdrawal Bill" legislation passed by the WHIPS. Must be UNLAWFUL as well.

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