Monday, June 10, 2019



Entirely due to BREXIT, Great Britain has completely abandoned the, “RULE OF LAW”


I accuse all those as listed below of being wholly responsible for this wicked travesty that now prevails.


1.            All Ministers of Government.

2.            Every Member of Parliament.

3.            Every NEWS presenter and every NEWS program.

4.            Every, ‘so-called’ investigative journalist in the country; and,

5.            Every Member of the Profession of Law”


Everyone of those listed above in respect to BREXIT, never paid any attention to, LAW

Each one of those listed above pursued their own ‘vested interest’ and objectives in respect to BREXIT; wholly ignoring “LAW” and the “RULE OF LAW”; and, they did not even consider the possibility of what may be “LAWFUL” or “UNLAWFUL”.



In all the BREXIT debates that took place in Parliament, not one Member of Parliament, even mentioned the word, “LAW”; or. The words, “The Rule of Law” and “The Protection of Law”; in the ‘speeches’ that took place.  (Checking the verbatim reports of ‘HANSARD’ verifies this.)



This cowardly “British Profession of Law” in respect to BREXIT, has never published one word advising all to consider what may be LAWFUL or UNLAWFUL. They all cowardly have kept wholly ‘silent’ not wishing to be involved. Behaving in precisely the same way as the cowardly, German Profession of Law” did; when, ADOLF HITLER’S “Enabling Act” was passed by the German “Reichstag” (Parliament) 441 votes to 94; in 1933. Which allowed HITLER and the NAZI party, to create their own LAW.

This corrupt and silent cowardly “British Profession of Law” must have known and be fully aware, that all “Acts” “Motions” and “Bills” are being created and passed in the British Parliament today; in precisely the same way as HITLER created his own ‘LAWS’ in 1933.

LAW being passed by the “Political Party” and not by, “Democratic Consent”.

Yet not one solicitor or Barrister has had the courage to speak out, about all this. In respect to BREXIT, not one of that profession has warned, or even questioned, what may be LAWFUL or UNLAWFUL.


Likewise, and, wickedly; neither has any HIGH COURT JUDGE.


Well, I have NEWS for all these negligent stupid wicked fools,








1.  The “2016 Referendum Ballot Paper” itself was UNLAWFUL; The mere proposition to ‘LEAVE’ the EU; Breached, Flouted, and Violated; “HUMAN RIGHTS” LAW. It threatened to take away the only ‘protection of law’ that the British have. The entire ‘elite establishment’ of MONARCHY, JUDICIARY, GOVERNMENT and PARLIAMENT provides no protection of law at all; there is no Written Constitution, Bill of Rights, or “Supreme Court of Law” where one can question or challenge the abuses of the Executive or parliament, from within LAW.

LEAVING THE EU, also leaves the protection of law provided by the “European Court of Justice” and the “Convention of Human Rights”; which BRITAIN in the “Treaty” agreed to and signed.

The “Convention of Human Rights” guarantees the right of ‘access to law’ – LEAVING the EU – violates that, HUMAN RIGHT LAW.


2.  LAW has also already determined that a “WHIPPED VOTE” in parliament has no LEGALITY at all. The, ‘Political Party Whips’ in parliament and their political party activities; instructing ‘elected’ Members of Parliament on how they should or must vote; has no LEGALITY whatsoever. The ‘WHIPS’ are not entrenched in LAW; and, there is not one legal instrument or document in the entre British national ‘archive’; that can verify the LEGALITY of the WHIPS.

3. Furthermore, when the WHIPS instruct ‘elected’ Members of Parliament on how they should or must vote; this overrules and supplants all ‘rightful influence’ of the Constituent. (Who elected those Members in the first place). This therefore cause the, “PREJUDICE OF THE PEOPLE”.

4. Which is wholly proscribed by the ‘protection of the people’ provided by the, “Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed”.

5. This paragraph of the “Bill of Rights 1689” specifically instructs parliament; that parliament may ‘enact’ or ‘apply’ any of the “PREMISES” of the Bill (everything written in the Bill) but only upon the conditions that nothing, “OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE”

6. The Said Rights Claimed

7.                “And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or Example.




“Article 50” in the “European (Withdrawal) Bill” passed by Parliament in a “Whipped Vote” has no LEGALITY at all.

Tested and challenged in the SUPREME COURT the Judiciary would find it impossible to uphold the legality; by superior ‘precedent of law’ the Judges would have to declare both “Article 50” and BREXIT, had no LEGALITY at all.


“The Said Rights Claimed” is the superior authority of the entire “Bill of Rights 1689”. It states within its text, that it is the AUTHORITY over all the “PREMISES” of the Bill.
















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