Saturday, September 17, 2016


Provoking and Promoting, WAR…

The corrupt and rotten bastard, GENERAL SIR RICHARD BARRONS, declares on SKY NEWS this morning that,

"The UK would not be able to protect against a full scale attack by Russia"

Bastards like this continually provoke and promote "WAR". Essentially, for their own vested interests. Here, he specifically ‘names’ RUSSIA as the enemy of the UK.

In the whole of my lifetime RUSSIA has never threatened to wage WAR against the UK. Nor, has RUSSIA ever attacked the UK.

RUSSIA, throughout all the years, of this ‘Anti-Russian’ conflict, has merely been forced to take every precaution to, ‘DEFEND RUSSIA’. Defend, itself, from the threatened attacks of the West. NATO, the, United States of America, and. the British, have constantly been planning and threatening a 'WAR' against RUSSIA, all of the time.

America and NATO, has completely 'surrounded' RUSSIA with nuclear missile delivery systems installed throughout selected European countries; with, those nuclear missiles being already pre-programmed, so when fired,
they hit, various cities within RUSSIA.

Evidence is available of this clear, 'INTENT'. Evidence showing where AMERICAN STRATEGIC AIR FORCE pilots were being trained almost daily, on how they should drop nuclear bombs on RUSSIA. Daily, the 'Flying Fortress' bombers would depart from airfields in the UK, on training 'bombing missions' against RUSSIA.

Wholly corrupt and insane scientists like, EDWARD TELLER, were not content with just the ATOM BOMB to drop on RUSSIA; he wanted a much 'BIGGER BANG', he wanted the 'HYDROGEN BOMB'; he wanted, and, specifically calculated, to kill many more RUSSIANS, and, destroy much more territory, than the ATOM BOMB ever could.

AMERICA absolutely hates any threat to its long established policy of 'unbridled capitalism' and 'greed', likely to be threatened, by, SOCIALISM or COMMUNISM. That's why AMERICA hates RUSSIA. Just look at the evidence: America virtually tore itself apart in the "Communist Witch-Hunts" of Senator McCarthy. And, the actual, 'President of the United States', actually participated in the murder, of two wholly innocent people, putting them to death in the electric chair; as part of that, FEAR; and, that, HATE.

What was it that, 'Secretary of State, HENRY KISSINGER, repeatedly proclaimed:

"We will not tolerate Communism in our Hemisphere"

 The sheer arrogance of this; America determining that, it exclusively owns, 'Half of Planet Earth.'  Where, all 'The People' living in that, 'Hemisphere', have no right, to elect or choose, a Government of their own.

And, now, even the British Government in sheer ‘ANTI-RUSSIAN’ corruption; proposes to spend the outrageous massive expenditure of 167 BILLION POUNDS in order to build four new nuclear submarines and the complete renewal of the 'Trident Nuclear Missile System'. Where, 'The People', will have had no 'participation' or any 'input' at all. Based wholly on the sheer invented notion; that, RUSSIA and the RUSSIAN PEOPLE, are the enemy of the UK.

The rotten corrupt Military; and, the rotten and corrupt 'Anti-Russian' Government and politicians; PROVOKING and PROMOTING, more, WAR all the time.

 Great Britain, my country, has now become a wholly 'TOTALITARIAN REGIME' - See the evidence here:

 Read my book "DEMOCRACY" - Get it here:



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