Saturday, November 5, 2016


BREXIT – The Withdrawal Process;

The Final Analysis…


LAW, is not interested in speculation and assumption; LAW, is only concerned, with the “Letter of Law”


The referendum ballot paper did not declare any ‘action’ to be carried out at all; voting “LEAVE” in that referendum, only determined the INTENT to leave.



1. David Cameron did not grant the E.U. Referendum; he merely put the proposition to parliament for the referendum; and it was PARLIAMENT that approved it voting for it by 6 to 1.


2. The ballot paper for the referendum was so stupid and so negligent that it only provided two options for selection: to, LEAVE; or to, REMAIN.


3. The ballot paper provided no options at all for any 'authority' or, for any 'action’ to be carried out'; nor did it specify, as to what should happen, if the declared results of the voting in that referendum determined, to, LEAVE.


4. The ballot paper did not 'authorise' actually, LEAVING THE E.U, it merely expressed by the, 'letter of law', the INTENTION to leave.


4. In consequence of this gross error, negligence, and stupidity of government, that ballot paper provided no provision whatsoever as to what should happen next.


5. In consequence again, THERESA MAY and her Tory government have no right of claim to the sole and exclusive ‘determinations’ of the 'leaving' process.


6. This is the greatest grave national constitutional crisis of this century; absolutely everyone is going to be affected by the outcome; Leaving the E.U. Is for ever; once leaving, this cannot be changed. Thus, it is a National matter of grave urgency affecting the whole NATION; it cannot be left exclusively in the hands of THERESA MAY and her ideological TORY objectives.


7. All the people of the country are entitled to be involved in determining that 'leaving' process.


8. Accordingly, and in consequence of the fact that PARLIAMENT granted the referendum in the first place; PARLIAMENT, and, only PARLIAMENT, must now decide.


9. In order that I and the British People are protected by law in this respect; I have now petitioned the "Supreme Court" and "Her Majesty the Queen" for that protection. Here is my petition:



SIGN IT, and participate.


Read my book "DEMOCRACY"; it is a guide for the British for proper participation. I pose fourteen questions for you to answer and, I provide the answers, that you need to know. Read and learn how you are being badly and unlawfully governed, and read also how Monarchy holds you in imposed subjugation without your consent. The book is available cheaply in two formats: a Kindle e-book and a paperback, and it can be purchased here:


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