Sunday, November 27, 2016


THERESA MAY asserts that she is being kept awake at nights due to BREXIT and leaving the E.U.


Oh how annoying for her; but I express no sympathy for her whatsoever; because, she might be being kept awake at nights over BREXIT; whilst I have bloody "NIGHTMARES" about it; due to the fact that she claims the sole and exclusive right to negotiate the terms for triggering 'Article 50' and the terms for withdrawal from the E.U.


BREXIT the actual leaving of the E.U. will affect the lives of everyone in the country; it is going to produce the greatest CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS of this century; and, just as the BREXIT  'Referendum' provided the right for everyone to vote and participate; the actual 'withdrawal' process in order to leave the E.U. must also provide the right of full 'participation' as well.


The only way for 'every one in the country' to PARTICIPATE in this; is thru PARLIAMENT.

So, it is PARLIAMENT and not THERESA MAY (and her Tory cronies) who must decide this.


Parliament, must set up a "BREXIT WITHDRAWAL RIGHTS COMMITTEE" and Members of that Committee must be drawn from elected Members of Parliament of all the political parties; and, the best and most experienced legal brains in the country well versed and experienced in "Constitutional Law" drawn from the Judiciary and the profession of law.


Such "Constitutional PARLIAMENT Committee's" have been set up before; 

The very establishment in law of the, "SUPREMACY OF PARLIAMENT", was created and determined by such a special committee: The "Rights Committee" of the CONVENTION (Parliament) of 1688.


This, BREXIT, "Constitutional Law" requirements necessary for negotiating the withdrawal from the E.U. is actually far more important - to everyone in the country' - than the "Supremacy of Parliament" itself. Article 9 of the Bill of Rights 1689, only provides the protection of the 'Supremacy' of Parliament; but, the paragraph "THE SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED" within that very same Bill provides the "Protection of the People"; and, this rules, that when Parliament applies its 'Supremacy'; that it does so on the condition; that; nothing, "OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE".


This is the established, Precedent of Law.


In consequence of this, if THERESA MAY solely and exclusively acts and determines the withdrawal process for leaving the E.U. and, wholly ignores excludes and flouts the interests of all the British people at large; she will be creating the "Prejudice of the People". Which will immediately, cancel and abolish the legal validity, of both ARTICLE 9", and, the "SUPREMACY"


Thus; for the lawful withdrawal from the E.U. Legally, PARLIAMENT MUST BE INVOLVED .
BREXIT PETITION To. The current Lord Chief Justice - The Right Honourable The Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd. The Attorney General - The Rt Hon Jeremy Wright QC MP


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