Wednesday, December 21, 2016

RUSSIA - The Real Truth....


With all the West's wild hysteria asserting RUSSIA as the enemy and with the United Kingdom now investing and wasting billions of pounds building four new nuclear submarines and renewing the entire Trident Nuclear Missile System as the so-called "nuclear deterrent"; it is worth taking just a moment or two to reflect on this: The West, and, especially Great Britain, does not want peaceful co-existence with Russia. With the constant threat of its nuclear weapons; and, the waving of the 'Union Jack Flag', reliving the days of, EMPIRE; it continually wants to dominate and control the entire planet EARTH.. Just look at what KRUSCHEV was offering the West at the ' Paris Summit Conference'.


Author: Charles E Bohlen, Ambassador to Russia during this time.

The Confrontation

During this confrontation Kruschev overwhelmed Kennedy with his wisdom and intellect.

He virtually ‘offers a deal to the West’: stop the military confrontation and the cold war; replacing this with the peaceful ‘competition’ between the West and the Russian Soviet System, in the plane of IDEAS.


KENNEDY: “You wish to destroy the influence of my country where it has traditionally been present, and you wish to liquidate the free system in other countries.”


KHRUSHCHEV: But if I understand you correctly, Mr. President, you wish to erect something in the way of a dam on the road of the development of the human mind. This is not possible. . . . Ideas have never been destroyed and this is proven in the whole course of human development. . . . If you seek to destroy ideas, then this will inevitably lead to conflict. . . . If you are able to assure, under your system, a higher standard of economic development, then victory will be with you and we will recognize it. If, however, the socialist system assures a higher standard of economic development of industry and culture, then we will win. I am speaking now, of course, not about military victory, but about victory in the plane of ideas.

KENNEDY: The obligation of our Government to the American people and, as I am convinced, the obligation of the Soviet Government to the Soviet people, forces us to be concerned that this fight does not affect the interest of the security of our countries. We recognize that the Soviet Union has vitally important interests in definite regions of the world. The United States also has comparable interests but what is important in all this is that the struggle in other areas of the world goes on in such a way that it does not affect the so vital interests of our two countries. . . .

KRUSHCHEV: . . . from your words I draw the conclusion that you wish to transfer to us the responsibility for the growth of influence of Communist ideas in the whole world. In order that there should not be any conflict between us, you wish that these ideas not be propagated beyond the already existing socialist countries. But I repeat, Mr. President, that ideas cannot be stopped. . . . Obviously we will be glad if Communist ideas spread to other countries, just the way you would undoubtedly rejoice at the dissemination of capitalist ideas. However, this depends exclusively on the people themselves.

Result: and, my comment,

Kennedy did not have the intelligence to recognize this as an offer of peace and peaceful co-existence. He, vastly  preferred arming the West with every conceivable weapon, including the massive escalation of the nuclear capability; and, the consistent continuation, of the COLD WAR.

This is precisely the very same identical current attitude of the British Government, and, the entire right-wing dominated British Press and Media, towards RUSSIA, today

It is also very important to note the wild arrogant declaration of United States Secretary of State, HENRY KISSINGER; when he declared that,

 "We will not tolerate Communism in our Hemisphere".

America, claiming, it owns 'half of the world.'.

Gordon J Sheppard

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