Saturday, June 10, 2017

The, "RULE OF LAW" in respect to GENERAL ELECTIONS...

General Elections & The Corruption of,

Coalition Governments…


Leaders of Political Parties have the perfect right in Parliament to enter into discussions or any arrangement with the ‘Leaders’ of any other political party in parliament, in order, to improve their own political party objectives; or gain support; for any of that party’s policies.

However, it is wholly unlawful, for the leaders, of any political party in parliament, to create and form ‘official coalitions’ or collusion between those parties, in order, to, thwart, subvert, corrupt, alter, or obstruct; the, “Wishes of the People”, as declared and determined by the, “People’s Vote”, in General Election.

In the event where the “People’s Vote” in a democratic General Election has determined that, “No political party shall have a majority in Parliament”; then, that is the decision of, “The People”; in that election; and, in ‘LAW’.

This decision of “The People” is thereby, established in ‘LAW’ – It is, “Written in Stone” - and, it never can be changed.

 When “The People” in democratic General Election determine that, “No political party shall have a majority” in parliament; the political party securing the most seats in parliament; is then FREE to govern as a, “MINORITY GOVERNMENT”. But, if this rightful option is refused; then there must be a new and fresh, General Election.
HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, bound by, ‘precedent of law’, to honour the “Original Contract”; requiring the, “Protection of the People”; cannot deny the “Wishes of the People” cast by vote in democratic General Election. Therefore, in such instance, where, “Minority Government”, is refused. She is bound by, duty, to order, the immediate ‘prorogue’ of parliament; and, a new General Election.

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