Tuesday, June 6, 2017




CYBER CRIME - Attacking and hacking into computers is a terrible and wicked crime. It doesn't matter a damn whether the 'hacker' is 'hacking into' the massive IT network of government or the computers of big commercial organisations; or, the ordinary 'personal computers' of the domestic user. Hacking into, computers, threatens consistently; absolutely 'everyone' who owns a computer.


World wide all owners of a computer live daily under the threat that their computer is going to be attacked and 'hacked'; and, in consequence of this threat, they are all forced to pay for 'protection'; in order to combat it.


THERESA MAY, during the period she was the 'Secretary of State for the HOME OFFICE; She was responsible for the prevention and punishment; or all CYBER CRIME.


Yet, during her period, holding this office; entirely for her own 'political vested interests"; she abandoned this DUTY; and, she let a known computer 'hacker'; who actually, admitted his crime; walk out of custody, SCOTT-FREE. 


GARY McKINNON, a young British man, had hacked into the "American National Defence' computers at the PENTAGON in Washington; and during that 'CYBER CRIME' attack, he caused serious damage to those computers; to such an extent; that the engineers responsible for those computers reported, that the, "damage was so severe", that it was, "the worst damage, from the 'hacking' of a computer, that they had ever seen".


The Americans carried out extensive investigations and they finally ascertained that GARY McKINNON had committed that, 'CYBER CRIME'; McKINNON was arrested and charged; and, he then did admit, that he had carried out that crime.


The American's then submitted a 'lawful' request for his extradition; but, THERESA MAY, not only refused this request for extradition; She also, wholly abandoning her DUTY; She let McKINNON walk free. She did not fine him; She did not 'put him on probation'; She did not place him before a BRITISH COURT for sentencing, (bearing in mind that no trial was necessary because he had already admitted the crime); SHE DID NOT PUNISH HIM, AT ALL.


Thus, the question that must be posed is, 'WHY' ?


The answer to that question is abundantly clear. In stark vivid clarity and, 'EVIDENCE', she did this solely to enhance her own political career. SHE ALREADY HAD HER SIGHTS SET UPON THE DOOR OF NUMBER TEN AND BECOMING PRIME MINISTER. This provided her with the opportunity, to begin to seize, that objective.


The 'DAILY MAIL' had mounted and published a massive anti-American "SAVE McKINNON" campaign; asserting, that he should not be extradited to stand trial in the United States because "AMERICAN EXTRADITION LAW" was inferior to "BRITISH EXTRADITION LAW". Corrupt anti-American politicians and many from the, likewise, anti-American, profession of law; all supported this campaign. The 'DAILY MAIL' featured and promoted the campaign every day; and, it quickly secured massive 'public' support.


THERESA MAY, witnessing the massive public support growing daily for this campaign, saw her opportunity to greatly enhance her own political career. By, letting GARY McKINNON walk entirely FREE and not punishing him at all; the 'DAILY MAIL' would thereafter, be wholly indebted to her for supporting their campaign. She, counted upon the 'DAILY MAIL', to continue to support her and, help her, to secure her political objectives.


Ever since that time and date; the 'DAILY MAIL' has fully complied. It has featured and promoted THERESA MAY, in every edition of the paper it publishes. It heavily promotes her, every day.



THERESA MAY asserts that she had to let MCKINNON walk free because his mother and a doctor had submitted a report and evidence to her, alleging, that he was suffering from 'ASPBERGERS' disease and, that if he was extradited to America, that he would kill himself. So, faced with that 'evidence' she claimed that she had no alternative, but to let him go free.


But, this is sheer deceit and garbage! The 'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA' has the most and the best medical facilities in the world; and they would be perfectly capable of treating this disease. Furthermore, the 'AMERICAN JUSTICE SYSTEM', would be perfectly capable of protecting any 'inmate', from committing suicide.




In respect to her and her rotten government's claim that they, "DO PROTECT AGAINST CYBER CRIME"; just consider this:


Another computer 'hacker', LAURIE LOVE, also hacked into American computers; and, a BRITISH HIGH COURT has just agreed that he should be extradited to America to stand trial. But, THERESA MAY and a new HOME SECRETARY has intervened; they have just granted LAURIE LOVE with the 'right' to challenge that, "HIGH COURT RULING"; In, the, "SUPREME COURT"


This how TORIES miserably fail to deal with 'CYBER CRIME' and, properly protect the, COMPUTER USER; from that abuse.



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