Thursday, June 14, 2018

My letter to, SIMON CLARKE MP

Dear Simon Clarke MP

SIR, you are a liar and a deceitful manipulator.

Evidence for the verification of this; is your ludicrous claim and assertion of “FIDELITY” in the, EU WITHDRAWAL BILL, debate in parliament today.


Yet, YOU; subscribe to and comply with the political party WHIPPED votes that have taken place in parliament in all the BREXIT debates and legislation, to date.


When, the political party WHIPS in Parliament are wholly unlawful and have no LEGALITY at all.


The political party WHIPS in Parliament “PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE” and thereby flout and breach the ‘precedent of law’ as determined in the “Statute in Force/Bill of Rights 1689/The Said Rights Claimed”


The WHIPS overrule and supplant the rightful influence placed upon ‘elected’ Members of Parliament; and this is unlawful because it causes the “PREJUDICE OF THE PEOPLE” - This is wholly proscribed, in law, by the “Said Rights Claimed”.


Yet, you bastards, that always proclaim you believe in and uphold the “LAW”; deny my access to a true DEMOCRACY and, you allow and permit the “Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice” by the BRITISH JUDICIARY that rule and assert that the “SUPREMACY OF PARLIAMENT” is ABSOLUTE. When, in truth and reality, it is not ABSOLUTE at all.


The, “SAID RIGHTS CLAIMED” determines, in LAW that Parliament may have and ‘enact’ its SUPREMACY (as afforded to Parliament by 'Article 9') or, Parliament may ‘enact” any of the “PREMISES” of the Bill; but, only upon the conditions that nothing, “OUGHT PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE”


The Said Rights Claimed”:

“And they do Claime Demand and Insist upon all and singular

The Premises as their undoubted Rights and Liberties and that

noe Declarations Judgements Doeings or Proceedings to the

Prejudice of the People, in any of the said Premises, ought in

any wise to be drawne hereafter, into Consequence or 



The political party WHIPS in Parliament do “PREJUDICE THE PEOPLE” and thereby, the WHIPS in Parliament has no “LEGALITY” at all.


Read my book “DEMOCRACY” (you might learn a lot) it’s available in both paperback and Kindle download here:



FYI. Parliament and Government are creating and passing “Acts” “Motions” and “Bills” in Parliament today, in precisely the same manner as ADOLF HITLER and the NAZIS created their own LAW. The, only difference being, that HITLER had the perfect LEGALITY for creating his own LAW. He had been given that authority by the democratic vote of the German “REICHSTAG” (Parliament) by their vote of the 23 March 1933; when they passed HITLER’s, “ENABLING ACT”,  by 441 votes to 94.


Whereas, the political party’s WHIIPED vote in the British Parliament,



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